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who is Mat?


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If we assume Mat has Manetheran blood in him, lets hope he isn't Aemon because then that might mean he is his own greatx20 grandpa. Along the same lines lets hope that he isn't Arthur Hawkwing because then he would be courting his own greatx20 granddaughter.

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In a reincarnation universe, it stands to reason that people's new lives could be descended from previous lives, and they would have no reason not to marry other descendants of those previous lives.


Someone mentioned that nobody else can sound the Horn as long as Mat lives. However, Mat has died twice. Rahvin killed him, and Rand balefired Rahvin and undid a lot of deaths (but Mat was still dead for a time). Also, we are given to understand that he died (maybe) while hanging from the spear. Regardless, the Finns told him that he would die and live again. So, is the Horn still bound to him? My guess is that it is not.


In a reincarnation universe, it stands to reason that people's new lives could be descended from previous lives, and they would have no reason not to marry other descendants of those previous lives.


Someone mentioned that nobody else can sound the Horn as long as Mat lives. However, Mat has died twice. Rahvin killed him, and Rand balefired Rahvin and undid a lot of deaths (but Mat was still dead for a time). Also, we are given to understand that he died (maybe) while hanging from the spear. Regardless, the Finns told him that he would die and live again. So, is the Horn still bound to him? My guess is that it is not.


I think it would be better and make more sense with everything we have seen to look at it that as long as Mat is a part of the Pattern, the Horn will continue to be bound to him.


Bound to his "thread" in the pattern rather than his life.

Both basically mean the same thing but also don't at the same time.


In a reincarnation universe, it stands to reason that people's new lives could be descended from previous lives, and they would have no reason not to marry other descendants of those previous lives.


Someone mentioned that nobody else can sound the Horn as long as Mat lives. However, Mat has died twice. Rahvin killed him, and Rand balefired Rahvin and undid a lot of deaths (but Mat was still dead for a time). Also, we are given to understand that he died (maybe) while hanging from the spear. Regardless, the Finns told him that he would die and live again. So, is the Horn still bound to him? My guess is that it is not.


Oh, the classic...


Mat did not die in Rhuidean.He has only died once, in Caemlyn. That incident was the fulfillement of the Finns prophecy. And given the way balefire works, it is quite possible Mats connection to the horn was restored.

  • 4 months later...

It would also make no sense, from a literary point of view, to make a big deal out of Mat being the only one who can sound the horn, and then a dozen books down the road, have someone else sound the horn with a little comment on how Mat had gotten killed so he's not bound anymore. That would be pretty damn anti-climatic, and we all know RJ is anything but anti-climatic.


Mat is NOT Aemon reborn. Remember in tSR, the TR in general and Emond's Field (Aemon's Field) were in danger from the Children because of he Perrin and the Dragon? Mat was more interested in filling the "holes" in his memory from the month or whatever it was that he had the butt flu from stupidly taking that dagger than helping his people. Does that remotely sound like something Aemon would do? Or would Aemon drop everything to help his people?


Mat really didn't have much of a choice, he was told he would die if he didn't go to Rhuidean :p Besides, Rands ta'veren pull more or less made it impossible for him to actually leave Rand until TFOH.


Mat really didn't have much of a choice, he was told he would die if he didn't go to Rhuidean :p Besides, Rands ta'veren pull more or less made it impossible for him to actually leave Rand until TFOH.


He begged off before going through the twisted doorway. He had no interest in returning to Emond's field to defend it or otherwise.


Of course, people do change (and he's 'married' to a potential channeler) so it's always possible. I'd just prefer him to be his own man. Next we'll hear Elayne IS Ilyena, Perrin is the first Werewolf, Egwene is my mother-in-law and Lan is Chuck Norris.


I just hope he's good old Mat Cauthon who happens to be bloody awesome.



Following that logic, if Lan is Chuck Norris Mat must be Jack Bauer.




Mat is "no easy meat". He said so when he told the Siuan that in TDR.


