Barid Bel Medar Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Alright, this is similar to the most annoying characters. No debates, as there are endless topics debating the pro's and con's of each of these characters. Just a simple statement of favorite and why. Since it can be hard, perhaps put top 3 in post. Mine: Mat: I didnt think Mat could get any more awesome after KoD, but ToM, Mat owned everything. Rescuing Moiraine and knowing he would get his eye cut out is just simply awesome. Rand: Close second to Mat. Rand Sedai is the ultimate. Humble yet strong. While he is not perfect, I think he is as perfect a character as you can get post VoG. Knowledgeable and wise. Perrin: Laughed at Egwene trying to tie him up in TAR, deflected balefire, smashed a load of trollocs with a massive power-wrought hammer, owned Elayne and carved out his own "state" (the Two Rivers) and completely trusts/ supports Rand. Legend.
Myrenna Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 The Emond's Field trio were great. I love how they've all matured, but I think Rand's change is most drastic so I had to vote for him. The way Perrin treated the Whitecloaks made him a close second, though.
Haldir1980 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Perin, he came a long way. So good he finaly accepted his role as a leader. Rand was standard good, most complex of them all.
Mulk Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Rand, Mat, Perrin in some order - I threw Rand in on the poll. I like them all and it varies from book to book. but I had to throw in a plug for Rodel Ituralde, who was all kinds of awesome. The defense of Maradon is something I keep going back and re-re-re-reading.
capuga Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I voted Rand - I've always loved him just because I've always liked the strong, badass characters. The fact that he can kick butt and does it all while suffering through pain that would cripple most other people is just cool. And while he had plenty of faults prior to ToM, his integration with LTT and the wisdom that seems to have come with it should fix a lot of those faults. #2 Mat - He's actually the most fun character to read. Love his humor and selflessness (even though he talks a big game and claims that he's no hero). #3 Lan - See above for my thing about badasses. However, he did annoy me a LOT in ToM so this is mostly a vote because he was so awesome prior to this. Also have to give an honorable mention to Ituralde because he was just awesome the last couple of books.
RyanDuranGeiger Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Voted for Perrin, he had the best action scenes in the book, he forged a Power Wrought warhammer, saved Galad (And is now commanding the White Cloaks), finally understands the Wolf, the scene with Mat was probably my favorite scene in the series.. And to top he openly disagrees with Egwene and sets up camp away from her supporters. Rand with his new found peace, is second (Though, not that close.) With his past memories, he became a new person (Well, became himself).. I personally loved him, struggling and grasping the blades of grass while falling.. he was more real. While still awesome, it's a completely different awesome, but not the awesome I read and fell in love with. For third, I guess maybe Mat.. until rescue, he was below Gawyn..
Areopagitican Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Mat is a beast, he's been awesome since book one.
Xader Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I went with Perrin, simply for his breakthrough in ToM. Rand has had ups and downs, and Mat has always been awesome, but by the end of ToM, Perrin really began to shine.
Alternate34 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I am the one Rodel vote, though if I thought about it, I would probably need to go with someone who has been around longer. It is based on his brilliant campaigns where he thought outside the box to claim victory over his opponents and his attitude about them. He commmanded from a position where he fostered what little hope he had and imparted that to his soldiers. He resigned himself to being a stumbling block for the forces of the Shadow and devised his scorched Maradon strategy. I was sorely tempted to throw Padan Fain a vote. His transformation has been fun to watch. Of course, he is no longer Padan Fain, so he can't be voted for as the poll is constructed.
Mr Hindley Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I voted for Galad. Partly because Rand and Mat seem such obvious choices, but also I like the fact that he can be completely badass, have all the ladies swooning over him, and still be some completely naive. He deserves more credit than most people in the WoTverse give him.
T00thbrush Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 Rand, followed by the other 2 ta'verens. They are really coming into their own, those 3. Agree with Mr Hindley regarding Galad, but he really shone in KoD, less so in ToM. I really hope to see more of him being awesome in AMOL. Also, Rodel Ituralde was very impressive in ToM.
