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What are you thankful for?


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This weekend Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving. One of my family's traditions is going around the dinner table and saying what you are thankful for. Usually, my answer is "The First Amendment and indoor plumbing". I'm actually very serious about that, but it sounds funny.


Anyways, I'm going to try to think of some additional things to be thankful for. While I'm doing that, why don't you post a few of your own?

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I am thankful for my family, all my wonderful friends here and at DM, and for all the love I receive and give throughout the year.


I'm also thankful for these modern comforts in my life:



the internet


Indoor plumbing (good call Mother) ;)






Social Security

microwave ovens

and finally the Printing press without with we not have the wonders of the WoT. :D

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I am thankful for the things I took for granted until the past two years... so this is more a list of things I wish I'd been more thankful for.


1. My Mom. Laundry, cooking, just being there for you when you are really sick or injured, and for just plaing being Mom.

2. My Dad. Pays the rent, other bills, someone to see a movie with... who PAYS for the movie.. just being there.

3. REAL food and not Constipating MRE's. A guy I knew died as a result of severe constipation brought on from MRE's.

4. Indoor plumbing. Enough said.

5. Sleeping in until even as late as 7 every day.

6. Not shaving when I don't feel like it.


And right now I am thankful for...

7. My parents

8. Friends who are there for me

9. Friends who need me to be there for them

10. My kids in my youth group

11. Kings Buffet

12. Having my own apartment

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I have a ton to be thankful for...


~My parents...they're amazing. They really are. And they spoil me. :D

~My little brother who's absolutely adorable, even if I don't like to admit it too often.

~My friends. I have the best friends anybody could ask for.

~All you wonderful people here. 'nuff said. :D

~Band. That's the highlight of my life. It's hardly a class.

~My teachers that actually care about how I'm doing and will listen to me rant about stupidity.

~The gifts that God has given me.


And I'm sure there's a bunch more, but I'm thankful for bedtime.

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1.) My family and cats

2.) My friends, both online and offline

3.) My talents

4.) The fact that I will have no loans to pay back or debt after school, thanks to the kindness and foresight of my grandparents and parents.

5.) Being able to live with my parents while I complete graduate school so I can save money.

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I am thankful for:


-My family

-My Friends..both on DM and in RL

-Being able to meet so many DMers in RL

-My wonderful Boyfriend,Mike, aka Staffy who I love

-My job, which works so well around my school

-That I'm graduating with my BA this year

-That my roommates aren't bad this year

-That I have a running car

-That God has blessed me with so much

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oh, I have some things to be grateful for!


1. what I've got left of my family

2. new friends here at DM! you are all wonderful!

3. my bf. he's the sweetest guy in the whole world!

4. my friends in RL that lets me be as geeky as I want to!

5. all the new people I've met through being active in studentpolitics. they are so talented!

6. I'm grateful that I finally found Kingdom Hearts II!

7. and I'm grateful for my bf saying it was ok for me to quit my job and be a full time student!



and Im sure I will think of something else later!

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I'm going to totally cheat, since I already started my list on my LJ. LOL


1- my family. Because they're there, wanting me to come home for holidays and missing me when I can't make it.


2- my online family. Because even if I haven't adopted you, I consider you my family. You're there for me when no one else is and you catch me when my life is hinging on falling apart. Sometimes you don't even know you did it. But I do. and I'm always grateful for it.


3- my online responsibilities. Because without them, I wouldn't have a reason to show up and I'd spend more time by myself, doing what I really don't need to be doing.


4- my job. I have one. It pays more than the last one.


5- my new house. my car. Dana's job. Because these are all that have separated me from the baby I've craved for 4 years and now, I have them all.

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*sighs* This is a good thing for me right now!


1. My family, I am very blessed to have a great family both IRL and on the net


2. My house, I have a lovely house that is such a blessing


3. Food, lots of people don't have any and so I am thankful we do!


4. My car, I love it, it's green and it runs.


5. Losing 176 lbs to date, big thing to be thankful for


6. My heated bed pad, *purrs*

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1 - My support system (ie - RL & online family and friends)


2 - My co-workers, whom are almost family to me


3 - My fellow ELKs


4 - Being born into the life I live


5 - Having a place to go to commune with Nature where I don't have to smell man's destruction of the earth


6 - (I'm gonna be more specific here) Hot water! Indoor plumbing is great, but without the hot water heater I'd rather bathe in the rain.


