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Things that would make you angry


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If Mat and Tuon don't get busy before the end of the series, I will be pissed.


I will be quite upset if Tam doesn´t get any action. I´m thinking Sulin or perhaps Dyelin.

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her whole salidar -> reaching the tower everything just seemed to be there for her, she just had to reach out and grab em like coins in an old mario game.

Of course it was. The pattern made it so. Will you fault her for it?


as for saying she had to step carefully blah blah blah. All she had to do is keep going and then she got everything easily like the two main AS contending for power totally ignored her which seems really fake to me because if I had an obvious rival and a puppet was put in ahead of me I would watch the puppet twice as hard as my rival just to watch if anyone else was workin on pullin strings

When you want to see who was pulling strings, you look at the people around the puppet, NOT the puppet. And she had to step carefully to ensure that it remained so. The first time she actively acted in the open was in TPoD, and even then the other Sitters thought that she was just trying to throw her weight around without much success (the only ones who really knew what was happening were Sheriam's group, Siuan, Leane and Gareth). Even when Egwene became authoritative, most people thought that Siuan or someone else was pulling the strings. The Salidar Sitters only admitted she was the Amrylin in action when she was captured, and still managed to retain her authority.


plus in the tower it seemed like she got the respect of all the AS too easily for me, and then theres her thinkin I am a hero from the horn called to wreck vengeance upon the enemy (paraphrased) sure she was a bit delerious but it still angers me

Easily? Not really. She had to work for it. Egwene earned the respect of Aes Sedai by advising them (look at Bennae), or debating with them (with Ferane, Miyasi, and others). Egwene also earned the hearty respect of Adelorna, Head of the Green, by not only rescuing her from the Seanchan, but by being able to lead her AND forty other sisters and sixty novices and accepted, whilst losing only four lives. A feat that was by far unparalleled during the raid.


Plus, she only thought to her self that she had ACTED LIKE a hero from the horn in the stories. She didn't think that she WAS a hero from the horn.


Please read your books carefully. It may shed more light on the matter.


each time I do a reread I read it more carefully and each time reading egwenes chapters I realize I hate her more each time, so it doesnt really enlighten me at all.


Nynaeve healing death. That would annoy me.


Especially if it's like "OH let me try something... BAM .. Death cured!" It wouldn't grate so bad if it really was a massive thing like having to sacrifice someone or the like.

Rand dying for three days. So far, all the simpleminded Christ parallels have been in the minds of unreliable characters (e.g. Masema). I really hope the story doesn't do anything that obvious.


Ditto, I really don't want this to turn out to be another Messiah type story.... No offense to any religion, but that would seriously suck for me.

Too bad, since RJ has said straight out that Rand is a messiah figure. His death and resurrection is pretty much guaranteed.



If Mat and Tuon don't get busy before the end of the series, I will be pissed.

What do you think 'the two must be as one' means??


If Nynaeve dies I do not want to know any more.


- Demandred getting killed by anyone other than Rand


I beg to differ i would love to see Mat take one on it would be a laugh to see one of the forsaken just go :O WTF then get killed.


Moridin: Hey Demandred. Remember how Lewis held you in permanent second place, and that was why you came here?

Demandred: Yeaaaah...?

Moridin: Well, just let me tell you this before I go on. You are organized, and your loyalty makes you stand high in the eyeless view of the Dark One.

Demandred: Thats cool and all, but why did you bring me here? Surely not to compliment me.

Moridin: Straightforward, as always. Good man. You know how you brought this body to the Pit of Doom so I could be brought back in it?

Demandred: Yeah?

Moridin: You do understand that you had first place in your grasp and you threw it away by bringing this body to the Pit, right?

Demandred: ... I do not appreciate the reminder.

Moridin: I know about your private circle Demandred. I could read Kisman like a book, even without Compulsion. You have skill, Barid Bel Medar, and you have ambition. But you must remember, even as you remind your pet Darkfriends, that too much ambition can be fatal. I am the Nae'blis Demandred, and I always will be. Sorry pal, you were a good sidekick. *balefires*


- Demandred getting killed by anyone other than Rand


I beg to differ i would love to see Mat take one on it would be a laugh to see one of the forsaken just go :O WTF then get killed.


My little theory is that it'll be Narishma who bumps off Demandred.


On topic: I second Majsju's statement. I want them to EARN the happy ending. It's gotta come at a price.


