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The Hammer!


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The audiobook actually makes Perrin pretty awesome after he accepts responsibility. Put a human touch to the text and how good of a general and leader he really is despite being overly modest on how everything is common sense. It all started with the hammer scene and it's pretty epic scene for the book. The creation of a legendary weapon and his own folklore to come. I could picture myself there and having the oh sh*t factor the sparks and the burnt ground and the force shaking the ground.


It's good that Perrin got some extraordinary stuff going on. The wolf stuff while cool he never really did much but berserk and stalk Faile(though I think it was more pattern driven because of how illigical it was and how much it cleaned up in the process). Now the wolf dream usage, the weapon, nation forging,the leadership qualities etc are long over due to help him stand up to the cool factor of Mat and Rand.


I think the hammer itself is a just power wrought but with special qualities. It would be cool if it was ter'angreal. What qualifies something as a ter'angreal? Power made item that has a special ability? I guess the burn could make it a ter'angreal.

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The audiobook actually makes Perrin pretty awesome after he accepts responsibility. Put a human touch to the text and how good of a general and leader he really is despite being overly modest on how everything is common sense. It all started with the hammer scene and it's pretty epic scene for the book. The creation of a legendary weapon and his own folklore to come. I could picture myself there and having the oh sh*t factor the sparks and the burnt ground and the force shaking the ground.


It's good that Perrin got some extraordinary stuff going on. The wolf stuff while cool he never really did much but berserk and stalk Faile(though I think it was more pattern driven because of how illigical it was and how much it cleaned up in the process). Now the wolf dream usage, the weapon, nation forging,the leadership qualities etc are long over due to help him stand up to the cool factor of Mat and Rand.


I think the hammer itself is a just power wrought but with special qualities. It would be cool if it was ter'angreal. What qualifies something as a ter'angreal? Power made item that has a special ability? I guess the burn could make it a ter'angreal.


I do that too, I read the books and then I listen to the audiobooks. The voice performances are fantastic, and the depictions of Mt and Perrin in the audiobooks give a layer of satisfaction to mat and Perrins characters, partiularly in ToM.


The audiobook actually makes Perrin pretty awesome after he accepts responsibility. Put a human touch to the text and how good of a general and leader he really is despite being overly modest on how everything is common sense. It all started with the hammer scene and it's pretty epic scene for the book. The creation of a legendary weapon and his own folklore to come. I could picture myself there and having the oh sh*t factor the sparks and the burnt ground and the force shaking the ground.


It's good that Perrin got some extraordinary stuff going on. The wolf stuff while cool he never really did much but berserk and stalk Faile(though I think it was more pattern driven because of how illigical it was and how much it cleaned up in the process). Now the wolf dream usage, the weapon, nation forging,the leadership qualities etc are long over due to help him stand up to the cool factor of Mat and Rand.


I think the hammer itself is a just power wrought but with special qualities. It would be cool if it was ter'angreal. What qualifies something as a ter'angreal? Power made item that has a special ability? I guess the burn could make it a ter'angreal.


I do that too, I read the books and then I listen to the audiobooks. The voice performances are fantastic, and the depictions of Mt and Perrin in the audiobooks give a layer of satisfaction to mat and Perrins characters, partiularly in ToM.


I do the same. Listening to the audio books is almost like forcing yourself to slow right down and really get the details.

I have to admit though, hearing Kate pronouncing MesAAAAAAAAna's name did annoy me a bit after a while :biggrin:


The audiobook actually makes Perrin pretty awesome after he accepts responsibility. Put a human touch to the text and how good of a general and leader he really is despite being overly modest on how everything is common sense. It all started with the hammer scene and it's pretty epic scene for the book. The creation of a legendary weapon and his own folklore to come. I could picture myself there and having the oh sh*t factor the sparks and the burnt ground and the force shaking the ground.


