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Why Didn't Moridin Destroy the Pattern?

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I've been struggling with this question for a while. Assuming the Dark One's ultimate goal is to destroy the Pattern and knowing that Moridin eagerly awaits this end (he laughs joyfully when he tells Rand that this is the Dark One's goal in Chapter 15, I believe, of TGS), why doesn't the Dark One give Moridin access to enough True Power to unravel the Pattern? If Rand can draw enough One Power through the Choedan Kal to do this and, theoretically the amount of True Power is approximately equivalent to that of the One Power and the only limit to how much one can draw is what the Dark One allows, I see no real reason why this would not have happened already. Could anyone help? Thanks :aessedai:


P.S. I am a first time poster, so feel free to criticize whatever you all will. Thanks again! :happy:


You can't channel much more with the TP than you can with the OP. It only feels more, since it's more addictive and so on. Both Jordan and Sanderson have said things to that effect.


Of course, he could still use Balefire, but maybe he has? Or, maybe he does not use it (much), since that would make the other darksiders side against him?


@Nightstrike So the amount of TP you can channel is limited by the amount of OP you can channel unaided and what the DO gives? Then how did Ishy stand up to Rand w/ Callandor in Tear?


ooof, now you're asking.

I'll direct you to this thread.

The only answer left is that there is more to it than just destroying the pattern.

See my post #32 in particular, the question you ask is the same.

I've yet to hear (or come up with) a satisfactory answer to your question.


moridin is human dude. The dark one can give him all the TP he needs but at the end of the day it's moridin who has to channel it.


There's only so much you can channel with the one power or the true power before you burn yourself out or worse.


Rand had the choedan kal. Give moridin the kal and he would have finished everything


@Nightstrike So the amount of TP you can channel is limited by the amount of OP you can channel unaided and what the DO gives? Then how did Ishy stand up to Rand w/ Callandor in Tear?

Ishy can't channel any more however much the DO gives him. He's still limited by his strength in the OP/TP. Ishy fought a Rand that hadn't reached his potential and who hadn't learned all that much about channeling. Callandor can't even be used proberly unless used by people in a circle, so that was probably lucky for Rand.

What Elan Tedronai point is more about control than power , the Choeden Kal was unusable unless you have the miniature Ter'angreal, and I don't think the "TP" could destroy the pattern .

Pure raw power(Tp) will be met by pure raw power of either side of the One power if not both .

More to the point the Do is not free , he as much effect to the world , weather ,dead walking , roting , yes , but he still is "bound" .

Don't forget that the Tp is the essence of the Do , while the Op is the force that move the wheel , might it be a stretch but I think the Op is the essence of the pattern while the creator might be something else , In ToM Nynaeve may have a glimpse at that .

And I don't think The Do would trust that much power into the hand of his minion ,not even Morridin even if he was capable .


It's about style. Manipulating the Dragon to win the game multiplies the winner's point total THREE times. The Dark One is way behind the Creator in points, so he needs to win big or go home.


It's like going for a field goal or a two point conversion in American football. Kind of. He needs the extra points.


Time is a wheel. What is "past" is also "future" and what is "future" is merely "past" swinging around to hit you again.


Moridin is merely a hamster turning that wheel. Moridin can not destroy the wheel, because he would destroy himself not only for all futures but for all pasts as well.


In circular time Moridin would destroy himself before he was born. And if he is never born, he can't destroy anything.


What Moridin can do is change the direction of the wheel, knock it off its axle, and turn circular time into linear time. THEN he can successfully destroy himself.


Just a couple of thoughts on this subject:


1. Though it's never been confirmed in the books, RJ and BS have suggested that your limit of True Power is similar to your limit in challenging the One Power. The Dark One has never shown an ability to enhance the "power" of his chanellers in terms of the amount they can channel. It has also been suggested on occasion that the DO does have some limits in terms of what it (he? she?) can and cannot do. I don't think he can hand anyone the DO powers and say go get 'em.


2. If Moridin had designs on doing this, Rand would just come jack him up anyway. :P I'm going off on a tangent here, but even an entirely raw Rand was able to hand Ishy his butt in book 2; therefore, I see no reason to think there will be any difference in the result of a direct confrontation in aMoL. Moridin is the undercard. I also believe Moridin will have a change of heart. There's been a lot of foreshadowing on that point, and Moridin is clearly the most intelligent and contemplative of the Forsaken. His reasons for turning to the dark were related to jealousy anyway. He may have matured past that.


@Nightstrike So the amount of TP you can channel is limited by the amount of OP you can channel unaided and what the DO gives? Then how did Ishy stand up to Rand w/ Callandor in Tear?




I don't understand why Team Dark didn't try to more aggressively acquire the Chodean Kal access ter'angreal after Rand made it abundantly clear he possessed 'em when he cleansed Saidin. From that point on, the plan appeared to be to psychologically torment/manipulate Rand into using the Kal to unravel the Pattern, and there seems to be no reason Moridin couldn't have done that if he just possessed the Kal. Veins of Gold appears to be the true climax to the issue, Rand says it himself, the time when the Shadow could win outright has passed, now it's just a matter of determining how badly the Shadow loses. And the Dark Forces passed up several opportunities to steal the access ter'angreal, the most recent being Semirhage, but numerous other darkfriends have been in close enough proximity to Rand to pickpocket the thing away.


Manipulating Rand into doing it seems a weak plan with a large risk of failure. It just doesn't make any sense when Moridin would have been happy to do it.


I don't understand why Team Dark didn't try to more aggressively acquire the Chodean Kal access ter'angreal after Rand made it abundantly clear he possessed 'em when he cleansed Saidin.

They knew he possessed them before then; Cyndane told them. That's why Moridin's orders to Kisman were "Kill him if you must, but above all bring everything in his possession to me.'


i think the dark one wants to break the pattern with rand only.no matter what his foresaken sheep think.they seem to all live in there own little worlds.


couple deets


Shortly after everyone knew Rand had chodan kal, they were so terrified to face him because they knew he could swat them down so easily even if they all came at him at once. They were terrified at the cleansing and he wasn't even using CK to battle them. They are selfish and self serving... self preserving...


Ishy/Mordy said that he joined DO so that he could be king for the short period of time before the world unravels. So he wouldnt if he could destroy the world. Both sides stopped using balefire in the AoL's war.


Ishy's motives are as ineffable as the GLoD though they may not be quite the same. He's the only Chosen who isn't there out of jealousy, or to fed his base appetites, or the desire to live and rule forever.


I dont think the Dark One can grant someone enough TP usage to destroy the Pattern singlehandedly. Plus, even if he could, even at his likely top end power level, damaging the Pattern deliberately would be EASY to defend against. Have to remember, the Wheel has a form of intelligence as RJ said, it can respond to stuff and often has done before the stuff has even happened, that is precisely why the Dark One is still imprisoned. Every single person, object and thing that has a thread can be used by the Wheel to retalliate. So if Moridin were to walk around balefiring stuff SOMETHING would stop him before he caused too much damage. The plan is, to get the Lights own Champion to do the damage, because the Wheel already made that guy "unstoppable"


As with all questions about power/power levels in this story, the answer is "they don't call him the Dragon for nothin'."


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