I'll be back with more later...

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Things I’m thankful for . . .


1. God, for without Him, nothing is possible.

2. My family, for without them, I’m a lesser person. They make my life complete.

3. My job. While it’s not always “the bee’s knees†it pays the bills and keeps a roof over our head and allows us to provide for our children and their future.

4. Discovering a supplement that has helped my oldest son (he will be 9 in January) with his OCD and anxiety - no OCD episodes since he's started taking MonaVie! They were getting really bad and I was really worried about him but he's doing SOOOOO good now. Even his therapist and teachers have commented on the change they've seen in him. He handles frustration much better (a big issue for him as he's VERY easily frustrated), outbursts have seriously diminished, and rituals have all but stopped (one minor one remains but is sporadic and so inconsequential compared to the others he used to have that I'm practically dancing in the streets in joy).

5. My horses. They’re a lifelong dream and while they’ve had to take a back seat lately, they are still a vital part of who and what I am.

6. The house we live in. It’s no palace and has been a work in progress for 13 years but it’s been a blessing to us in countless ways.

7. Being debt-free (until we start building a house next year!)

8. Robert Jordan writing the Wheel of Time. Through him, I’ve discovered a world that I can lose myself in (via reading) when I need an “escape†and a world here at Dragonmount where I’m making some wonderful new friends.

9. Reliable transportation

10. My husband getting the shower fixed in the bathroom so that we now have hot water coming into the tub again! Cool to tepid showers during the winter made for a grumpy me the rest of the morning . . . :lol:

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Last Thanksgiving we were still living out of the shop in the back yard. This year we are in the house but only living out of three rooms. But all in all we’ve alot to be thankful for.


I am very thankful that we got money from the government to help finish paying for the repairs on our house, with out it I’m not sure what we would have done. It would have worked out in the end I’m sure, but this money is free and it’ll be a great big help.


I’m also thankful for my healthy little girl, Kathleen. She is such a joy to have even if she has temper tantrums and can be very fustrating at times. But all in all she is the best little girl I could ask for. I love my daughter very much and I can’t wait till she’s even more mobile and communicative. Life is just wonderful.


I’m thankful that my little one growing inside me moving about doing well according to the doctor. I’m glad she’s moving around inside me where I can feel now, it releives so many of my previous worries. My weight is doing better and I feel alot better about this pregnancy. I still have my worries and I always will. But overall I’m excited about this and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of our second daughter.


I’m thankful that Shea loves me as much as he does and that we work well together. Sure we get on each others nerves, but that’s life, no one is perfectly matched so they never fight or get fustrated or annoyed. Life wouldn’t be perfect then anyway. I’m very glad he’s in my life and I’m thankful that DM brought us together.


I’m thankful for my Dad’s health and mood. Despite his colin cancer and all the chemo and surgery he’s had to go through he is doing remarkably well, or at least so I’m told. He is always in my prayers and my thoughts and I know things will be fine. I’m grateful that he’s doing well, and I’m glad that we can give him something to look forward to this holiday season. Being able to play with his first grand daughter will brighten his day very much and I hope that both my parents know how much they mean to me and to Shea. We miss the family greatly.


I’m even thankful for the mutt. Diamond is doing better with Kathleen and I am so glad to see that. They still have their moments but they are learning to get along rather well. It’s really nice to see. Soon Diamond will have two playmates and I hope that the girls will be able to play together and leave Diamond alone so the “old lady†can have some peace and quiet.


I’m thankful for alot more but this is the bulk of it. So a general thanks to all my family and friends who are there for us when we need them, and remember that we are here for you, just let us know!

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I'm thankful for:


~my family. they've seen me through thick and thin.

~there's only one week left in the quarter.

