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Welcome to the Band Bloody Mat!!

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Hiya Mat (unless you want to be called Bloody ;0) ). I'm Brid, the XO of the Band. I get to be in charge of you during your Raw Recruit time. Which you will find out about once we get you added to the usergroup. In the meantime, join in and post where you can and get to know us. You'll get plenty of drinks and welcomes shortly.


*hands over a drink or 6*


Welcome to the Band Mat!  I'm BFG from the Archers, (the Cav and Infants will be along shortly).  You should come and check out the Range and the Flaming Shot Pub.  Until then have a Flaming Shot, or two, or ten.


this could get confusing if he goes by Mat



Hi Bloody!!  now THATS a name fit for a Sarm!!!!


Im Dice the CG (leader) of the Cavalry!   Hands Bloody a Bandy to drink in welcome


*smacks forehead*. Duh of course it would get confusing. Thanks Dice, I was still 1/2 asleep when I made this post. We've already got ourselves a Mat, so Bloody it shall be or I can call you BMC. Or let us know if you would like to be called something else.




We had a class of 20 in primary schools, with 5 Kellys, 2 of whom had a middle name of Louise, 4 had Anne, and 2 were Smiths...  That was confusing, 2 Mats in the Band, that's easy. 


Hiya Bloody! Or Mat the 2nd...Mat v2?


Mat2. *nodnod*


Welcome Mat2!!!!


I'm BB, LG of the Cavalry AKA the chick in charge of picking on Dice.   ;p


*tosses the new recruit an unending keg of Bandy*


Hehe, those names combined are BMC^2.

'ello there Bloody! Welcome to the chaotic ranks of the Band, to which we have maintained a striking resemblance. Self fulfilling prophecy I guess. I'm Starrik, the LG of the Infantry. For the next month or so, you're going to all all three regiments fighting over you (Infantry, Cavalry and Archers) all trying to get you to join theirs. But I know you'll see the light and find your way over to the incredible Infantry.

Wow, that turned into a speech. *shrug. Hands the RR a Guinny*


What did I say Mat? where the Archers lead :cool: , the Cav and Infants follow  :tongue:


Look another!


Hey there Mat... Bloody.. BMC.. whatever we decide to call you :biggrin:


I'm Andrej, or more simply just AJ (we're fond of nicknames here, you see :wink:) and the LG of the Archers regiment. Enjoy your time as a RR and make sure you spend a little time with each regiment. At least that way no one can complain when you end up with us on the Range as a new permanent resident. Cheers!


*sets down two Flaming Shots and two Car Bombs in front of Mat*


More of those in the Range when you come to visit us :wink:


Welcome to the Band - you should be able to see lots more boards in the next day or so and then the real fun begins! Brid is our main lady for all things recruits so you'll get to know her pretty well. I run this thing this good old place and love it! Nice to have ya here!


*starts shooing everyone away*


I think you've frightened him off..


I promise none of us bite, unless in a brawl, or the horses are out, or we just want to...


Lol, I'll stay with Matty, I think BMC is a good abrev! :wink:


Welcome to Band BMC! Have a Flamin' Shot *lights one and slides it over*


Feel free to pop into any of the Band and regiment pubs as you go exploring! :smile:


:laugh: welcome to the band Bloody Mat!!! *paints the below picture on his back*




feel free to visit the Archers... *is beaten at giving him a flaming shot* :P have some cake, too *gives some cake*


What did I say Mat? where the Archers lead :cool: , the Cav and Infants follow  :tongue:


yeah but its usually cause the archers have done something and we are chasing them to give them a beating....



What did I say Mat? where the Archers lead :cool: , the Cav and Infants follow  :tongue:


yeah but its usually cause the archers have done something and we are chasing them to give them a beating....


what are you talking about... we're all innocent!!!  :rolleyes:


*paints  Dice's back*




That's it. We've done it. We've actually managed to scare someone off before they get access to the private boards. Wow. :p

Karma says he'll either ninja me or post right after this.


grabs Time by the wrist before she can get away



confiscates her paints and brush


*scoffs* what makes you think i need them!!?? :P


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