It's good that Perrin got some extraordinary stuff going on. The wolf stuff while cool he never really did much but berserk and stalk Faile(though I think it was more pattern driven because of how illigical it was and how much it cleaned up in the process). Now the wolf dream usage, the weapon, nation forging,the leadership qualities etc are long over due to help him stand up to the cool factor of Mat and Rand.


I think the hammer itself is a just power wrought but with special qualities. It would be cool if it was ter'angreal. What qualifies something as a ter'angreal? Power made item that has a special ability? I guess the burn could make it a ter'angreal.


I do that too, I read the books and then I listen to the audiobooks. The voice performances are fantastic, and the depictions of Mt and Perrin in the audiobooks give a layer of satisfaction to mat and Perrins characters, partiularly in ToM.


I do the same. Listening to the audio books is almost like forcing yourself to slow right down and really get the details.

I have to admit though, hearing Kate pronouncing MesAAAAAAAAna's name did annoy me a bit after a while :biggrin:

My big problem is "MwaRain" when I always pronounce it as "MOY-raine."



I do the same. Listening to the audio books is almost like forcing yourself to slow right down and really get the details.

I have to admit though, hearing Kate pronouncing MesAAAAAAAAna's name did annoy me a bit after a while :biggrin:


I jump from my chair everytime she says "saa" (in moridin's eyes) :)))

But I like her reading really much



I do the same. Listening to the audio books is almost like forcing yourself to slow right down and really get the details.

I have to admit though, hearing Kate pronouncing MesAAAAAAAAna's name did annoy me a bit after a while :biggrin:


I jump from my chair everytime she says "saa" (in moridin's eyes) :)))

But I like her reading really much


Oh yeah, they both do a fantastic job, especially following RJ's listings of who has what accents.


I was wondering lately about who will make a gateway to TaR so that the Wolfs, who were gathering at Dragonmount, can come pouring out for the last battle (Like the trip to Salidar Eggy made in FoH). I really hope it won't be Egwene, not because she's Egwene, just because she's got nothin' to do with the wolfs. But next to the wise ones, who will not do it because 'it's evil', she's the only one I suspect who knows the weave.

So I thought 'hey why not ascribe TaR-gateway-making-abilities to Perrins Hammer'. If the hammer holds some ter'agreal power we didn't see yet, something like this would be real nice, unlikely, but nice.


The audiobook actually makes Perrin pretty awesome after he accepts responsibility. Put a human touch to the text and how good of a general and leader he really is despite being overly modest on how everything is common sense. It all started with the hammer scene and it's pretty epic scene for the book. The creation of a legendary weapon and his own folklore to come. I could picture myself there and having the oh sh*t factor the sparks and the burnt ground and the force shaking the ground.


It's good that Perrin got some extraordinary stuff going on. The wolf stuff while cool he never really did much but berserk and stalk Faile(though I think it was more pattern driven because of how illigical it was and how much it cleaned up in the process). Now the wolf dream usage, the weapon, nation forging,the leadership qualities etc are long over due to help him stand up to the cool factor of Mat and Rand.


I think the hammer itself is a just power wrought but with special qualities. It would be cool if it was ter'angreal. What qualifies something as a ter'angreal? Power made item that has a special ability? I guess the burn could make it a ter'angreal.


I do that too, I read the books and then I listen to the audiobooks. The voice performances are fantastic, and the depictions of Mt and Perrin in the audiobooks give a layer of satisfaction to mat and Perrins characters, partiularly in ToM.


I do the same. Listening to the audio books is almost like forcing yourself to slow right down and really get the details.

I have to admit though, hearing Kate pronouncing MesAAAAAAAAna's name did annoy me a bit after a while :biggrin:

My big problem is "MwaRain" when I always pronounce it as "MOY-raine."


Don't the glossaries say that "MwaRain" is the correct way of pronouncing it?


MOY-raine sounds a lot more evil but comical to me.. makes me think of Cruella Deville


i had forgotten about the lightning with mat's ashanderai, but yeah, i would say anything that actually pulls a bit of the power during its use is a terangreal(angreal/saangreal) lans sword doesnt actually DO anything, it just is. mat's blade, does stuff. callandor does stuff, the HAMMER does stuff, so i would say that not only is it power reinforced, but a bit of a terangreal as well, meant to kill trollocs.


