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Your Lesser-Known ''Fave Scenes''

The Fisher King

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There have been a million Topics here over the years talking about ''All-Time Favorite Scenes'' and while I never get tired of reading other's takes on classic scenes, I thought it might be fun to put a slightly new twist on a familiar subject.


There are many awesome scenes in WOT and many of us share similar fave: Dumai's Wells, The Cleansing, Moiraine telling the Manatheren story in TEOTW, Mat's duel with Couladin, the ''Deathgates'' Mat finally reading Moiraine's letter etc, etc, etc...


All epic moments, but, how about...if we share some parts that maybe have always been our own personal fave scenes that are not really among the ''usual'' fave parts that get mentioned? Know what I mean? In other words, lets try to avoid Dumai's Wells or the like.


I'll start. Some of my favorite ''lesser-mentioned/less popular'' fave WOT scenes include:


1 When Morgase sees Perrin's banners and flags and just can't help but freaking out, lol.


2 Mat's conversation with a Seanchan Military Officer (can't remember which book) ... the Seanchan Officer appraises Mat favorably and tried to recruit him to the Seanchan Army...instead of panicking, Mat, as usual, charms her. He tells her ''I'd make a terrible soldier'' and she ends up laughing at his joke, agreeing, and being thouroughly charmed by our favorite rascal.


3 Cadsuane (in book 7, i THINK) basically (in not so many words) telling one of the Sea Folks that she would Kick Her A$$ if she ever touched her again, lol.


4 Tallanvor and Morgase when they finally give in and...well...YOU KNOW.




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I've always found the scene where Rand goes through the columns and sees when one of the traveling people right before having a heart attack remembers how he encountered AS that said Ishy was till partially free. She collected some items of power and when was asked where it was safe just laughed and went her way. Man, I can just imagine poor woman half crazy from all that's around her, knowing the secret that no one really clearly knew until after Rand took Callandor...I just imagine her being ultimate bad a$$ going after Ishy one on one...I've always consider her among "real AS" though we don't even know her name :(


I've always found the scene where Rand goes through the columns and sees when one of the traveling people right before having a heart attack remembers how he encountered AS that said Ishy was till partially free. She collected some items of power and when was asked where it was safe just laughed and went her way. Man, I can just imagine poor woman half crazy from all that's around her, knowing the secret that no one really clearly knew until after Rand took Callandor...I just imagine her being ultimate bad a$$ going after Ishy one on one...I've always consider her among "real AS" though we don't even know her name :(


Indeed. That is a really good part, NetSlider.





Oh so very many...


Perrin forming an alliance with the Seanchan, impressing the banner-general.


Tuan discovering Mat was actually quite good at stones, and later wondering just who on earth is this guy...


shoot, every few chapters there's a scene that rocks.


When Mat and Birgette get hammered together is one of my all time favorite scenes.

Another is when Mat arrives in Salidar and doesn't know that Egwene is the Amyrlin.


Oh, another one - when Mat is trying avoid Tylin in CoS she starves him. So when he's playing with Oliver snake and foxes the boy keeps on talking about how good the fish was that night and Mat looses it and says "Just through the dice, Oliver. Just through the bloody dice!" - Classic Mat :rolleyes:


My number one favorite scene in the series is the columns in Rhuidean. Especially Jonai's (I think) POV in Paaren Disen.


In my most recent reread, during ACOS, Rand's return to Cairhien is awesome (especially the crown part).


And for some reason I really like the scene after Rand is injured, where Min is reflecting and Cadsuane, Amys, and Dashiva are all standing around him.


the scene in tdr when loial and mistress al'vere meet. he keeps twitching his ears and makes her jump. bran gives her a tot of brandy that she tosses back like water and if left alone they would send each other to bed with the shakes. cracks me up every time i read it.

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My favorite is when Ingtar (sp?) reveals his "identity", only to then come back to the Light. I got goose bumps when Rand said "May the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."


Damn, I got goose bumps just typing that. No other author can claim that power over me, lol.


My favorite is when Ingtar (sp?) reveals his "identity", only to then come back to the Light. I got goose bumps when Rand said "May the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."


Damn, I got goose bumps just typing that. No other author can claim that power over me, lol.

Ok, this might be retarded question (and probably is) but do you really have a quarter million posts? Burn me, but that's just crazy. I mean, how, and most importantly, when??? I admire you much!


