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top 5 moments in the series so far

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Some may be obvious points, while it may be hard to narrow them down to 5 moments.  Anywhere, here's mine:


EOTW-Rand openly channeling and facing Ba'alzamon using the Eye

TGH-blowing of the Horn of Valere

TFoH-disappearance of Moiraine and Lanfear through the ter'angreal

WH-cleansing of saidin

TGS-Lews Therin and Rand becoming one while Rand destroys the Choedan Kal




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TSR- Mat meeting the Aelfinn

FoH- Moiraine Lanfear fight

LoC- Dumai's Wells

KoD- "Let the Lord of Chaos rule."

TGS- Rand's journey to Dragonmount


There are a LOT more, but I think these would be my top.



In no order


Seanchan attack on WT

Our first proper look at the Universities of Rand

Rand on dragonmount

Rand in the domination band

Elayne/Aviendah first-sister ceremony


Hmm...  only five?  I'll bite.


Verin's reveal

Dumai wells

Horn of valere blown at falme

Taking the Stone

Battle of Cairhien - Mat taking over some random troops and kicking ass



honorable mentions:  Tuon completing the marriage, Asmo's death (largely for all the fodder that was for all this discussion)


I went with favorites instead of most important


1. COT-Dumai's Wells

2. TGH-Ingtar's redemption at Falme

3. TDR(?)-Mat besting Galad and Gawayn at once

4. WH-Cleansing of Saidin

5. TGS-Verin's "confession"


Since the series is so dependant on demonstrating the importance of communication and what lack of trust and communication lead to, my favorite moments would be:


- Mat and Birgitte seeing the value of each other in ACOS (really wish others could do this argh)


- Nynaeve when she tricked Lan and asked who would ride with The Golden Crane to the Last Battle with Lan, absolutely loved this.


- Matrim and Tuon's marriage, particuarly when Tuon completes it.  A fever dream indeed.


- Moiraine's sacrifice for Rand was heartbreaking.


- Elayne and Tuon each and everytime they come to view another layer of Matrim Cauthon lol.


I want to would like to give My TOP 2 for right now:


Trollocs. Not thousands. Tens of thousands. He turned just in time to catch the long-handled axe that Elder Haman tossed him. The other man's ears were back all the way laid flat against his skull and Loial realized his own were too. And then he and Elder Haman were running down the corridor together, pounding down the stairs, bellowing at the top of their lungs a warning , and a battle cry that had not been heard in over two thousand years: ''Trollocs coming! Up axes and clear the field! Trollocs coming!''




Tuon looked at him (Mat),squatting there by the map, moving his fingers over its surface, and suddenly she saw him in a new light: A buffoon? No. A Lion stuffed into a horse-stall might look like a peculiar joke, but a lion on the high planes was something very different. Toy was loose on the high planes, now. She felt a chill. What sort of man had she entangled herself with? After all this time, she realized, she had hardly a clue.







The Manetheran story, still get chills

Blowing of the Horn of Valere

Mat with the finns, all three times

dumais wells

The cleansing


I could go on forever but I'd probably still be typing hours from now


Tough to narrow it down for me, so I'll go one for every book that sticks out, in order in the series:


1. EoTW, Ch. 9: Tellings of the Wheel. Moiraine tells the story of Manetheren.


Moiraine's relating the history of Manetheren to the Two Rivers folk who accost her outside the Inn. A Weep for what has been lost!


2. tGH, Ch. 46: To Come Out of the Shadow. Ingtar's Last Stand.


For Shinowa! For Shienar! May the last Embrace of the Mother welcome you home.


3. tGH, Ch. 47: The Grave Is No Bar To My Call. The Horn and Rand's Battle.


Awsome how they were related. Perrin in the van.


4. tSR, Ch. 24-26: Rhuidean, The Road to the Spear, The Dedicated.


The History of the Aiel and Mat gets his spear. Awesome.


5. tSR, Ch. 56: Goldeneyes. Faile & Perrin prevail over the Trollocs.


Faile leads the surrounding towns back in time to save Emond's Field just when all seemed lost.


6. tFoH, Ch. 43-44: This Place, This Day, The Lesser Sadness. Mat in battle.


Mat in action for the first time.


