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Blue&Green Disney Week: Disney Mafia Dream Zone


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  • Club Leader

I think I have everybody signed up. Check the OP (original post) to be sure. There has been a lot of chatter, which I don't mind one bit, and it may have caused me to miss something.



Pookie, No Roles is a concept I'm working on. Everyone will get an alignment only. (town or mafia. maybe a solo) You will earn points based on your posts - content, good guesses, successful gambits, inventive lies, good reasoning that persuades others to lynch, etc. You will lose points for Ed-type spam (love you, Ed  :-*) Items, such as a finder tool, ability to heal, bullets to kill with, etc. must be purchased with said points.


The up side is that it's a new concept and could be fun for older, bored players. The downside is that there is literally no way for me to balance it. It all depends on the players. The best, most active players win - period. All I can do is to adjust prices daily, and attempt to keep things balanced. I don't know how successful it will be, but we all like to try new things, right?


And, Min, I knew you'd be along as soon as both Dah'mir and Cairos signed up.  :P



Ed is right, I'm not giving you the character you ask for. Sorry. Random.org gets to pick. The roles will be fairly logical, though, at least to my mind. *grin*



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This is going to be an interesting game then, now just to stay alive past day one.


How is the timeline going to work? Deadline, Majority vote, or whichever happens first?


I take it points will be PM'ed at the end of each phase?


hmmm  i can see where balance in that game would become a problem.


you could use it in a group type set up, like have masons, mafia & cult with equal players.  but in a regular set up where the general board knows nothing.  and have items specific for groups.


ie: Mafia can only purchase powers that are typical of mafia type roles (nk, recruit, freeze, protection, false alignment)


also, to promote team work in the game, you could allow them to compile (donaite) their points together and to purchase certain powers as a group effort such as a kill or a veiwing or a FF ability.  powers that could be made as a group decision.


and allow them to purchase abilities individually like protection and such.


you'd have to do alot of brain storming, but i hope my rambling helps a bit ;)  

  • Club Leader

Red, we tend to think alike, and we need to take this to PM if it goes any farther. Otherwise none of my new game ideas (except Thieves Guilds, which is NOT mafia, but something entirely new - watch the SG org - shameless plug!) will be of any use to me at all. You nailed a lot of my ideas and sent them public......lol.



I'm thinking of starting this game Friday. I have to basically rewrite it. I never expected so many players! New roles to create.... yay! I'm late. I'm late for a very important date! I will give you one hint, players. Not all the roles will be from wiki. I've been working on some new ones, and Pete has created some as well, most of which you know about. And this is what Lily does when she gets killed off in all her games..... create new ones where she can't be killed, natch!  ;D





Guest dragonsworn1991

Lily we can have a brainstorming yahoo sesion tonight. You know I love creating roles.


Well I'm definitely excited. Seeing how badly my first lily-run game went.




Don't be too creative, sis, you know what happened the last time. *wipes tears*














































  • Club Leader

No way! Really? Sam's playing? Woo hoo!


And Boops, I promise. That power will not be present here. I hereby do swear that I will not give anyone the power to freeze Boopsy. I got a taste of my own medicine, TWICE!, in Nae's game. Learned that lesson good.



You are right :) Pixar are the lords of animation. Monsters Inc & Finding Nemo are my fav my kids favourites *grins*


LLL. EVIL PERSON. Really? What about the classics? Alladin? Lion King? Hmm.......


Pixar might make better movies now... but Disney is classic.


You are right :) Pixar are the lords of animation. Monsters Inc & Finding Nemo are my fav my kids favourites *grins*


LLL. EVIL PERSON. Really? What about the classics? Alladin? Lion King? Hmm.......


Pixar might make better movies now... but Disney is classic.


Disney is the best, but really Al, if you are such an Aladdin fan, stop SPELLING IT WRONG!!!


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