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Feast of Fools: Novice's Gather Here!

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(Elgee, I LOVE your siggy! :D)


*back into MoN mode*

*spots some Novices trying to sneak off and goes to hover behind them menacingly* And just where do you think you're going? The Tower has gutters that need cleaning!

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what's this? A MoN out of ideas to punish? WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YES!!!


*channels Air and weavebarrels player into the Tar Valon River* GO FISH!


I got your back, Adella Sedai! *glues little note on the MoN's back* 'If ya' think I'm too sexy for this dress say Yo Mamma!'



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*eyes the fiesty redhead sneeking around the back*


now she looks like my type of gal!


*walks up to her loops her arms in hers*


Now what was this I hear you mentioning a Tavern, but if not I kinda took this from the kitchens *pulls out bottle of vodka*


The cook likes a bit of a tipple, she won't be needing one for a while, I gather they ahve a bit of a flood in the kitchens.


So where shall we go...looks that that one over there needs a drink or two as well *points to Lor*



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*Links arms with the uber cool novice in black*


Oh frigid! Tell you what - why don't we grab the Dude, the sexy blonde chick, and ... well would ya look at that! *Points to the MoN* ... and the girl who did that! We can get a buzz on with whatcha got there, and then sneak to that Tavern later, when it's dark  ;D

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While cleaning the Mon's rooms, Lily doesn't notice that she knocked all her gowns to the floor while dusting, stopped up the sink and left the water running, or left the windows open and let a couple of raccoons in.


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Barm, no, you're a novice! :D


Locke.. Thank you <3


*marches up behind Talya and Elgee, hearing their plan without them noticing her standing behind them, and grabs them both by the ears* To my office, now, both of you.. You are going to get the slipper. *eyes TMD.. then grabs him with a flow of air and brings him along too*



Edit: *lets the novices mess with the out of control Soul*

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