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How long will it take you to read TofM?


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I have also told myself that I will read it slowly, but I probably won't manage it :rolleyes: When I did my latest reread of the series, I read the books slowly and made myself really take in every word, and I enjoyed the series more than I ever had before. But, I can't stop reading a new book once I start, so...it'll probably take me less than 24 hours.


Well I've already cleared the 2nd of all other business, including cooking: I'll have a great big casserole made on Monday evening that'll do fine. Will have it (the book, that is, lol) at about ten am, then a slow hours read on train home, then about 7.5 hours after that. Nice big font and fewer words than paperback pages, think HB is about 800 pg long? So about 8 hrs, really. Then chew the fat on the spoiler boards, then reread prob Friday. Wheee, can't wait.


@Alanna: haha, the last time I did that I discovered I wanted to stab Setalle Anan for the whole - bundling Nyn&Elayne off to the Kin to put manners on them- thing. And stab most everyone, actually, for the chronic lack of honest mind-speaking. Great otherwise, tho!


I'm getting mine at the midnight release, so that's 12 hours or more I'll have it before I wake up, shower and get the kids fed. Given my recent work schedule (and the new no-books policy) I'll have an average of 8 hours a day to read, so probably...3 days. Maybe 4.


Oh wow, you people are all so quick at reading. My friend can do that too, reading a massive book in only a few hours.

I'm a much slower reader. tGS took me about a week to read and ToM will probably be the same.

I might try and drag it out a bit longer though I'll probably fail at that. :D

Honestly though, I'm glad that I can't read quickly. Who wants to actually finish a good book?

So I'm a slow reader, but that way I can saviour it for a little bit longer. :D


Thanks for the reminder to get work off tuesday. My boss will totally understand, "sorry I can't come in tuesday I need to read a book". Once I actually get my hands on the book, it will probably take me 8 hours or so.


Probably around 8-12 hours. I don't work that day or the next so I can just read. I'll do a reread right after though and take it a lot slower so I can really digest it, but yeah there's no way I can't not just barrell through it the first time. (And I just used 3 negetives in one sentence, God that takes skill)


I read TGS in two days, but ToM will probably take me about a 4-5. I have an accounting test 3 days after it comes out, and a huge project due 2 days after it comes out :\


I posted this on the spoiler board somewhere when the general convo went that way but I've pre-ordered my book to pick up on release day in Oz. Great thing is, they say release day is Nov 1.


Jealous much?


Anyhoo, back to the thread, Nov 1 (7 more sleeps yay :biggrin: ) is a Monday (day off for me) so I'll probably have it finished same day and be on the spoiler board straight after before taking the rest of the week for a more in-depth read. If I can still keep my eyes open after the initial read, that is,.


Well with TGS i was working the day it came out, but in the morning I went into the book store and asked it it was in yet, it wasn't :(. I tried again at lunch, then again when I was out on a job. finally i went in a bit before 5 and the lady just handed it over from over the counter, didn't even need to ask lol it had been the same lady all day. That was around 5, finished it around 6... in the morning.


So i would say similar with TOM :D


I won't get ToM until after the 7th, my birthday (It's funny how many WOT books have come out right before my bday and thus, restricted from my ability to purchase for myself right away).

But, once avaliable, I'll have it read in a day.


Lol, I could read it in 4 to 5 hours, but I won't.


May take the whole week, as School decided to have 2 tests, two quizzes and two assignments.. all in the same week.


I have a quantum mechanics test the day it comes out, and C++ homework the day after. So I'll be done studying when it comes out, but I'll still have a lot of homework to do.


I don't know that I will have the willpower to do homework instead of reading though...


We listen to all the audiobooks during work hours. We have a wireless multi-speaker setup at each of our desks, but there are only two of us that like WoT. We just finished our re-read of tGS, but on average it takes us about a week to do a WoT novel.


We can't wait for the audiobook to arrive on tuesday, we have a party planned to celebrate it!


Up until KoD I was able to finish WoT books in a day with only breaks to eat and use the restroom, negating sleep. TGS was a little too large for that, I'm probably going to need 2-3 days like I did for TGS since I hear TofM is even longer. It's like a race against myself since I will want to get through it to know everything as fast as I can then go back and do a slower reread to enjoy it :3


@Alanna: haha, the last time I did that I discovered I wanted to stab Setalle Anan for the whole - bundling Nyn&Elayne off to the Kin to put manners on them- thing. And stab most everyone, actually, for the chronic lack of honest mind-speaking. Great otherwise, tho!

LOL that was like, the one time I didn't like Setalle Anan! I kind've wished we could see her reaction when she found out they were really Aes Sedai. We saw the Kin's reaction, but not hers, I don't think.


The people I really wanted to stab was the Seafolk. Honestly, I kind of hope they end up doing something cool, because otherwise, all they've done is be really annoying. The only bit I liked with them was when Mat told them off!


So, I'm now thinking I may be able to finish the book sometime Tuesday, because I'm hoping to get it at midnight from Walmart. Since they're opne 24/7, I'm thinking they should be able to sell it to me.


Mistress Anan is near Caemlyn. Perhaps she will meet Elayne at some point?


I think it'll take me about 12 hours. I'm on layoff from work atm, so there's not a lot in the way of me reading straight through right now. Except for the small problem of not actually having the book.


I'm getting my book tomorrow, after a two and a half hour drive to the bookstore and then back. Ive taking the two days off work but will have to come in for a bit on Wednesday, so my intial hopes of getting it finished in two days and a bit are probably dashed. So I'm going to say Thursday night or rather friday morning. Lets just say there will be some burning of thecandle at both ends.

I can't just read a book straight through after about two hours anything I read just turns to mush. Also the cats have to be fed and the girlfriend has to be patted. Okay scratch that and reverse, okay its still wrong, ah well.

Can't bleedin' wait I tells ya! :sammy:


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