Mjöl means flour (in Swedish), of whichever variety you want but generally speaking wheat. Mjölner then means The Grinder, or the Millstone. The weapon with which Thor turns his enemies bones into dust!

Indeed. In old Norse "Mjølner" (Mjolne) means "He/it who grinds to dust", or something along those lines, so a nice translation would be "The Grinder".


i had forgotten about the lightning with mat's ashanderai, but yeah, i would say anything that actually pulls a bit of the power during its use is a terangreal(angreal/saangreal) lans sword doesnt actually DO anything, it just is. mat's blade, does stuff. callandor does stuff, the HAMMER does stuff, so i would say that not only is it power reinforced, but a bit of a terangreal as well, meant to kill trollocs.


From The Eye of the World, The Caemlyn Road:

"Then Lan was on the Myrddraal, as the human folk fell on the Trolloc line. Warder's blade met black steel from the forges at Thakan'dar with a clang like a great bell, the toll echoing in the hollow, a flash of blue light filling the air like sheet lighting".

This suggests to me that all power wrought weapons will have the same effect when struck against a Myddraals' sword (I'm fairly sure it's happened with more than Lan's sword and the ashanderei but can't quite remember where. I can't remember if Rand's actually killed anything with good old fashioned steel outside of Far Madding since book three). It doesn't rule out Perrin's Hammer being a ter'angreal, though, as the burning Shadowspawn certainly hasn't been mentioned before :myrddraal:


i had forgotten about the lightning with mat's ashanderai, but yeah, i would say anything that actually pulls a bit of the power during its use is a terangreal(angreal/saangreal) lans sword doesnt actually DO anything, it just is. mat's blade, does stuff. callandor does stuff, the HAMMER does stuff, so i would say that not only is it power reinforced, but a bit of a terangreal as well, meant to kill trollocs.


From The Eye of the World, The Caemlyn Road:

"Then Lan was on the Myrddraal, as the human folk fell on the Trolloc line. Warder's blade met black steel from the forges at Thakan'dar with a clang like a great bell, the toll echoing in the hollow, a flash of blue light filling the air like sheet lighting".

This suggests to me that all power wrought weapons will have the same effect when struck against a Myddraals' sword (I'm fairly sure it's happened with more than Lan's sword and the ashanderei but can't quite remember where. I can't remember if Rand's actually killed anything with good old fashioned steel outside of Far Madding since book three). It doesn't rule out Perrin's Hammer being a ter'angreal, though, as the burning Shadowspawn certainly hasn't been mentioned before :myrddraal:



This is my opinion as well and to add some examples, Thom's "best" pair of knives from fighting the Fade in tEotW chapt 26 "The air in the square flashed an eye-searing blue", confirmed by RJ that Thom has a pair of knives that are very special. ie: power-wrought.

Mat's Ashanderei in tSR chapt 37 "black blades meeting his raven-marked steel with flashes of blue light like sheet lightning".


Also agreed that Perrin's hammer is more than just simply power-wrought.

This is my opinion as well and to add some examples, Thom's "best" pair of knives from fighting the Fade in tEotW chapt 26 "The air in the square flashed an eye-searing blue", confirmed by RJ that Thom has a pair of knives that are very special. ie: power-wrought.

Except that the blue happens before Thom gets to the fade, and he isn't throwing his knives, so no, thats not the explanation whitebridge and the blue flashes

This is my opinion as well and to add some examples, Thom's "best" pair of knives from fighting the Fade in tEotW chapt 26 "The air in the square flashed an eye-searing blue", confirmed by RJ that Thom has a pair of knives that are very special. ie: power-wrought.

Except that the blue happens before Thom gets to the fade, and he isn't throwing his knives, so no, thats not the explanation whitebridge and the blue flashes

Whether or not Thom's knives are power wrought or not has nothing to do with an "answer" as you put it, it was simply presented as another example of what happens when a power wrought weapon meets Thakan'dar forged steel.

