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Dirge of Onosia (Advanced) Mafia - Day 3


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The quiet hum of the colony's servo computers was the only sound that could be heard on this night. However, the Onosia Four, the colony's most notorious crime syndicate, was planning something. The Onosia Security Force knew it was coming, but what, when, and where were the gaps left in the deadly puzzle. Every inhabitant walked in a fear that they had to hide, pretend to ignore as not to make easier targets of themselves. For these days on Onosia, you thanked whatever or whoever you found holy every morning you awoke breathing.



Player List:


1. Key

2. Locke

3. Levity - townie type person of vanilla flavoring: killed Night 1

4. Song

5. BG

6. Ishmael

7. Turin - ultra vanilla townie: killed Night 1

8. Smiley - 'nilla townie: Lynched Day 1

9. Aemon

10. Nolder

11. Pants

12. Tiinker - Bulletproof Serial Killer(bad guy): Lynched Day 2

13. Sakaea - Town designated donut eater (Cop): Killed Night 2

14. Despo

15. Meesh

16. Ithi - ????? : Falling to her death (that is one deep gorge)


Back-up players:


1. Rhea

2. Maw






1. I am the mod and my word is law.


2. This is an open communication game, meaning you are allowed to speak about the game off thread in PMs, using IM programs, etc. The only thing I ask is that if it is a PM that I be included as a recipient in it.


3. Absolutely no editing of posts will be allowed. If you have a typo or forgot to put something, just say so in a new post.


4. Going along with DM's rules, please be respectful of your fellow players.


5. If you have any in-depth questions or requests, please PM me.


6. If you need a replacement please let me know ASAP. I'll PM you asking if you do if you've been inactive for a full game cycle.


7. If you have been inactive for two full game cycles, I will find a replacement for you.


8. Please glow your votes red, or it will not be counted.


9. This is a deadline game, and failure to meet the deadline will result in a random lynch for that day.


10. Please be as prompt as possible in sending your role abilities to me.


11. HAVE FUN! :biggrin:



It is now Day 3. The deadline is set for tea time on a Modnesday.

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Let's see if he can find yet another new way to die on D1.

Vote Key.

Been way too long since I've been able to type that. Feels good.


*laughs* Better enjoy it while it lasts.


Even the check in is slow in this game, so I guess I'll start off with what I think we may be looking at. 16 players means (usually) 4 baddies. That sounds like we'll have a 3 person scum team and either a SK or a Cult Leader. I'm not familiar with the source material (I'm assuming it is a book, so I'm not sure which of the third party would be more likely in this scenario. Any thoughts?


Even the check in is slow in this game, so I guess I'll start off with what I think we may be looking at. 16 players means (usually) 4 baddies. That sounds like we'll have a 3 person scum team and either a SK or a Cult Leader. I'm not familiar with the source material (I'm assuming it is a book, so I'm not sure which of the third party would be more likely in this scenario. Any thoughts?

I remember MC saying that this was his own original material, so no one is going to be familiar with it. But your analysis sounds about right to me. And of course, BG is all three scum members AND the SK.


/it is known.


Even the check in is slow in this game, so I guess I'll start off with what I think we may be looking at. 16 players means (usually) 4 baddies. That sounds like we'll have a 3 person scum team and either a SK or a Cult Leader. I'm not familiar with the source material (I'm assuming it is a book, so I'm not sure which of the third party would be more likely in this scenario. Any thoughts?


Don't see why you're trying to speculate on anti-town setup with absolutely nothing to go on except your own role. Speaking of roles, I should go check mine. >.>


Even the check in is slow in this game, so I guess I'll start off with what I think we may be looking at. 16 players means (usually) 4 baddies. That sounds like we'll have a 3 person scum team and either a SK or a Cult Leader. I'm not familiar with the source material (I'm assuming it is a book, so I'm not sure which of the third party would be more likely in this scenario. Any thoughts?

I remember MC saying that this was his own original material, so no one is going to be familiar with it. But your analysis sounds about right to me. And of course, BG is all three scum members AND the SK.


/it is known.


I think I could cook up a fake claim to support that if I put my heart to it.


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