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AMOL Finished. Sanderson's Facebook post.


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Today I got up, and I did not have a Wheel of Time book to work on.


I finished the final revision on A Memory of Light early in the morning Saturday, then sent it off to Team Jordan. And I was done. Team Jordan will handle the copyedits and proofreads; I might have a chime-in now and then on how a passage should be tweaked or how a continuity issue should be addressed, but essentially, my involvement as a writer in the Wheel of Time has come to an end.


Now, that doesn't mean my involvement with Wheel of Time fandom is over. I'll have my appearance at Dragon*Con this year, as well as the tour in January for A Memory of Light. Beyond that, I intend to frequently attend JordanCon and be available to WoT fans for years, even decades, to come. I intend to talk a great deal about the experience of writing these books, perhaps even post some blog entries about the subject.


But the writing is done. I'm still a little in shock about that.


Just about five years ago, I got that fateful call from Harriet. Since that time, I have always had a Wheel of Time book that I needed to be working on. Occasionally I would take breaks, as I did to write The Alloy of Law a couple years ago. However, the knowledge that I soon needed to be back to work on the Wheel of Time was always there.


That work has been my constant companion. For reference, when I got that call, I had only released a couple of books: the second Mistborn novel had come out the month before. I had written others that were awaiting publication—including several Alcatraz books, the last Mistborn book, and Warbreaker. I also had a draft done of The Way of Kings, another done of The Rithmatist, and some preliminary work done on a book called Steelheart.


Yes, I'd written a lot. I still had only a handful of books out in stores. It had been two years since Elantris was released. I was brand new at this.


I still feel brand new. Yet, oddly, I also feel weathered. Finishing the Wheel of Time has been a wonderful experience, but it has also been grueling. I have always respected Robert Jordan, but now I respect him even more—and for a multitude of reasons. One of those is the fact that during most of his career, he was able to release a Wheel of Time book every year or two. That's an awesome amount of work. Doing three books has worn me out.


For five years, whatever I've been doing—whether it be going out to dinner, sitting down to write, or checking my email—I've known that there was more to do on the Wheel of Time. I've known that I gave my word to Harriet and to the fans that I would work hard to get those books out quickly, and I carried a weight of responsibility for the book being split and people being forced to wait years beyond when they expected to get the ending. For five years, I have worked long hours because of those reasons. All the time I could find, I dedicated to the Wheel of Time in one way or another.


And then, today, I did not have a Wheel of Time book to work on.


I've reached the end of the journey and set down my burdens. It's wonderful, relaxing, and solemn all at once. I love the Wheel of Time. It's also great to be done.


And so, today, I officially take a step toward a line. I step away from being pilot of this series, and toward once again being just a fan. I will never cross back over that line—whatever else happens, I will have written three books in this series. I will continue to support and engage with Wheel of Time fandom. However, an ending has arrived for me, and it is time for my attention to be turned elsewhere.


Now I stroll back into my workshop and find that a little bit of dust has gathered. Out of necessity, the Stormlight Archive has been neglected. I am pleased I made the choice to work on A Memory of Light instead of Stormlight 2. However, it is time to pick up that story again and make this series all of the awesome things I've dreamed of it being for some twenty years.


The stories of Mat, Rand, Egwene, and Perrin are now done. Returning to the stories of Kaladin, Shallan, Jasnah, and Dalinar will be my next major project. You'll also see me doing revisions on both The Rithmatist and Steelheart this fall—as I've made arrangements for both to be published next year or the year after. You'll probably hear more about them in the days to come. And yes, I WILL be doing a sequel to The Alloy of Law.


It has been an incredible experience finishing the Wheel of Time. I hope that some of you who were with me on that journey will join me for the Stormlight books, but I want to note that I don't automatically assume that if someone reads the Wheel of Time they will read my other work. I occasionally have someone come through one of my signing lines who feels guilty for "only" having a Wheel of Time book. There is no need to feel guilty for this; I love the Wheel of Time as you do, and we share that. I'm glad you've enjoyed some of my writing, and I feel as close to those books as I do to any I've written. Yes, the Wheel of Time is not mine. But those three books are mine. I love them just as much as any I've worked on.


