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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Dice, the way you play this with Doc and Cop revealed is simple. Flip a coin. If it's heads protect yourself. If it's tails, protect David. Don't tell anyone who you are protecting. This way, if the mafia want to kill you or David, they have to take a 50% chance that their kill fails. If they have a roleblocker, then you are screwed anyways.

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I have given very specific information about my mason team. But that is clearly not enough. Ok, the power role my mason team has is cop. We viewed kathleen, and she came up as town. So, that means Moon is Town as she has replaced Kathleen.


(I have just realised that there is always the possibilty that we viewed a godfather, but the chances of that are slim.)


So, Moon can vouch for the truth of my words.

1. Why in the world are you claiming? Kat/Moon was nowhere near being lynched. You're scum and you're cop fishing.

2. Why in the world would you investigate Kat/Moon in the first place? She wasn't suspicious at all in my book and even if she was there were much much better targets.

3. AND you're trying to act like the person you investigated can vouch for you? How would SHE even know you're telling the truth in the first place? Terrible reveal and poor attempt at cop fishing.



Vote David


Btw, you do not lynch an uncountered cop claim.

You do when they're this scummy. You his mafpartner?

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unvote vote no lynch


That may be extra. Just woke up to the reveal news.


I don't like this but best of several bad options.



Note to mods: I got called out to do a long trip this weekend and do not know how available I will be. I will try to keep up. Back Monday I think and hopefully will geta day or two off.

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I cannot vouch for the "cop" team as I do not know if I was visited or not.

That being said, this doesn't remove suspicion.


I am town, I do have a partner. I'm not revealing that partner, because it's not my place.


I think (though I'm sure we've figured this out) that most of the town is actually on a Mason Team based on their character type.

I'm going to have to go back and look over the statements *again* but, that is how it looks to me at this time.


Now, as far as scum, I don't know who is pinging scummiest to me right now.

Pushing for a no lynch does not seem to be beneficial to town, as mafia can still attack overnight while we lose a chance to get one of them.

This all being said, so many


The want to lynch an un-counterclaimed cop (or Doc) is a little scummy and suspect.


this being said, I have no idea who i'm voting for.

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Nold it wasn't wasted at all. We have, for now, two un-CCed power roles ((a cop and a doc)) neither of which we should lynch until we get better evidence.


We also see who still wanted to lunch an un-CCed doc or cop. I still say Razen is the way to go tomorrow.

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Nold it wasn't wasted at all. We have, for now, two un-CCed power roles ((a cop and a doc)) neither of which we should lynch until we get better evidence.


We also see who still wanted to lunch an un-CCed doc or cop. I still say Razen is the way to go tomorrow.

I strongly believe that uncc'd cop is fake


I don't know what evidence you're expecting to get except more fake reports

thing about how you play cop

you don't out your innocent viewings but David did that in his freaking reveal trying to get Moon to vet him

If he's the cop he's playing exactly opposite of how he should be playing

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Well this is interesting to wake up to. The whole no lynch train makes no sense to me at all. We've got players that were willing to vote for an un-CC'ed cop and doc, and yet it's way off past hammer territory in no-lynch land.


Unvote, Vote No Lynch


I don't really see any other good candidates for a lynch today, and we really don't have much time to sort it out anyways

And there you are

Majorly disappointed in you Des


Didn't Des say a few pages ago that he agreed with Lenlo and thought that I should have been looked at more closely? I saw him vote and unvote me after this whole reveal thing from David. And then he decided no lynch was the best option after Dice revealed. Given how quickly the no lynch bandwagon took off and how many votes it accrued in such a short time that it would have been completely possible to move around and look at people a lot more than was done. I've seen lynches happen in less time.

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Well this is interesting to wake up to. The whole no lynch train makes no sense to me at all. We've got players that were willing to vote for an un-CC'ed cop and doc, and yet it's way off past hammer territory in no-lynch land.


Unvote, Vote No Lynch


I don't really see any other good candidates for a lynch today, and we really don't have much time to sort it out anyways

And there you are

Majorly disappointed in you Des


Didn't Des say a few pages ago that he agreed with Lenlo and thought that I should have been looked at more closely? I saw him vote and unvote me after this whole reveal thing from David. And then he decided no lynch was the best option after Dice revealed. Given how quickly the no lynch bandwagon took off and how many votes it accrued in such a short time that it would have been completely possible to move around and look at people a lot more than was done. I've seen lynches happen in less time.


It'd be too risky, imo. Especially since there isn't a really good candidate for a lynch at this time.

Sure, despo is convinced you are scum, but I don't think too many other people are.

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Official Vote Count


No Lynch (15): Despo, Rand, Tress, Andrew, David, Dice, Alanna, Darthe, Basel, Anonymous, Wombat, Lenlo, Nyanna, Turin, John

David (2): Ironeyes, Nolder

Dice(1): Lily,

Lenlo(1): Razen


Not Voting (4): Arez, Moon, Peace, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.


That's a No Lynch!

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