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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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OK everyone, shameless mafia advertising, you can also sign up for adventure time mafia!!!!  Its a great game, advanced, and it should be tons of fun.  Just click on my siggy!!!!!!


I just want everyone to know that this win belongs to Dap. One of the best played games I've ever witnessed. Totally appropriate that he landed the Indy role.


Great game as always Ithi. You make Turin look really good. :laugh: Thanks for putting it together for us.


And good game Town. You played well, but the way Dap played, it was over Day one.


I just want everyone to know that this win belongs to Dap. One of the best played games I've ever witnessed. Totally appropriate that he landed the Indy role.


Great game as always Ithi. You make Turin look really good. :laugh: Thanks for putting it together for us.


And good game Town. You played well, but the way Dap played, it was over Day one.



modesty will get you everywhere


Shameless advertising, Dresden Files mafia is going on too. My first game I'm modding, and I'm hoping it's going to be good.


Also, Rand, didn't know you did FRC, did it for a couple years in high school.


For those of you who like to see the background shenanigans:


The Mod Tracker: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCgHBsZYgiudHY1dXNneXRUVUFUbnptc2dHWkdSc2c&usp=sharing


The Dead Thread: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/eFPf8dXwsb8x


The Mafia QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/ghCPMQn97LR


There may be the odd non PG13 word. Be aware.



Please feel free to ask questions. Turin will answer for now as it is very late and I need to go to bed.


I hope you all had a good game and thanks again for playing. BT Mafia is the bestest. You all make it truly great.


Thank you guys. That means a lot to me


but this game was a blast. I look forwars to reading the dead thread


warning on the mafia QT, i swear, im pretty sure there is a drunk ra

nt about strip clbs

dont judge me


maw was an unforseen element though


Dammit, Wes, I knew you were mafia. 


No, I lie. I kept going back and forth on you because I've never seen you play like this. 

I am sort of disgusted the way most people let you roll over them. If any player comes throwing WoTs at them, they don't actually go check crap or case back. It's sad. Hats off to you. 


I can't remember much of Mish or Hallia/Snow. So yea. I don't even remember what reads I have on them. 


Weird. That will only take you halfway back. (Referring to my deleted post here) 

You have to tack /p15.1 to get to the first page. 

Page 1 Good Guys QT




Interesting. This works. 

Posts 1 - 601 of Good Guys QT

Posts 602 - 1025 of Good Guys QT


Even if people go reply to it, it should pull you straight to those, so you don't have to keep clicking buttons to load the next page. 
Also, it seems QT only lets you view up to 601 posts at a time. 


Turin that was actually me being incredibly daft, as you know it took me a loooong time to understand the whole ark/staff thing, and it was just when I got the fake staff that I understood that the "swap" was between the two players holding the staff; I thought the staff would be swapped to another player... Heh.


But yeah when I realized I was SO happy nobody picked up on that! lol


Do you know how much it SUCKS trying to look for your name in a QT when every other word ends in "Ed"?!?!?!!?!?!


Also, Dap thought I was the Symp at first? lolz


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