I look forward to continuing to meet many of you at conventions and signings as the years move forward. Thank you, Wheel of Time fandom, for accepting me in and putting up with my mistakes. (There have been many.) Thank you, Brandon Sanderson fandom, for putting up with my deviations in the Wheel of Time universe. I know it has slowed down you getting your books, but this was something very important for me to do.


Robert Jordan was a great man, and was the single greatest influence on my development as a writer. What I have done these last five years has been an attempt—a sometimes flawed but always earnest attempt—to show my appreciation. This entire genre owes him an enormous debt. My debt to him, and to Harriet, is greatest of all.


Mr. Jordan, may you rest in the Light. Everyone else, take a breath and get ready for the end. May you find his final words as satisfying to read as I did when I first picked them up five years ago. The very last scene is his, touched very little by me, as are significant chunks of the ending at large. I have achieved my goal in writing the books so that they pointed toward this ending he wrote, allowing us to include his words with as little alteration as possible.


Once again, thank you. May you always find water and shade.


Brandon Sanderson

Written July 30th, 2012

Posted August 1st, 2012


That was sincerely and tenderly written. I appreciate very much the work Mr. Sanderson has done on this series and for having taken on this burden for the last leg of the journey.


The Outriggers and Prequels are a huge longshot and I think this post is further indication of that. Think we all owe Brandon a big thanks for stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. In addition I am very happy Team Jordan is taking the proper time for copyedits and proofreads. AMoL should be the best of the three.


The Outriggers and Prequels are a huge longshot and I think this post is further indication of that. Thank we all owe Brandon a big thanks for stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. In addition I am very happy Team Jordan is taking the proper time for copyedits and proofreads. AMoL should be the best of the three.





Also, as much as I'd like some outriggers and prequels, I'm of the opinion that Brandon needs to spend every waking moment of his time working on The Stormlight Archive. The first book has me very excited and I can't wait for the next installment!


The Outriggers and Prequels are a huge longshot and I think this post is further indication of that. Thank we all owe Brandon a big thanks for stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. In addition I am very happy Team Jordan is taking the proper time for copyedits and proofreads. AMoL should be the best of the three.





Also, as much as I'd like some outriggers and prequels, I'm of the opinion that Brandon needs to spend every waking moment of his time working on The Stormlight Archive. The first book has me very excited and I can't wait for the next installment!


I agree. That book is one of the best I've read in years. And by far his best work.




So he's not doing outrigger if there are any. Interesting.


Awesome FB post.


I don't expect outriggers... RJ could have written them, but there's no 'need' and so no need to hire someone to write them.


Yes, a thank you to Brandon for finishing what could have been the biggest cliff-hanger in history. I must admit, I kinda don't want to read AMoL right away, because when I finish well..that's about twenty years of my life that will be.. over so to speak and no more looking forwards to the next book. Will be pretty sad i think.




So he's not doing outrigger if there are any. Interesting.


Awesome FB post.

Now that he is done he wants to continue with his own books. He has his own fan base and several from RJ's that have read his works. It's his turn now, just as ages come and pass, it's a whole new age of writing out there.


I've got to admit that before he did these three books for WoT I had never read any of Brandon's stuff (much to my chagrine now). I'm always reluctant to pick up a new fantasy author as I've been let down a large number of times, so when I found out Brandon was going to be doing the end of WoT I decided to read some of his other stuff. I've since read everything he has published. I especially can't wait for Stormlight 2. Way of Kings was such an amazing book. As much as I'd love to see the outriggers and prequels for WoT, I'm just as excited (if not more so) for more Stormlight.


The Outriggers and Prequels are a huge longshot and I think this post is further indication of that. Think we all owe Brandon a big thanks for stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. In addition I am very happy Team Jordan is taking the proper time for copyedits and proofreads. AMoL should be the best of the three.


Well said Suttree.


Rather than finding someone to write the Outriggers and Prequels, I would prefer if they would publish the entirety of RJ's notes on the WoT, completely unvarnished....well, maybe categorized or something. After seeing his background notes on Cadsuane, I really want to see his notes for many other characters, notably, Tam al'Thor.


