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Halloween mafia game


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This must be a record. Well done, Moon.


Not yet - I've seen 4/4 on Cop findings before. I've been 3/3 as my personal best, but I've seen crazy streaks from Cops.


Either way, Moon is doing a GREAT job.


Bah! http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/69948-there-goes-the-neighborhood-game-thread-game-over-mafia-win/page__hl__%20there%20%20goes%20%20the%20%20neighborhood


Go Scumm!

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You are all standing around the sidewalk deciding which house to go to next. Just as the group decided to try the Yellow house, you hear a cry from JLM “Damn!”


You turn to look at her and there is a gaping hole in the side of her bag. “I just set it down for a few minutes,” she declared, “and when I picked it up again, it ripped open. Examining it, you could see that it had clearly been cut by a knife.


You turned toward the Yellow house and JLM turned to head for home.





JLM, cactus, roleless townie, has been sent home


It is now day 4. With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch. Deadline Tuesday 5PM MST

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I got another rock. :sad:

I do know one thing. Verbal is okay. He doesn't have a knife.

Just some candy.


These were the only two quotes between Lily starting day and saying the hint by an alive player. Basel and Moon can you confirm gift status?

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So, assuming that there were 5 mafia (25% of town) to start and we know that there were more in the top 10 than the bottom 10, that means the other two should be in the 1-10 slots, right? That means we should probably ignore Moon, Rand, peace, Tina, and Krak for now.


JohnSnow and Barm seem a little suspicious to me. I can't remember much about Kathleen or Player per se, Verbals cleanliness is a thing to behold, and Nolder and BaselGill don't seem scummy either.


Thoughts on my logic?

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I got another rock. :sad:

I do know one thing. Verbal is okay. He doesn't have a knife.

Just some candy.


These were the only two quotes between Lily starting day and saying the hint by an alive player. Basel and Moon can you confirm gift status?


Well, I can confirm that I didn't get a gift.

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I got another rock. :sad:

I do know one thing. Verbal is okay. He doesn't have a knife.

Just some candy.


These were the only two quotes between Lily starting day and saying the hint by an alive player. Basel and Moon can you confirm gift status?


Well, I can confirm that I didn't get a gift.


Yeah, Moon got it, she said above. Anyways, we know we can trust her, almost 100% sure, which is a good thing. Moon, I think you should be able to use this power by yourself since obviously the majority won't agree with you since they want to lynch said person. Also, how does the stop lynch work? Does it end day with no lynch or does it clear all votes from that person and prevent them from getting lynched?

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I dont have much to go on until i do another reread but i do have a note that said check basel if despo is scum and visa cersa

thats pretty much all i can contribute untill tomorrow

i dont rememver lily mentioning any other triggers which makes me think it was a one shot role

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