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Welcome Back to the Band Thorkin!!

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Hey Thorkin!  Welcome back to the Band!  We're always thrilled to have members return.  I"m Brid, the XO of the Band and the Raw Recruit wrangler.  :wink:   I'm not sure which version of the Raw Recruit system you went through, but if you have any questions about it now, please let me know.  My right hand man, (the XO's assistant or XOA) is Davrick.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask us or anyone.  Now be prepared for lots of drinks and welcomes from the rest of us crazies!!  Jea will get your usergroup request sent in and hopefully that will get taken care of ASAP.  Once you can see the Raw Recruit area, sign in there so I know you can see it.


*hands over a brew or two*  Have a blast!!!



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Welcome back Thork! Seems strange- I never quite realised that you weren't in the band. You're everywhere else!

As Dav said, make sure to pay the Infantry a visit, we're very friendly, except when it gets down to brawling... >:)







*drinks the bloody bandy*

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Welcome back to the band!


I remember you saying that you used to be part of best regiment around here aka cavalry...


...so i would have to drag you to cavalry stables before you go anywhere else :biggrin: ...you can go to raw recruits area but then stables, fine?

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Ooh!  I used to!  I haven't been in quite a few years.  Got way too expensive but I am hoping to go this year or next at the latest.  *nods*  What faires do you go to?  Hmmm... the Arthurian Knights  used to have a Ren Faire in the Cav.  That gives me an idea.


As for St. Paddy's day, the food was awesome, but my stomach totally rebelled on me later since I hadn't eaten like that in over 10 months! LOL  How was yours?

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I go very year for my birthday since I was in third grade... I like the rock climbing, jousting, costumes, food, the shops.... one year I got a replica of the Tapestry of Bayeux from one... well at least part of the tapestry...

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Well, I go to the one in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I usually go with my friend Joe and his fiance. It's like Christmas for me

every year. Here's my FB photo with a Centurion helmet:




One year I went as an Aiel and then a Viking (complete with Thor's Hammer and all). :rolleyes:


And don't forget having lunch with an owl:



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That's awesome!  I got my pic holding a red tailed hawk at the Ren out this way.  Love Raptors!


Thor, I love the smile in the helmet picture!  You could be Loki with that mischeivious smile!!!!  :wink:


WoT, I am sooo jealous!

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