I'm more disappointed in the lack of prequels. With the outriggers there will always be a sense of why didn't mat bring blah or have someone travel to get person x who has the skill needed for this situation. They would be good reads but would bring more questions than we would like


There is always a small hope that they will be done, just that Brandon will not be doing them. He doesn't want to be tied up another 5-7 years working on prequels and outriggers between his own books. Brandon is a somebody now. Perhaps it is all the grief he received about not writing characters the right way, or for his different voice. There is always the option of hiring a Ghost Writer for the same voice and sense of RJ in the books. If a movie does indeed ever get made, you can expect a re-release of all the books with movie-format covers, and perhaps there will be the interest/potential profit that will drive TOR to publish more WOT related materials in addition to the encyclopedia. In the Encyclopedia we should find much from RJ's notes, especially on RAFO things that don't get tied up as has been already said by Team Jordan. Knowing that Mat and Tuon survive to return to Seanchan...epic. Reading about it in an outrigger...priceless.


There is no hope. I am very sorry, but I can confirm this. The outriggers and prequels will not occur, though much of the information that would have been in them will be included in the Encyclopedia.


Brandon has moved on from the Wheel.


Good for Brandon, I think it was the whining and complaining he got from the forums. As was said he's a somebody now(with nicer fans I think)


This post is ridiculous on so many levels. First off the assertion that he would turn down writing the prequels and outriggers(which they have decided not to do in accordance with RJ's wishes, so the point is moot) because a certain portion of the fandom was critiquing his work is patently false. Secondly putting forth literary critique as "whining and complaining" is not only absurd but offensive. Pushing Brandon to continue evolving and become a better author is the utmost form of respect. I guess people are not allowed to express an informed opinion on art anymore. :rolleyes:


Robert Jordan was very much against any type of "shared world" scenario. He was the creator and we should count ourselves lucky that he changed his mind towards the end in allowing the WoT to be finished. The bottom line in regards to Brandon is he has the beginnings of a successful career writing stories set in his own worlds. I for one don't blame him in the slightest for wanting to get on with that.


Secondly putting forth literary critique as "whining and complaining" is not only absurd but offensive. Pushing Brandon to continue evolving and become a better author is the utmost form of respect. I guess people are not allowed to express an informed opinion on art anymore. :rolleyes:

You have to admit that: 1. Some of it was whining and complaining, and 2. The description better writer is very subjective and many people were pushing him to be more like RJ. While you and i might prefer RJ's work to BS's, it does not mean that he would be a better writer if he made those changes. To some of us he would be, and to others he wouldn't be.


Secondly putting forth literary critique as "whining and complaining" is not only absurd but offensive. Pushing Brandon to continue evolving and become a better author is the utmost form of respect. I guess people are not allowed to express an informed opinion on art anymore. :rolleyes:

You have to admit that: 1. Some of it was whining and complaining, and 2. The description better writer is very subjective and many people were pushing him to be more like RJ. While you and i might prefer RJ's work to BS's, it does not mean that he would be a better writer if he made those changes. To some of us he would be, and to others he wouldn't be.


1. He was almost universally praised when TGS came out. The criticism has evolved over time and the closest thing I can think that would fall under complaining is the people who came down very hard on him getting Mat wrong. I actually would be interested in seeing some posts that you are basing that statement on. Outside of a couple trolls that has not been the case at all in my experience here at DM or at Theoryland.


2. It has nothing to do with being more like RJ. You have been involved in threads where the topic has been discussed in great detail so I know you understand that. The types of changes most have been pushing for deal with shortcomings in prose, polish, characterization, and plot work. Changes in those areas would undoubtedly make him a better writer and he would continue to grow from the promise shown in Mistborn. In essence most don't want BS to be more like RJ. They want BS to the best BS he can be.


"The stories of Mat, Rand, Egwene, and Perrin are now done."



Man. When I read that, I got hit by this huge sense of finality. Even though I've known that the last book will be out soon and the series will be over for a while now, I still can't quite believe it.


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