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March Stats: The month that didn't exist


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BA wins, which is nice since it was my last month as leader. Kivam's DO again, which should be fun. Chrono's DO points are finally included in a stats post, which should make him happy. And it turns out that Tigraine has a sense of humour according to all of the posts giving him points. I demand a demonstration!


Black Ajah: 322


Kivam: 155

Ashaman: 47

Hax: 44

Nae: 23

Meesha: 20

Pandy: 19

Barmy: 9

Eli: 5



Dreadlords: 272


Aemon: 63

Badco: 40

Ed: 38

Tigraine: 35

MCS: 29

Gerr: 20

TMD: 20

Jelly: 20

Krak: 5

Moggy: 2



Shadowspawn: 113


CCS: 50

Aust: 20

Twitch: 20

Lily: 10

Gus: 7

Verbal: 6



Lightfuls and Misc: 64


Piano: 12

Some1else: 7

Locke: 13

Talmanes: 5

BaLefireP: 4

Adella: 3

Matrimix: 20



Total: 771

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I have a sense of humor?



I mean, of course I have a sense of humor!  Even though Ed did spend months trying to beat it out of me  ;)


And to be honest, all I done to get those points was build a Wal*Mart and let the DO's in to visit Angelina Jolie where I happen to be holding her captive in my basement  ;D

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She's headed for the old mill!



...(lets get some cider!)




Shag and Scoob, head around the mill and make sure she doesn't get out the back.  Daphne, Velma, and I will go in the front entrance and trap her!


*insert awesome chase muzik*

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Ah, I've finally caught up with you people who said you earned DO points in March. We deal with DO points in one big lump at the end of the month and inevitably they're posted the following month. So Caddy, Amadine, Talya (same deal) will have their points show up in the stats list next month.


In the meanwhile, though we've taken time to compile them in this format, you have earned them and you will have them on the points page already.

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