Oh, another one - when Mat is trying avoid Tylin in CoS she starves him. So when he's playing with Oliver snake and foxes the boy keeps on talking about how good the fish was that night and Mat looses it and says "Just through the dice, Oliver. Just through the bloody dice!" - Classic Mat :rolleyes:







I've always found the scene where Rand goes through the columns and sees when one of the traveling people right before having a heart attack remembers how he encountered AS that said Ishy was till partially free. She collected some items of power and when was asked where it was safe just laughed and went her way. Man, I can just imagine poor woman half crazy from all that's around her, knowing the secret that no one really clearly knew until after Rand took Callandor...I just imagine her being ultimate bad a$ going after Ishy one on one...I've always consider her among "real AS" though we don't even know her name :(


I hate to say it, but she never went after Ishmael... She just took what she wanted and left. We no nothing more about her.


-Dain Bornhald with his "We will die clean" statement and then staring down twenty Two Rivers longbows at point blank range and telling Perrin he will see him dead one day. Coolest living whitecloak maybe, not counting Galad?


One of my personal favorite scenes is in tGS Chapter 33: "A Conversation with the Dragon." That entire sequence is great, but I really enjoyed when Rand told Nynaeve that he knows exactly what he is doing to himself, there was just something chilling about knowing that Rand knew he was going to destroy himself, and that Nynaeve agrees (somewhat at least) with his logic.


Another for me is KoD Chapter 26: "As If the World Were Fog." I always enjoy getting to see the main characters from another person's PoV and this is one of my all time favorites (especially because Tuon not only calls Mat "Toy" but she thinks of him that way as well).


Shells, ''As if the world were a fog'' is one of my fave alltime chapters. Also, ''The Tale of a Doll' - where se see things from Furyk Karede's POV. EXCELLENT.


Another WELL DONE example of seeing main characters from a rare POV was the prologue of KOD where we see Perrin through Galina's eyes for several pages. Jordan was a master at this.


Another of mine I thought of was...The scene is TSR where we see Fain, Perrina nd the TWO Rivs through Dain Bornhald's POV.


Not mentioned often but I love it.






Slightly related to the columns in Rhuidean; the conversation Rand and Mat have right before Rand goes inside. It's one of the earliest Mat PoVs we get, and it's also the last one of the "old" Mat. Them being friends, joking, having fun at each other's expense... despite the weight on both their shoulders.


My favorite is when Ingtar (sp?) reveals his "identity", only to then come back to the Light. I got goose bumps when Rand said "May the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."


Damn, I got goose bumps just typing that. No other author can claim that power over me, lol.

Ok, this might be retarded question (and probably is) but do you really have a quarter million posts? Burn me, but that's just crazy. I mean, how, and most importantly, when??? I admire you much!


250, 000 Posts!!! !!! - LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!





That bit with Ingtar coming back to the light is pretty good. My favorite has to be Mat kicking the a$$es of Galad and Gawyn with his quarter staff while barely out of a sick bed, and the comment about the greatest swordsman ever being beaten by "a farmer with a stick" :mat:


That bit with Ingtar coming back to the light is pretty good. My favorite has to be Mat kicking the a$$es of Galad and Gawyn with his quarter staff while barely out of a sick bed, and the comment about the greatest swordsman ever being beaten by "a farmer with a stick" :mat:


al Corey: Those are 2 AWESOME Bits. I think they are very popular picks and two really standout scenes. Thanks for reminding me about them :)


Ive been trying to think of some awesome scenes that maybe are a little less populat with most fans - or don't stand out quite as much.


The private, one on one scene between Moiraine and Thom in TSR was really touching to me and I hardly ever hear it mentioned ... Mat's conversation with Setalle Anan where he first realized she used to be an Aes Sedai and they agree to keep each other's secrets seemed to be a scene that got overlooked by many readers but has always been a ''low key'' favorite of mine.






Wait... morgase and Tallavnor got it on? HOW DID I MISS THIS OMG!!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THAT!!!!



oh and fav scene: Rand telling off the sea folk in COS.


Mat ripping the sea folk a new one in PoD or ACOS- one of my all time favorite scenes hahaha


Wait... morgase and Tallavnor got it on? HOW DID I MISS THIS OMG!!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THAT!!!!


It was early in POD. It was almost entirely off-screen, and the lead-up to it was about 3 sentences long.


My favorites (in no particular order:

Narishma FINALLY standing up to Merise and delivering his speech to the rebel AS. "Remember the name. Eben Hopwil." If other POVs are anything to go by, she had him completely whipped before that.


Mat's very first scene involving the "ghost hounds" which were actually the Luhanns' dogs coated in flour. They ran straight home. He spent the rest of Winternight avoiding both of them. It still amuses me.


