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Welcome to the Band Zail!


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Hiya Zail and welcome to the Band. Someone will have you added to our userfroups shortly so you can see more of this crazy place soon. In the meantime, post wherever you want and get to know us.


I'm Davrick CG of the Infantry and Horn's (the bands XO) assistant (XOA).  Its great to have ya here!

*hands Zail a Guinny*. Official deliciousness of the Infantry. Everyone will try and convince you that their regimental drink is better, but don't you believe them! Cheers and have a great time!


Welcome to the Band Zail! *claps his palm buttons together and watches the two barrels of bandy land next to Zail*  Can't go wrong with a good drink to start partying!


I'm DJ, the Band's RAL (red-arm leader) in charge of the band's laws.


Hi I'm tonnalea, but you can call me Lea. Welcome to the lunatic asylum. :wink:


Come, have drinks. Lots and lots of drinks! And then perhaps Dav will dance for us!


Hi Zail, welcome to the Band!  I'm BFG of the Archers, come visit us on the Range when you get access :)


And while we're waiting, why don't you tell us a little about what brings you to our SG :smile:





And a Bleach fan?  Awesome!


Hey Zail, welcome!!!

Until you have access to the rest of our board take a look around at what you do have access to and get to know everyone here. Here in the Band I'm LG of the Archers regiment and, now that you've had a taste of the stuff the other regiments have to offer, allow me to give you the best drink in the band... The Archers own Flaming Shot.




Welcome to the band Zail!!!


Im Dice CG  (all powerful leader) of the Cavalry.


I suggest you ignore the swill and concentrate on drinking the Bandys us cav will supply.



Passes of a flask of bandy


Don't drink bandy! People use it to clean their socks!


I wouldn't suggest doing this publicly however :wink:


Welcome Zail! I'm Andrej or just simply AJ.


Welcome to the Band, Zail! Davrick already sent you a welcome from me, but sometime before you start, you can also expect another message as well, just letting you know what to expect! Glad to have you here!


Welcome to the Band Zail!  I'm Brid, the Band's UC.  I give out your promotions points, so as always, if you can give me Tom Hiddleston, not a picture, but the actual man, you will get a gazillion points.  *nods*


Hello all,

Thanks for the kind words of welcome.  **Picks up the bandy, and takes a drink**  I'm a little behind on Wheel of Time books (only halfway through The Gathering Storm, but working hard on finishing up the series.  My friend was on the boards and suggested I join.  **Grabs flaming shot, and drinks**


So what do you do for fun around here? Looking forward to good times.



So what do you do for fun around here? Looking forward to good times.


What don't we do is the easier question. *G*



Yeah, if we can't be good, then we just try to be good at it. :wink:




So what do you do for fun around here? Looking forward to good times.


What don't we do is the easier question. *G*



Yeah, if we can't be good, then we just try to be good at it. :wink:


What she said. *ggls*


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