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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I'm having a hard time seeing any sort of link between me and Despo, too.

I'm having a hard time seeing where this came from.

Or, and this one is a long shot, you are mafia trying to spread wifom or a town who has no idea what is going on. :rolleyes:

I suspect there may be more symps/mixed teams, so I think this may be plausible. Looks like you know I will flip town, and are prepping another lynch for when I do.

FoS: Darthe (again)

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Guys, this is settled easily. There was a link for a short time when Tress speculated that Despo reflected the kill back. Despo didn't do anything to deny that but really couldn't know if that is what happened.


Later the scene was broken down more and it looks like Link actually made the kill. With that being the case it is more likely that Despo reflected a recruit attempt and not a kill attempt. Therefore Despo is no longer linked to Jon who also claimed a vig attempt.


Before the scene was broken down it was either Jon or Despo lying. Now that it was determined that Link made the kill the two of them could both be telling the truth and therefore are no longer linked.


Jon is not cleared. Despo is not cleared. But ones flip has no bearing on the others.

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I may have missed some of them. I think this is right mostly.


David-Tress: COP

Dice-Tiink: DOC


Nya-Womby: VIG

Darthe-AndrewLee: power up?

Despo-Lenlo: Mirror

Lily-EP: Power Absorber(now ???)

JonSnow-Basel: ExtrtaVoter(now VC)

Nolder-Niel: Lightning Bolt



Moon-Peace: ???


AJ-Rand: Mafia Recruiters




It's not David's pretty one, but I believe it is accurate

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Oh, and Nolder in the morning. He is virtually self admitted mafia. I was susss of nya but since the vig killed mafia last night I am backing off that.


I think an action breakdown might be helpful now too.


I agree about Nolder.


What do you mean, an action breakdown?

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Guys, this is settled easily. There was a link for a short time when Tress speculated that Despo reflected the kill back. Despo didn't do anything to deny that but really couldn't know if that is what happened.


Later the scene was broken down more and it looks like Link actually made the kill. With that being the case it is more likely that Despo reflected a recruit attempt and not a kill attempt. Therefore Despo is no longer linked to Jon who also claimed a vig attempt.


Before the scene was broken down it was either Jon or Despo lying. Now that it was determined that Link made the kill the two of them could both be telling the truth and therefore are no longer linked.


Jon is not cleared. Despo is not cleared. But ones flip has no bearing on the others.


This is why I mentioned the Despo/John thing again. See, Mario was mentioned as having to do with Bowsers death but I had minimal influence. Just a regular vote like everyone else. However, tht makes me question of link is indeed the killer of ganondorf or if that was just flavor. The scene makes clear that John had something to do with it though. So if this is all true it may be that John is being honest which puts suspicion right back on Despo and also on Nyas team.

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Did you not read that Darthe? How does John being the one who killed Gannon have anything to do with Despo? Again I think your just trying to spread wifom and are grasping at straws to save your scummate nolder come morn.

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Did you not read that Darthe? How does John being the one who killed Gannon have anything to do with Despo? Again I think your just trying to spread wifom and are grasping at straws to save your scummate nolder come morn.


Where did Nolder come from? My thoughts are purely speculative on the nature of the game based on these scenes. I pointed out in one sentence that if the speculation is accurate (which, may I add, is speculation based in other peoples reasoning and so not groundless as you all seemed to accept that) then these certain players may warrant attention. Arguing with that is folly unless you KNOW their alignment? There is no more simplistic, honest, or straightforward way to say these things. They are not WIFOM or meant as anything other than an aid to the town. After all, I wouldn't say it if I didn't consider it valid. I am honestly amazed that one sentence of my post has garnered this much attention while the rest has been left untouched. However, if you all would like to lynch me then reconsider my statements once you know my alignment for sure I do not mind. As a matter of fact, I'll simply regenerate (assuming Andrew uses the 1up on me) and be immune to NK's so I could care less.

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Besides, I believe the Cop already Vetted me when I was still Kathleen, didn't he?


Which makes you a perfect candidate for a recruitment. Wasn't there one since you were vetted? I'm not accusing you, just pointing this out.

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That's a trippy avatar, Nya. It confused me. Darthe's WIFOM is making him a prime suspect on my list, plus we know that if he flips town Andrew can just resurrect him. Simplicity itself. We should lynch him tomorrow.

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That's a trippy avatar, Nya. It confused me. Darthe's WIFOM is making him a prime suspect on my list, plus we know that if he flips town Andrew can just resurrect him. Simplicity itself. We should lynch him tomorrow.




So suggests the Roleblocker.

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