7. tFoH, Ch. 53: Fading Words. Moiraine's letter to Rand after the battle.


She's gone. You will do well, Rand. Awesome stuff.


8. LoC, Ch. 29: Fire and Spirit. Nynaeve Heals Siuan. Great stuff.


9. LoC, Ch. 55: Dumai's Wells. Best battle scene in the series.


10. NS, Ch. 26: When to Surrender. Mo/Lan over Merean/Ryne.


He never understood, you surrender after you're dead. Right on.


11. WH, Ch. 35: With the Choedan Kal. The Cleansing.


12. tGS, Ch. 39: A Visit From Verin Sedai. Awesome.


13. tGS, Ch. 40-41: The Tower Shakes, A Font of the Power. Egwene kick's butt.


Really good stuff here.


14. tGS, Ch. 50: Veins of Gold. Rand back from the brink.



Honorable Mention:


1. Egwene's Accepted Test (tDR, Ch. 22: The Price of a Ring).


2. Moraine/Rand get the better of Be'lal/Ishy in Tear (tDR, Ch 55: Into the Stone).


3. Egwene gets why the Aiel laugh (tGS, Ch. 2: The Nature of Pain).


I liked Egwene a lot in tGS.


4. Egwene makes here move, & confronts Elaida (tGS, Ch. 16: In the White Tower).


I guess I should have done a top 20, but I'm two short!


Mo's rescue and the BT showdown seem like they have a seat lined up.




Rand at Ruidian

The cleansing

Rand and Lan falling off the roof

Matt doing anything

Tam and Rand in the EOTW; the sword, and the fever fit with Rand finding out about himself.


OK, if I had to pick 5:


1. Dumai's Wells.

2. Moiraine's Fading Words to Rand.

3. Faile and Perrin save Emond's Field.

4. Rhuidean: Rand learns the history/Mat gets the spear.

5. The Entire End of tGS: A Visit From Verin, The Tower Shakes/A Font of the Power/Veins of Gold. Awesome.



Dumai wells is my favourite, without a doubt. Not only an amazing fight scene, but so important in the series in terms of impact. Would love to see it in a movie, just the utter chaos and destruction. Asha`man, kill!


Cleansing of Saidin. Everytime I reread the chapter I adore it more and more. This is what men and women working together truly accomplish. Rand and Nynaeve channeling vast amounts, Cadsuane using her ter`angreals, Narishma using Callandor. Awesome stuff.


The Battle of Cairheren. I love the entire battle scene, but specifically Mats role. Loved him up to that point, but he had never really done anything to distinguish himself from anyone else. Always seemed to be in Rands shadow. However, him finding some sense of responsibility to lead a unit and basically save the day shed light on just how important Mat was going to be. Also one of the greatest lines ever: "I’m a gambler, a farmboy, and I’m here to take command of your bloody army!"


Veins of Gold. Rand on the very edge of oblivion, about to destroy the world, to allow the Dark One to win. And yet he finds a reason to fight on. Theres something spooky to me about when lews Therins voice came through sane and clear.


Rand almost killing Min. The most intense chapter of the series, and so achingly heart wrenching. Rand screaming in his mind for a way to get out while he slowly strangles his loved one. And then release aided by the True Power.




1-Dumais wells with Loial and Dobraine  2-Mat rescuing the girls in Tear 3- Weilin Aldragoran meets Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran 3- perrin egwene and elyas run from the crows 4- nynaeve defeats moghidien and explains to elayne 5- Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne get captured by bandits and rescued by the Aiel. God, there are so many great moments good thread


Veins of Gold. It changed everything.

The balefire incedent. The Dragon vs Nae'blis thread is my favorite part of the series.

The Cleansing, the sheer magnitude of the event as well as teh worldbyuilding elements involved... love it. And the Forsaken appearances.

Dumais Wells. The bit where the Shaido break, their heads stop exploding, rolling ring of Earth and Fire... epic.




Rand: Do you believe that I could kill you? Right here, right now, without a sword or the Power? Do you think that if I willed it, the Pattern would stop your heart beating, by... coincedence?


