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To my knowledge Robert Jordan never used the word Tempest.

Brandon Sanderson used it A LOT in TGS.


So let's make some predictions.

How many times will we see that word, (or a variation on that word) in ToM???

There is no prize for who gets it right, just bragging rights.


I think we've already seen the word once in the Prologue, or spoiler chapters.



Here's my guess:

16 times that word will be used.


What's your guess.


TGS had 19 instances of the word tempest (I think). For ToM it might be slightly lower with less Rand. I'll say 15 times including the one we already know about.


Might also keep in mind that Rand is more sane, less angry, and the book doesn't have the word "storm" in the title. I'll go with 3.


To my knowledge Robert Jordan never used the word Tempest.

Brandon Sanderson used it A LOT in TGS.


So Im NOT the only person who noticed it!


I dont think it will be tempest. Im thinking there will be a different weatherbased word.


Like drizzle.


Actually RJ used tempest four times in eleven books. Sanderson increased the usage of the word by approximately 5,200% in TGS


IdealSeek shows four uses of the word 'tempest' in books 1-11 and one in TGS. It gives three uses of the word 'tempests', all of them in TPOD.


Of course, IdealSeek may not have caught all of them; it's been wrong before.


My guess: 3 times. Why? This topic has been discussed since tGS was released. I think Team Jordan has tried to avoid that particular word. Plus: can the weather really be as bad in ToM as it was in tGS? :)


Off topic: that very word, tempest, has been a source of amusement in the darker parts of the Swedish metal community since the 80's, when Joakim Larsson, the singer of the rather famous - or infamous - hair metal combo Europe, changed his name to Joey Tempest because he thought it was cool and sounded more "international". It wasn't and it didn't - shame on you, Mr Larsson! You had a couple of big hits in the US in spite of that hideous alias! :-D


I didn't even notice the overusage of the word "tempest." What caught me was the "fors" and "shalls". I SHALL do such and such, FOR she has blahblahblah... *shudders* From the very little I've read of ToM, Brandon took our collective criticism to heart and polished the language up a bit...I'll go with 2 "tempests."

Actually RJ used tempest four times in eleven books. Sanderson increased the usage of the word by approximately 5,200% in TGS

As per my own count of the usage of the word “tempest” and any variations of it, I can see it occur seven times in the first eleven books.

TFoH, Chapter 1, Fanning the Sparks

Weeks of utter failure, and now this, yet any mention of heading for Tear, which was sensible, set off a
that quailed even Logain.


LoC, Chapter 49, The Mirror of Mists

Anger welled up in Rand, a
that made him shake.


TPoD, Chapter 15, Stronger Than Written Law

A few days later, the soft rains became downpours, and then howling


TPoD, Chapter 15, Stronger Than Written Law

The temperature slid downward, plummeted, and
became blizzards.


TPoD, Chapter 21, Answering the Summons

The great winter
called the cemaros continued to roll up out of the Sea of Storms, harsher than any in memory.


TPoD, Chapter 29, A Cup of Sleep

Images and auras; a
love affair, of all things!


WH, Chapter 13, Wonderful News

reasons, idiotic reasons, yet she could have accepted them, if not for the others.

As for my own prediction of the number of times “tempest” might be used in ToM, I will have to second Hael Me and say rather few, e.g. six times.


wow, you guys realy do like to count the smallest things don't you????


Imma go with 11, because it is an awesome number...but tbh i don't care what it is...i'm not gonna conciously count or anything. :dry:


At soccerscott:


For books one to eleven I find a whopping total of zero times of “wings of grey at their temples”. (Also, I do not find anything for “wings of gray at their temples”.) Was this some sort of trick statement, or were you just paraphrasing?


yea... I was just recalling how many characters are described like that. I don't currently (nor did I last night) have a book at my side. Only have internet in the office here in the desert/mountains. Has no one else noticed characters being described with grey hair at the temples? Maybe it was just me...


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