I'd say Mat should be his own man and not anybody reborn. Also, Mat way more based off Odin than Loki.


mat isnt anyone reborn, if he was hawkwing would have recognized him, instead he just called him hornsounder or something like that. Perrin isnt anyone reborn either (by saying their not anyone reborn, I mean not anyone of significance) in fact I think that hawkwing saying that sometimes the ages add to our number indicates mat and perrin are going to join their ranks


About everyone being reborn, no proof but the common belief/"hope" of rebirth might be an indicator.


Hawkwing's non-recognition to me only indicates not a Hero reborn.

"anyone of significance" could mean almost anything.


About everyone being reborn, no proof but the common belief/"hope" of rebirth might be an indicator.


Hawkwing's non-recognition to me only indicates not a Hero reborn.

"anyone of significance" could mean almost anything.




Exactly, every argument against Mat being Aemon reborn pretty much revolves around Hawkwing not "recognizing" him at Falme.

But what if Aemon's soul isn't bound to the Horn in the first place? Pretty much screws the only real good argument against Mat being Aemon eh.


Are there any quotes that say all people are reincarnated? I can only find references to the Heros of the Horn and the Champions of Light and Dark being reborn.


yes everyone is reborn...

RJ's blog 4 October 2005 "ONE MORE TIME"


- Everybody fears death because the being that is reborn, while possessing the same soul, will not be the same person. The fear is simple. I will cease to exist. Someone else will exist, bearing my soul. But I will cease. I have met many believers in reincarnation, and most of them seem to fear death just as much as anyone else.


DragonCon 4 September 2005 - Emma reporting


Question: Previously you have made it known that an individual who is severed will retain the ability to channel in his or her subsequent life, which connects the ability to channel with the soul. How does burning out affect ones ability to channel in the next life? Specifically, will an individual born with the spark but who burns out during his or her life have the inborn spark in a subsequent life?


Jordan: I don't think I have said if you are born with the spark you would have the have the spark again. I have said if you were born with the ability to channel, to learn or with the spark, you will, when your soul is born again, you will have the ability again, whether with the spark or without. And neither burning out or severing affects that except in this lifetime, your current lifetime.


I remember Rand in VOG having an epiphany thinking that if he can be reborn, Ilyena can too right? Are the Heroes of the Horn the only souls that can be reincarnated or are all souls in Randland able to be reborn after sometime?



yes everyone is reborn...

RJ's blog 4 October 2005 "ONE MORE TIME"


- Everybody fears death because the being that is reborn, while possessing the same soul, will not be the same person. The fear is simple. I will cease to exist. Someone else will exist, bearing my soul. But I will cease. I have met many believers in reincarnation, and most of them seem to fear death just as much as anyone else.



ah cool, thanks for that. I guess Mat can be Aemon reborn though I really like to think that Mat is just Mat.


Every single thing in existence has a thread in the pattern that is continuously reborn, and no matter what happens to you in this life, you will be reborn, even if you are balefired, except for possibly if you get killed by TP, which works by destroying the pattern. I'm not sure if you get reborn if you are killed/balefired by TP.



yes everyone is reborn...

RJ's blog 4 October 2005 "ONE MORE TIME"


- Everybody fears death because the being that is reborn, while possessing the same soul, will not be the same person. The fear is simple. I will cease to exist. Someone else will exist, bearing my soul. But I will cease. I have met many believers in reincarnation, and most of them seem to fear death just as much as anyone else.



ah cool, thanks for that. I guess Mat can be Aemon reborn though I really like to think that Mat is just Mat.


No worries and yeah I agree on the Mat/Aemon thing. For some reason it irks me a bit when people try to make everyone into a hero reborn. I would like to think Mat is making up a brand new legend as he goes.


Mat has memories of multiple ancient generals including some who lived at the same time (and even fought / killed each-other) as for the ancient blood within him? From the way Moraine explained it, that doesn't have anything to do with a soul's rebirth but rather some strange hereditary residue that includes blurting out words without knowing what they mean (but apparently they work within the context, so perhaps it works on some subconscious level)... I assume he IS a soul reborn but whether or not during its previous lives that soul was notable? Who knows.... perhaps he was a king, perhaps he was a manure farmer.... does it matter?


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