Not because it was Cadsuane Rand spoke to, but because it was Rand saying it. Ive got this thing about a good guy turning evil, and Rand in TGS was awesome for it. That Cadsuane bit, as well as "Yes, this hardness will kill me" was one of my favorite Rand moments ever. I miss Dark Rand already.


Ehh, pretty much the climax of every book.  The thing is TGS had so many climaxes its hard to pick out which one was "the" climax.


Ehh, pretty much the climax of every book.  The thing is TGS had so many climaxes its hard to pick out which one was "the" climax.

LOL. You could probably do top 5 moments for TGS alone.  I had a hard time leaving out Last That Could Be Done, Visit From Verin Sedai and the Rand-Moridin dream scene in A Place to Begin.  Really epic stuff in those scenes.


Top 5 scenes


Tellings of the Wheel, TEoTW

Falme when the Horn is blown

Mat v. Gholam


Dumai's Wells


bah, limit reached.


(last that could be done, cleansing, verin's visit, a cup of sleep, goldeneyes, the first arrow, under an oak, NOT HERE, a lily in winter, a breaking in the three fold land, etc. etc.)



So many, but if I had to narrow them down...


(In no order)


1. The Eye, when Rand channels.

2. Falme. (Those last few chapters... Mat blowing the horn, Ingtar, Rand's sword fight...)

3. The taking of the stone in TDR

4. Rand in Rhuidean

5. Perrin defending the Two Rivers


(Haha, I think this would be way easier if it were "Top 5 moments from each book.")


(Haha, I think this would be way easier if it were "Top 5 moments from each book.")


OK:  top 5 scenes from CoT GO!


Perrin throwing away his axe!

Mat courting Tuon.

er, Logain and Rand glaring at each other.

um, Perrin lifting that bar by himself...?

Egwene failing at masking her ability to channel??




(Haha, I think this would be way easier if it were "Top 5 moments from each book.")


OK:  top 5 scenes from CoT GO!


Perrin throwing away his axe!

Mat courting Tuon.

er, Logain and Rand glaring at each other.

um, Perrin lifting that bar by himself...?

Egwene failing at masking her ability to channel??

Wow, I didn't think it was possible to garner 5 top moments from CoT.  Anywhere, here's my top 5 words from CoT:







LOL @ top 5 :P


There are just too many moments throughout the entire series that make my emotions well up. I did just finish re-reading it again, so I'll list a few that come to mind. No particular order, just off the top of my head. And I'm paraphrasing because I'm too lazy to actually look them up. :P


Storms will come soon. But for now, I am here. I am here. (this almost makes me tear up lol)


Kneel, Aes Sedai, or you will be made to kneel. (epic)


He looked like a man who saw the arrow coming and knew he couldn't dodge it. (Mat is so awesome! XD)


When Loial and the others take up the Ogier weapons before the trolloc attack. ( :o )


And of course, the cleansing. (You knew it had to happen, knew it was going to happen, but it was still such a surprise the way it was done.)


When Perrin paddled Faile's bottom lol.


all great top fives mentioned, although me i can't see what was so great in veins of gold


i always like the scene with nynaeve healing logain/siuan/leane


In reverse order:


5.  Rand punches "Graendal" as hard as he can in the face

4.  Loial carries Gaul back from the Manetheren Waygate

3.  Mat fights Gawyn and Galad simultaneously

2.  Rand in Far Madding

1.  Tuon completes the marriage ceremony


uhm Perrin defending emonds field

Dark rand (loved every last scene with him, especially the I know I am too hard, but you dont cry over a tool broken doing its job)

Mat in his camp with tuon

Elayne taking the throne

the aiel chief who asks rand whether he hangs and then starts telling jokes about whether his neck will break the rope or the rope will break his neck just pure awesome :D


I agree, there are tooo many scenes that are epic. So ill go and say my favorite plotlines.

Also in reverse order. COUNTDOWN  :D



5. Professor Asmodean


4. Emonds field and Perrin.


3. The Black Tower plotline (amnesty and cleansing of taint, Logain v Taim etc.)


2. the birth of "Darth Rand" (the Last that could be done)


1. Aelfinn and Eelfinn  v Mat.




ON a note, i agree with Drekka and Durinax


"Dark Rand" (tGS) (come on, he was pretty wicked, apart from the balefire and nearly killing Tam, he was badass)


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