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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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I just want to vote ironeyes as his kill scene leaves the bad guy alive

You only say that because you're on Smiley's hit list now.


I vote that Ironeyes mods a game next.

Thanks. I'm just testing my wings in this sort of thing, to see if I can do it well, and having Smiley survive sounded like an interesting story idea. Did I imitate Sanderson's style well, you think?


BTW, Locke, purple is not blue. Just in case you're wondering.


Wicked. "Defying Gravity."

Epic song. ♥ (epic soundtrack, for that matter--I still haven't seen the show!)


It's worth the price to see the show. Don't bother reading the book, though– it's quite filthy and doesn't give you much more than the play. But the musical is very family-friendly.


I think I'll vote Blackhoof, not only for trying to get a first post, but for failing at that as well



I just realized the irony of this post.


Wicked. "Defying Gravity."

Epic song. ♥ (epic soundtrack, for that matter--I still haven't seen the show!)


Great song; LOVE the soundtrack. Still haven't seen the show though.


The group discusses for some time. Realizing that the killers had to be among them, they tried to analyze each other's behavior, searching for a giveaway of intentions. After long hours of debate while eating marshmallows around a fire, they decided that Smiley was the scummiest emoticon of them all. So with conviction and vigour, they grabbed him and threw him off the nearest cliff.


Smiley, Bad Guy, has been lynched.


It is now Night. Feruchemic storages are due by 12:00 PM Saturday. (GMT-5). All other Night Actions (including Spikes) are due 8:00 PM Monday. (GMT-5)


well, isnt MY face red.....



I just realized the irony of this post.


lol! i didnt even notice that!


Wow, I take a shower after practice and get out to find I've missed the voting deadline. Ohh, well.


Now, I don't actually know the late Smiley's powers, but for the purpose of this story, I'll make him a Thug.

Pain. That was all that was, all that could exist. Smiley lay, broken but alive, at the base of the cliff that his mistaken cohorts had chosen to dump him from. Right or wrong about his innocence, they had missed one crucial detail. Pewter. A man could survive many things with that comfortable flame in his chest, and they had somehow forgotten to use a Leecher on him before the attempted lynching. It was running out, though. Pewter burned fast, and though his injuries were not fatal now, they could be when he was no longer burning. With a tremendous effort, Smiley reached down to the heel of his boot and pulled out a small glass vial, filled with an alcohol solution of metal. He swallowed this and, his reserve restored, proceeded to flare it so that he could walk again. As the sun sank, he limped heavily toward the nearest town, where perhaps he could hide until, fully healed, he would take his revenge on the twelve who had voted against him.

Better watch out, he is coming!


I don't feel so bad about dying now.


Cheers everyone enjoy the game, and be in constant fear of the mafia


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