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The Green Ajah's Festival of lights: Plans for the Future

Gabriel Kross

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Ok, it's the end of the year so it's that time again to set our resolutions and goals for the new year. Feel free to post any goals or resolutions you wish to accomplish here. This thread is for any plans you might have for the future, so if it's in the future and you'd like to share it this is the thread for you! So come in and have fun and let us know what you have planned! :)


I figure I'll start us off with a bit of my own.



My resolution for theis year is to find more time to work on my novel. I would like to finish this novel within the next 2 years. My goal would be to get out of the military so I can start going to college full time.


That is all for now I'll add upon it as I think up more things I'd like to accomplish

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I have many things I would like to accomplish, but for 2012 I think the most important is to find a new job and move. We never intended to live in MN for so long and we are very tired of the extreme cold here. We love snow, but the cold is ridiculous! My other goal is to find the right doctoral program for the degree I want and apply for post grad school.


Of course now that I have been feasting of good food and sweets over the holidays I will definitely have to make the same old resolution to take off a few pounds! LOL

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I have many things I would like to accomplish, but for 2012 I think the most important is to find a new job and move. We never intended to live in MN for so long and we are very tired of the extreme cold here. We love snow, but the cold is ridiculous! My other goal is to find the right doctoral program for the degree I want and apply for post grad school.


Agreed totally!


For 2012 I plan on moving back to Texas (from Minnesota) and going back to school. Eventually I want to do the Army Physician's Assistant program. Also in 2012, I plan to get back from deployment and getting schwasted for a week straight, going on a trip somewhere outside the US, and spending a of time doing all the things I want to do, like getting more tats and piercings, being lazy on the couch, and being able to walk to my bathroom barefoot without having to go outside in sand. lulz

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The world may end???


Oh. Well, if that's not the case, I want to focus on my last year of high school, get good grades because dad promised me a Round-The-World ticket if I do! :

I want to get my almost 3yr old stallion started for riding, and I am still hoping for a little surprise foal from my mare!


Just wanna have a good time really, this may well be my last year at home and as much as I can't wait to get out, and get annoyed at them, I think it's good form to let my family know how much I appreciate all they've done for me.


*stretches wings and gets ready for the test flight out of the nest* :biggrin:

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It was decided on Tumblr that the day the world is supposedly going to end is going to be the day the first person channels and the Age of Legends begins.



I plan to just keep looking up this year and to keep working at becoming the person I want to be--and hopefully succeed! :P

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My DH and I have resolved to get and stay out of debt. This time next year, we hope (if all goes as planned) to be living on a cash-only basis and the only debt we'd have will be the mortgage. So our goal is to pay down all other debt (aka consumer/unsecured debt) and build our savings. We've been stupid about money long enough and it's time we get and live smart. We are done with being slaves to debt (or we will be in about a year, maybe a smidge longer)!

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I have made a real life commitment to fitness this year. I'm "average" sized right now, and I'm done. My personality is not average- I don't want my body to be that way!


Agreed! It is my goal too. I'd like to go down at least one pants size.


I'm also trying to make more time for personal development things. I'd like to study accounting on my own, find time to write more poetry, and work out more. I'd like to be more productive with my time away from work.

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