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RandA lThor

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I wanted to see if everyone who came here could say something good about the opposite faction, genuinely. No Lighties are better for blowing up, or anything like that. I wonder if we are able to do that.


For example, Lighties are great since they are really tainty and spammy due to the lack of protection from the DO, they have a free, nice attitude. Your turn!

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Both are lame cause I haven't joined either yet. Once I make up my mind they will automatically be epically epic epicness.




Shadowies? Lets see. What do I like about Shadowies? Brownies with awesome taintiness. They have stolen all the Guinness and that is my life's blood. They attempt to claim SW as there own. That's cool. *WARNING! SHAMELESS FAWNING* Ithi is frickin awesome and she's a dark'on. If Ithi's here it can't be all THAT bad.


Lighties? They can be a bit defensive IMO but that's cool in it's own anyway. They really DO take the place seriously instead of mindless blather, which I like mindless blather. Though hard to keep up. *WARNING! SHAMELESS FAWNING* Cin is here. Lovin me some Cin. Not ONLY does she have my step-daughter's name!, she's just a cool kat. Makes me giggle.


And I have just come to a realization. I have lost another memory in the bottom of a bottle somewhere again as I cannot recall what Lighties claim to have. Do you have brownies as well? Any call on epic epicness that I can partake of?

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Niel is a Lightie. He is currently running a game called Boggle for us all. That is a very nice thing for him to do. I very much like other people running games :biggrin:


The Shadows are currently running rings around the Light in their excellence at this game also ... just saying. of course that could change if more Lighties went to play it.



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Both are lame cause I haven't joined either yet. Once I make up my mind they will automatically be epically epic epicness.




Shadowies? Lets see. What do I like about Shadowies? Brownies with awesome taintiness. They have stolen all the Guinness and that is my life's blood. They attempt to claim SW as there own. That's cool. *WARNING! SHAMELESS FAWNING* Ithi is frickin awesome and she's a dark'on. If Ithi's here it can't be all THAT bad.


Lighties? They can be a bit defensive IMO but that's cool in it's own anyway. They really DO take the place seriously instead of mindless blather, which I like mindless blather. Though hard to keep up. *WARNING! SHAMELESS FAWNING* Cin is here. Lovin me some Cin. Not ONLY does she have my step-daughter's name!, she's just a cool kat. Makes me giggle.


And I have just come to a realization. I have lost another memory in the bottom of a bottle somewhere again as I cannot recall what Lighties claim to have. Do you have brownies as well? Any call on epic epicness that I can partake of?


Bacon. We have gratuitous, inordinate, exorbitant, superfluous, totally freakin' awesome amounts of that most divine substance hidden away in our fortress. And generous amounts to share. That is our call on epic epicness; we need no brownies nor evil schemes nor any other power however great it may be to rule the world of spam.


We of the Light feel rather strongly about bacon...

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I see through your ruse there Kudaran. You're tryin to get me to go Lightie to have all the Ithi to yourself. Aren't you? ADMIT IT!! *latches onto Ithi's leg* Lets see your plan now! HA!

I'm the one trying to become her Sith apprentice... so far it isn't working.

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we all have brownies, very good ones, mills. you will be well cared for wherever you go, or if you stay where you are. you are loved. and I'll give you the good brownie recipe if you want it, no strings attached. you will never go hungry here. nor thirsty :smile:


some beautiful, wonderful people in the shadow, really very little evil of any kind, some truly amazingly talented folks, some very funny ones, too.


it's a better tower for having two factions, there's more fun, more laughter, more tantrums, more... spam.


just more. more than the sum of its parts.


the shadow rocks.

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What are you doing Kudaran? Kudaran is not of the Light ... he was fortunate enough to be completely corrupted by me.

*sigh* I don't get why you always bring this up, Mistress. It's a complete lie, Mistress! I'm a true Lightie, Mistress, through and through!


I see through your ruse there Kudaran. You're tryin to get me to go Lightie to have all the Ithi to yourself. Aren't you? ADMIT IT!! *latches onto Ithi's leg* Lets see your plan now! HA!


*begins levering Millon with a crowbar*

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