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Hummmm... I love being barefoot, but I'm also pretty apprehensive about getting stung. It's a bit of an oxymoron :P I grew up on a farm running around barefoot and got plenty of history with bees, wasps, plants and the like. Nails too >.> so sometimes I get squeamish about running around, and I never do so unheedingly.


Grass feels sooo gooooood :D


I like being barefoot where I know there won´t be any snakes or broken glass, which leaves out town and forest. So basically in the garden or on the beach. 


I love being barefoot. I hate shoes or anything that doesn't give my toes freedom. I like to sit and lie down on floor too in summers


its too hot here to walk around barefoot (when i say hot, i mean +112 hot), but i still try......

even inside the house?!?


its too hot here to walk around barefoot (when i say hot, i mean +112 hot), but i still try......

even inside the house?!?



wait....people wear shoes inside!!


i go evrywher barefoot, into publicc places and intoo shopoes and everythinng, prety much onlly will put on shoes/sandals if th gruond is freezin in winter or if curent job wants me ti wearr them (thuogh usualy I dont keep such jobss long becuase obviously too ""0civilised") or if th shoppe insissts i put them on (but if I dont wnt to go in there very badlly, I usualy wil just leve if they complin abuot it, taek my money somewher else). Have gone baerfoot my whole life so thir extremly caloused compared to soemone who onl goes baerfoot ocasionaly and unles th object is razor sharpp - basicaly equivlent of scalpel lyin on the gruond, nothing evre punctuers them, as anythng short of taht I feel immediatly and can adjus my stance so that I am standin very lightly on it th brief instance befoer I lift my foot back up, avoidin puncture. Also I cn walk on apprently veryy hot sand or pavment without geting blisters - I onl know it is very hot onlly if soemone els who is not used to bein barefoot is wlakin with me and theyy cant stand to walk on it withh me becuse they say its too hot, becuse to me it just feels very warm. my favuorite surface to walk on is forestt loam, and aftrewards dirt path, as forest loam is veryy sensual experience becuse of diferent surfaces and texture, while dirt path is alwys wonderfully cool and mostlly smooth; lest favuorite surface is manmade lawn becuse it is perfect placee for weeds and Im alergic to one of them such taht I develop litle bumps on my feet if I stepp on one that itch for a few hours but thenn I dont feel them even if they aer still there. 


Id recomend anyone to go baerfoot all th time save wher weather (such as freezin gruond) prohibits it - it apparently improves balannce and postuer and helps prevent hip and back problms later in life as of cuorse you are walkin the way you are meant to walkk insted of walking on unatural platforms, and in many instnces it helps prevent most conditons of the feet causd by bacteria and fungus and virus as shoes aer perfect breding place for said pathogens - dark, enclosed, and moiist. Also it can improve sensory-motor and thruogh proxy cognitive abilities, becuse your utilising the huge abundance of neurons in your feet that were before dormannt or understimulated becuse of alwys wearing shoes, therfore opening up previouslly unused integratin centres in the brain. in that line it maeks you more awaer of your environment - a humuorous exmple of taht, thuogh probaly least vivid, is that whenevre I go into a large retail store, usualy my feet get blackned from walkin aruond awhiel there, so can reasonbly conclude that environmnt is extremly unsanitary, becaus evn walkin in the woods, my feet nevre becoem pitch black, only dusty unles I step in mud. heres a website that doess a decent job of suming up benefits:




Considering It can be over 100 degrees in the summer here I don't go barefoot, even when just walking out to the pool... Though I do often wear flip-flops which is semi-close to barefoot.

  • 1 month later...

I sometimes even go on road barefoot.


I find that hard in the summer, 'specially on hot days when the tarmac's hot...

I tend to stop on the white strips of the zebra-crossings :happy: >.>


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