~that i have a wonderful job. not too many hours to cut into school but enough to get me by.

~that Seattle University's minimum GPA is only 2.75 and i should have no problem getting in!

~my sister has had a healthy pregnancy and i'm going to be an aunt in less than a month.

~and to be very materialistic, i'm thankful for my iPod, without which i might have murdered someone on the bus!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you had a great day with family and friends!

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1. My family... mom, (dad, though he died a few years ago), three sisters and three bothers (all older than me... muwhaa).


2. My 2 and half year old son who will most likely be my only child for many reasons (medical and otherwise). Most of my pregnancy was fine until towards the end (which I won't get into but it was painful I guess you could say... I had ICP for those who feel like looking it up and borderline gestational diabetes), so I'm very thankful it worked out. He's my little bubs and he's perfect. He's currently speaking in all vowels... lol, but the school is working with him. Which makes me glad for this school district too since the other ones near us don't work with kids until three and older... ><.


3. My husband... who puts up with me... haha. He lets me be a stay at home mommy. He buys me awesome gifts for b-day, x-mas, etc. He spends way too much on me... :P


--- 1, 2 and 3 should really all be together, b/c I can't really say one's more importan than the other. ---


4. THE INTRAWEBZ!!1!1!11oneone... for without it I wouldn't have met my husband over ten years ago in a Compuserve chatroom (a Star Trek one, no less)... haha. And I wouldn't have met most of my friends, found DM, gotten my online gaming addiction, diagnosed my ICP during pregnancy, etc... :P


5. Ummm a lot of the other things people have mentioned like indoor plumbing and hot water. Heck, clean water for that matter. We're pretty lucky (in the US). Food, our car (which is pretty awesome, but we bought it in Germany, so we got it a lot cheaper), our house, computers, TVs... omg... so much... stuff...

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Even though I don't celebrate Thanksgiving I'll share, because this is really nice.


1) My family. My Mum, Dad and brother do my head in. But I love them so much. They put up with me, they support me and they will always be there for me if I need them. My Mum and dad ecspecially, have worked so hard so that my brother and I could have a decent childhood and so we haven't missed out. They rock... even when they're completely rubbish ;)


2) My Friends. Or rather the people I pay to hang out with me! Haha. They are very cool and excellent. This includes Northie *g* I lobe them all very much ^^


3) My lifestyle. Central Heating! Radiators! Pyjamas! A decent bed! All the little things we take for granted.


4) Literacy. I love being able to read, to learn. Those two things make me very happy and I expect they always will. Plus, if I wasn't be able to read I wouldn't bew here!


5) The Internet. People who haven't experienced this don't quite get it but the internet has had such a profound effect on my life. This place is my support group, my hobby and my home.


6) My Internet friends! Gosh I could name so many people. I love them all. They make my life special! <3 You all know who you are and I appreciate you being there for me always.


That's it for now, but yay for the gushiness! <3

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Alright, since I'm home sick today, I have time to come back and add my thoughts.


I'm thankful for...


...My husband. He's much nicer than I deserve.



... A job I love.



... That I DON'T have to move to Birmingham in a few months.



... That ya'll are still willing to put up with me after all these years.

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I think the Birmingham that Mother is refering to is the one in the USA. Silly Americans for stealing a lot of our place names!


What am I thankful for?


My family. I may have taken my parents for granted over the last few years, but being away at university has shown how much they mean to me, especially with what they do around the house to make my life a lot simpler than it is.


My girlfriend. Northie (or North Star as her DM handle is) is a star, and always there when I need her if I have troubles.


My friends. I have made some great friends, whether it was in school back in Wales, or since I have come to uni in London. I have had so many great times and laughs with them.


The Band of the Red Hand. I have come across so many different and varied people within this ORG since we became an ORG and have been the ORG Leader.


The DM staff for giving me that chance. Without their belief in me, I probably wouldn't have met them.


I know I have a lot that I am thankful for, but I would be here for ages boring the hell out of you! So I will leave it there!


EDIT: Looks like I got beaten to mentioning which Birmingham! lol! Corki

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