Davram Bashere's story about Muad Cheade, the guy who demanded funerals for 23 oak trees.


Morr's death.


The conversation in EOTW between Lan and Moiraine where they first mention the now-infamous lake incident. I couldn't buy it when I read EOTW, but after seeing Lan in later books, I can definitely see him throwing her into a lake. I know it's in NS, but I never got around to reading it.


I love the very last scene of EotW. Rand is telling Egwene that he'll never channel again, but he'll never go home again either.

Cut to Moiraine eavesdropping on them. She smiles to herself and says "The Prophecies will be fulfilled. The Dragon is reborn"


This actually rocked my world the first time I read it years and years ago. I hadn't realised Rand was the Dragon Reborn until that moment.

It still sends shivers down my spine.


Also.. The Prologue of EotW but maybe that's too obvious for this thread.


The Stone of Tear. Rand fire sword fights Bel'la(sp?). Moiraine BF's the Forsaken stuns the crowd, Ishy floats down from the ceiling and bats Moiraine across the floor. Rand grabs Calandor and chases Ishy and kills him. Rand stands in crowd of Tarien and Aiel battle and shoots lightning out of Calandor and declares himself Dragon Reborn causing everyone to go to their knees. Major scene but I don't think it gets enough credit.


Rand and Mats journey up Camlyn Road alone. Major newbies alone in the world for the firstime with dark friends and fades after them at every turn. First time read through was the best before things were demystified.


One that just popped into my mind was Min in TSR, in Tar Valon posing as 'Elmindreta'.

She's sitting under a tree doing some utterly terrible needlework, when Gawyn recognizes her and tries to find out about his sister and Egwene. Galad is there with no idea who she is and their jabs at each other go right over his head. The dialogue in this scene always stood out; RJ could be so hilarious when he wanted to. Picturing the fake smiles and play-acting for Galad's benefit in my mind makes it even funnier.


Of course (partially) because she refused to tell them anything useful, Gawyn participated in the Tower coup and Galad left altogether and joined the Whitecloaks.


There have been a million Topics here over the years talking about ''All-Time Favorite Scenes'' and while I never get tired of reading other's takes on classic scenes, I thought it might be fun to put a slightly new twist on a familiar subject.


There are many awesome scenes in WOT and many of us share similar fave: Dumai's Wells, The Cleansing, Moiraine telling the Manatheren story in TEOTW, Mat's duel with Couladin, the ''Deathgates'' Mat finally reading Moiraine's letter etc, etc, etc...


All epic moments, but, how about...if we share some parts that maybe have always been our own personal fave scenes that are not really among the ''usual'' fave parts that get mentioned? Know what I mean? In other words, lets try to avoid Dumai's Wells or the like.


I'll start. Some of my favorite ''lesser-mentioned/less popular'' fave WOT scenes include:


1 When Morgase sees Perrin's banners and flags and just can't help but freaking out, lol.


2 Mat's conversation with a Seanchan Military Officer (can't remember which book) ... the Seanchan Officer appraises Mat favorably and tried to recruit him to the Seanchan Army...instead of panicking, Mat, as usual, charms her. He tells her ''I'd make a terrible soldier'' and she ends up laughing at his joke, agreeing, and being thouroughly charmed by our favorite rascal.


3 Cadsuane (in book 7, i THINK) basically (in not so many words) telling one of the Sea Folks that she would Kick Her A$$ if she ever touched her again, lol.


4 Tallanvor and Morgase when they finally give in and...well...YOU KNOW.





Fish my friend you never cease to come up with awesome topics. Nice one dude!


One of my less controversial favorite scenes was in TGS when we saw Rand from Ituraldes PoV. It might be just me, but even though KoD had plenty of Rand I felt like there was still a long time til we saw Rand again, might sound sad but I think I missed him hahaha. Obviously that had to do with the tragedies of the time and whatnot, but while I thought Rands PoV was awesome all the way through TGS, us seeing him through other peoples eyes was very, very interesting. I love TGS for that. The first PoV Rand had was ok, but when we saw him from Ituraldes PoV I got some fairly strong "Look, its Rand!" vibes from it. Ituraldes PoV showed him to be a very respectful leader and the way his PoV showed the Ta'veren effect Rand had was awesome, that the force is still as strong as ever... "There was a force to this al'Thor." Yes Ituralde, I felt it myself when I read it. And the reminder and the portrayal of that so early in TGS gave me a lot of reassurance about the book still feeling like a Wheel of Time book.


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