I see your point that using them as an example might not be correct but it actually has nothing to do with what was being discussed.


Besides we don't know exactly what RJ was getting at.

First he says that the blue flashes at WB were not from his knives, however, 3 years later he says that Thom's best knives are indeed special.


Considering the two gender circle, the heaps of Power sunk into the metal, the constant ideal heating temperature provided by the Power controlled forge, the language concerning Perrin's personal energies sinking into the metal, the extremely pivotal events that had just worked through the pattern pre forging, and the mention of HAMMER in the prophecies, I think the burden of proof for ter'angreal status is more than met. I'm certain the metal is power hardened and age/damage proof, it is caustic/incendiary when used against Shadowspawn and this effect might be stronger depending on how riled up Perrin is. I'm partial to the idea that HAMMER's weight and mass and gravitational constant and such are variable to the RUPF (Riled Up Perrin Factor) as well, since they sunk waaaay more Power into HAMMER than would be needed to just align the matrix (hardening/damage proofing), and making it the equivalent of Holy. Another theory, since so much blended sadir and sadin was being combined into what seemed to be a Major Taveren Event (Perrin does not align with Whitecloaks and outwit Forsaken and lose his wolfmentor and defeat a two souled assassin with AoL tech, or magically vent his emotions into blacksmithing a prophesied HAMMER every day after all) that the Power and the energies that joined the weapon from Perrin could have any number of tactically or strategically significant powers. My imagination speculates that perhaps it could also act as an amplifying antennae for the WolfNet, letting Perring talk to any wolf anywhere directly, giving a little more weight to that Wolf King title. I wouldn't put it outside the bounds of speculation that Hopper is soulbound or otherwise magically represented in the weapon either. I'm curious to see if the weapon has any TAR specific properties as well, since Dreamspikes are Power created to affect TAR, there is some textual support for the possiblity, and Perrin's natural wolf dream talent could have maybe directed the Power via his magic input into the weapon. Slayer is going to see some stuff come a Hopper avengin time, and I can't wait for that either.


This is off topic, but did anyone else think that Hopper wasn't killed, but reborn?

When I read the chapter, and he told Perrin that another wolf (who we later find out is that manwolf guy) would explain, I assumed the other wolf would explain that Hopper is now in the real world.


Nice to see Jordan/Sanderson finally killing someone off, especially since it seems to be a final death, but I just don't really buy it.

I'd hate to see Hopper puppy, but that's what I fully expected, and I wouldn't be shocked to see it happen.


This is off topic, but did anyone else think that Hopper wasn't killed, but reborn?

When I read the chapter, and he told Perrin that another wolf (who we later find out is that manwolf guy) would explain, I assumed the other wolf would explain that Hopper is now in the real world.


Nice to see Jordan/Sanderson finally killing someone off, especially since it seems to be a final death, but I just don't really buy it.

I'd hate to see Hopper puppy, but that's what I fully expected, and I wouldn't be shocked to see it happen.

Yes, and Verin faked her death with the help of a ter'angreal, Noal will escape from the Tower of Ghenjei just before Grady opens the gateway and Nynaeve will resurrect Nicola in the body of Mesaana.


This is off topic, but did anyone else think that Hopper wasn't killed, but reborn?

When I read the chapter, and he told Perrin that another wolf (who we later find out is that manwolf guy) would explain, I assumed the other wolf would explain that Hopper is now in the real world.


Nice to see Jordan/Sanderson finally killing someone off, especially since it seems to be a final death, but I just don't really buy it.

I'd hate to see Hopper puppy, but that's what I fully expected, and I wouldn't be shocked to see it happen.

Yes, and Verin faked her death with the help of a ter'angreal, Noal will escape from the Tower of Ghenjei just before Grady opens the gateway and Nynaeve will resurrect Nicola in the body of Mesaana.


Called it.


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