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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Why are you trying to discredit Des but make no mention of me?

I practically derailed her lynch I think

I was already suspicious of you. Despo is just rising in suspicion so I noted it.


What did town gain from her quoting EP, if that is what happened?


I never said town gained from it. In fact, I still don't think it was a very good move, and to me it strikes me as outside the spirit of the game. She didn't even ask first, if town would want to hear his thoughts before posting them. Just because he flipped town doesn't mean he knew who the scum team was. I know for a fact that he was wrong, because I was on his list. It just seems like when a player's dead, he's dead. That's it, and he can no longer influence the game. All his thoughts that have come out post-mortem have if anything kinda derailed the scumhunt, imo.


But that doesn't mean Lily is scum. I think it's more likely that she is telling the truth, and was EP's mason partner. The point of this game is to take out anti-town players, not just lynch people who make anti-town moves


There cannot be this many mason teams in the game can there?


I would say it's very likely that some of those that are claiming mason might not be telling the truth and are simply trying to ride the coattails of the mason thing to try and clear themselves. If you think about it, revealed mason teammates hardly ever die early in the game, because it gives town a verified player. So they could ride the mason claim till endgame, saying the mafia team just wasn't targeting them when they in fact were part of the mafia team.


I don't want to say yet whose mason claims are more suspect, as we have a better chance of finding their teammates if we let them show their support for one or the other.


I do not doubt that, and honestly I am beginning to buy Lilys claim now that others have come out, but the Basel/Jon combo and Turin I am all suspect of. Turin, if you reveal your partner I will reveal mine (if he approves).


I do think it's a good idea to turn all the semi-soft claims into hard claims and get all the teammates established. It's only more info that can help town find out where the scum trail is.

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Really David? You cant make up a name that has something to do with Smash Bro's? That just looks like your trying to appear town by popping off her train at the best reason you could find.


Your the way to go today.

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how many masons can there be?? Mario and Luigi now Turin and Nyanna... shakes head


Well i dont rewally believe her so vote lily

I was rereading from lily's post onwards, and I have to say as soon as I read this, I felt that it was a bit off. So vote Dice.


Now, I have 6 votes on me, and we are running out of time. So I have to reveal. I'm also in a mason team. My character is Lucas and my partner's character is Ness, and our Mason qt is called the Earthbound Masons. If you lynch me the town would lose a useful role.

So, don't lymch me, but I don't think we should lynch lily as now I strongly feel that she is town.

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Really David? You cant make up a name that has something to do with Smash Bro's? That just looks like your trying to appear town by popping off her train at the best reason you could find.


Your the way to go today.

Still haven't looked at Davids case but I will say I doubt Lily could make that up without really researching

No offense but she's...older and I doubt she has much knowledge of smash brothers cannon and/or most of the cannon from respective series the characters come from

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Official Vote Count


David (6): John, Lily, Ironeyes, Wombat, Lenlo, Andrew,

Lily(5): Darthe, Basel, Rand, Dice, Turin,

Dice(3): Nyanna, Nolder, David

Ironeyes(1): Tress

Lenlo(1): Razen

Razen (1): Despo


*David voted and unvoted Lily


Not Voting (4): Arez, Alanna, Kathleen, Peace, Tiinker


With 21 alive and active it takes 11 to Lynch.


Deadline Friday @ Noon CT



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Google is a thing Nold. Google is a thing.


But good point on the cannon. I love the game but I still know next to nothing of the lore or story or worlds.


Here's what convinces me: a few pages back (I can find the quote if you guys really want it), she knew (or got really lucky in guessing) there were multiple mason teams.

She said something to the effect of: What's your QT called? I'm guessing it's not SSB Mason Team.

I'm assuming that's what the normal Mason QT is called. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think she's a real mason.

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I need to correct what I said earlier. I was wrong. EP can continue to post in the QT, but I can only speak for him with what he said before he died.


I'm frankly surprised that so many of you believe that I wrote that WoT, knowing how much I hate them. Darthe, look at the title of your QT. I could tell just by reading mine that there was more than one mason team. Does it say Smash Bros. Masons or something more specific?


Here's that quote


If she was scum, she wouldn't have known that there multiple mason teams. Besides her, the only other team that had claimed was Darthe.

So, again, either a lucky guess or she's for real.

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I don't want to name my partner because the power role only works when both of us are alive, and the doctor can't protect two players at once.




you just convinced me u are scum

I don't want to take the risk, and give the mafia more ammo than they need. Especially when the power role depends on both of us being alive

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Google is a thing Nold. Google is a thing.


But good point on the cannon. I love the game but I still know next to nothing of the lore or story or worlds.


Here's what convinces me: a few pages back (I can find the quote if you guys really want it), she knew (or got really lucky in guessing) there were multiple mason teams.

She said something to the effect of: What's your QT called? I'm guessing it's not SSB Mason Team.

I'm assuming that's what the normal Mason QT is called. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think she's a real mason.


All right. Unvote. I've been picking up pings from David, notably with what he had to say after EP died, but also with the unwillingness to reveal his partner. Could it be that all the scum have already claimed mason and he has no one left to pass off as a partner? Vote David.

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We also need someone who's a little better at organizing than me to list all the mason claims and such.


So far I got:


Darthe - claimed Mario, mason with Luigi


Turin - claimed mason


Basel/John - Basel claimed to be on a team with John (altho he didn't exactly specifiy that it was a mason team, hmm.... worried about a LD much?). John hasn't come out and verified


Lily - claimed mason with EP as her dead partner


Am I leaving anyone off?


This is my attempt to organize it. I have a mason partner as well, so I've added myself to the list.


Pokemon Mason Team?: (I'm assuming that Niel probably had someone he could talk to, as most people it seems do have a small mason team)

Niel - Pikachu (confirmed as Pikachu, mason status unknown)

Possible unknown partner


Mario Mason Team:

Darthe - Mario

? - Luigi


Dreamland Mason Team:

EP - Meta-Knight (deceased & confirmed - the Meta-Knight part anyway, mason status undetermined)

Lily - ?


Unknown Mason Team:

Turin - ?

Unknown partner


Another Unknown Mason Team:

Basel - ?

John - ?


Yet Another Unknown Mason Team:

David - ?

Unknown partner


Still Another Unknown Mason Team:

Razen - ?

Unknown partner


Players unaccounted for on any Mason team at this point:















This is just how I have it laid out right now in my notes. I know who my mason partner is, but I'm not going to reveal them unless they want me to or they choose to do it themselves. And I do have ideas as to who goes where based on actions, but it's speculation, and I'm just laying out what I've seen so far up to this point that people have admitted to themselves.

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