I'd like to see "happy Rand" come back to Tear and he's hanging out and shooting the sh!t with the AS, AM, and loyal followers in Tear and Cadsuane, hearing of this great turn of events goes to Rand to knock him down with a "I told you so, boy" and Rand gives a little snort and says, "I banished you from my sight and said If I ever saw you again I would hang you. Well as the Aiel say, 'I see you Cadsuane Melaidhrin' and I never was going to lift that proclamation. So Flinn, Narshima go on and shield this Aes Sedai and we's gonna watch a hangin'"


The more I think of it I am thinking Narishma might take out taim, and Logan will take out Demandred. I think I will be dissapointed if Matt and Tuon dont get with rand and make a treaty with the seanchan. I think the three of them together in a scene would be pretty cool :biggrin:


I'd like to see "happy Rand" come back to Tear and he's hanging out and shooting the sh!t with the AS, AM, and loyal followers in Tear and Cadsuane, hearing of this great turn of events goes to Rand to knock him down with a "I told you so, boy" and Rand gives a little snort and says, "I banished you from my sight and said If I ever saw you again I would hang you. Well as the Aiel say, 'I see you Cadsuane Melaidhrin' and I never was going to lift that proclamation. So Flinn, Narshima go on and shield this Aes Sedai and we's gonna watch a hangin'"


Ya, but then he has to have that whole "Sorry I tried to erase you from existence" conversation with his father. Those are always kind of awkward.


I dont think so, considering his father already flat out said that cadsuane was a bully and good for nothing..I think he would understand. I mean who wouldnt want to kill people with cadsuane always bugging you and slapping you :rolleyes:


I'd like to see any of us go through the multiple lashings she got while being a prisoner and see how well we'd do.

You know, I don't think I'd like that one bit.

Joking, I'm behind you 100%.


(a) Gawyn not learning the truth of what's been going on, or learning it too early (i.e. before the botches things)

(b) Elayne dying the moment her babies are born

© Rand missing from AMoL

(d) Tuon getting her way yet again

(e) Fain. Can't help it, he just does


I'd like to see "happy Rand" come back to Tear and he's hanging out and shooting the sh!t with the AS, AM, and loyal followers in Tear and Cadsuane, hearing of this great turn of events goes to Rand to knock him down with a "I told you so, boy" and Rand gives a little snort and says, "I banished you from my sight and said If I ever saw you again I would hang you. Well as the Aiel say, 'I see you Cadsuane Melaidhrin' and I never was going to lift that proclamation. So Flinn, Narshima go on and shield this Aes Sedai and we's gonna watch a hangin'"


That would be undeniably helarious


what would make me really mad is if we dont see Moridin fight. what has he done exactly in his new body? lord over people. exciting. be a prick. how new. RESCUE his enemy. what now? torture some rats. wow he has some mental issues thanks i didnt realize that. have philosophical discussions with his enemy? come on now buddy we know you still have some semi human insane badassery left in you from Ishmael!!


I agree. mat and tuon need to make love in this club.


And yoniy0 i have to disagree. if Elayne died right after giving birth that would make my series. though it may not but it would be so funny


Tuon needs to get knocked down a peg or six. If she doesn't somehow (and I'm well aware that if anyone can recover quickly it's her) I'll be unhappy. Mat's GOT to have one flat out victory over Tuon. Just one. C'mon, give him just one. One, so whenever Tuon gets all Tuony on him he can bring up that one time. JUST ONE!












just one for Chrissakes!


Tuon needs to get knocked down a peg or six. If she doesn't somehow (and I'm well aware that if anyone can recover quickly it's her) I'll be unhappy. Mat's GOT to have one flat out victory over Tuon. Just one. C'mon, give him just one. One, so whenever Tuon gets all Tuony on him he can bring up that one time. JUST ONE!












just one for Chrissakes!



her, egwene and Elayne. it would be awesome if Egwene gets her ASS handed to her by Mesaana and then Messy escapes. and then idk who would kill her. WAIT NYNEAVE will. yes that would be incredible


A Happily Ever After Ending will really piss me off. I want EVERYONE to DIE!!! Except Mat and Tuon. Tuon will put Mat in a sack and take him to Seandar.


Somebody killing Rand who doesnt deserve that kind of thunder. Slayer for example, and to be honest, Demandred. I think it'd be funny if Demandred THOUGHT he had killed Rand, but if he did I'd be disappointed.


Somebody killing Rand who doesnt deserve that kind of thunder.

Who does? None of the Darkfriends do, IMO (including Fain, even though he is not really a Darkfriend any more). Alivia certainly doesn't. She can play a part though. :)


Somebody killing Rand who doesnt deserve that kind of thunder.

Who does? None of the Darkfriends do, IMO (including Fain, even though he is not really a Darkfriend any more). Alivia certainly doesn't. She can play a part though. :)


Yeah. No-one really deserves to kill Rand. He is head above everyone else. He has sacrificed sooooooo much for the good of the world and everyone treats him like crap. I will be annoyed if it is some AS.


However much I dont like the Gawyn theory, and dont really think it true, I do believe that Gawyn's reason for killing Rand would be stomachable. He is a total idiot, but he is doing it for pure reasons, no matter how mislead.


Story-wise, I think it would be very very interesting if Demandred killed Rand. I mean, the whole reason for going to the Shadow was to kill LTT. It would be interesting to see how he reacts after killing Rand.


Apart from that, I dont think I will be happy if anyone kills Rand apart from the Dark One himself.


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