The Watcher and Wanderer Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 This was a hard choice but I had to go with Thom. I just love the since of mystery that has surrounded this guy since the beginning of the series. His true motivations have never been completely clear so much so that speculation that he might be a darkfriend has continued until very recently. Moreover, he always seems willing to risk his own life for those he cares about, I mean the guy went up against a Fade for Rand and Mat and he barely knew them at that point. Perrin and Mat come in as a very close second and third.
crm2442 Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 I chose tam, though that is a recent change, after rereading tGS. Rand says in ToM that the reason he was better this time was because of the way he was raised. Tam always has good advice, and is never ruffled by anything. Plus he is secretly a blademaster and captain.
scott7279 Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 I chose Tam, also. It used to be Mat, who is still completely off his rocker awesome. But I have a 6 year old daughter now, and I try to model my parenting after Tam (who is almost exactly like my dad).
Yates_ Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 I chose Rand for his unflappable awesome. Really though, it is almost cheating for him at this point. He is closer to being a God than a human. But the game is the game, and his game is badass. He truly is from the streets. Mat has always been very likeable, but he gets all the easy lines. The cut up is always fun, and Mat spent most of the series being a loveable and irresponsible rake, stopping only to kick ass. Liking him is easy because he has had the easiest role so far. Until the last book he really hasn't been up against it like the other two. As for Perrin, I loved him through the first 7 books. But the search and rescue of Faile seemed to drag on forever, as did his refusal to accept his role in the Last Battle. Honestly, it started to get really contrived towards the end. But we finally saw early Perrin again.
dobraine Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 I chose Rand although it was a toss up betwixt Mat, Ituralde and him. Rand for me has been consistently fun to read and I can't say that about all of my favorite characters. Dobraine
AvroChris Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 I have no idea! Rand is awesome but it's like saying who is better - Jesus or your best mate down the pub. By which I mean Mat, of course. He's probably my favourite character although he's slipped a little in how he comes across under Sanderson. Perrin went from being vaguely irritating to cool as all Hell in two chapters so I reckon I'll vote for him as most improved.
GALACTUS Posted January 12, 2011 Posted January 12, 2011 I chose Rand for his unflappable awesome. Really though, it is almost cheating for him at this point. He is closer to being a God than a human. But the game is the game, and his game is badass. He truly is from the streets. Mat has always been very likeable, but he gets all the easy lines. The cut up is always fun, and Mat spent most of the series being a loveable and irresponsible rake, stopping only to kick ass. Liking him is easy because he has had the easiest role so far. Until the last book he really hasn't been up against it like the other two. As for Perrin, I loved him through the first 7 books. But the search and rescue of Faile seemed to drag on forever, as did his refusal to accept his role in the Last Battle. Honestly, it started to get really contrived towards the end. But we finally saw early Perrin again. said perfectly
W_A Posted January 13, 2011 Posted January 13, 2011 I voted Fain, simply because his POV was so incredible at conveying his madness. Sort of reminded me of the way WoT does rumors.
Niniel Posted January 13, 2011 Posted January 13, 2011 This is my favorite male characters: Rand - there is not much to say - he is the hero! Moridin - his madness and conection with Rand is... refreshing. :) Perrin - He is truly lojal to Rand.
OptimusPrime Posted January 14, 2011 Posted January 14, 2011 Rand. Always Rand. I still count how many pages I need to get back to him. Moridin. Insane evil nihilistic mastermind, I love every second of it. The Dragon-Nae'blis rivalry has always been one of my favorite parts of the series. Demandred will NEVER surpass Moridin. Taim. But I already said that :p Nynaeve. Favorite female character by far, her loyalty to the Two Rivers folk is very endearing, especially in TGS when her and Rand defend Mat to Tuon when she tells them about Mat kidnapping her, also the way she doesnt abandon Rand in his dark phase, and her general channeling awesomeness. I feel sorry for Moridin because he has so few votes.
moratcorlm Posted January 14, 2011 Posted January 14, 2011 Mat's an entertaining and likable character. Rand is... not, except for a very brief period in TSR and TFOH. I understand why Jordan chose to do to him what he did, but it's not much of a pleasure to read either hick farmboy Rand or depressed tyrant Rand's POVs.
Sagacious Lu Posted January 14, 2011 Posted January 14, 2011 I love Rand, Mat and Perrin but I had to vote for Thom. Thom can't channel, he's not a ta'veren, he's just an ordinary guy... who happens to be absolutely brilliant. He's some where across between a rock star and a super spy.
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