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Finished "Shogun" by James Clavell, liked it.

Starting "Mistborn"


Finished Mistborn "The Final Empire" and am almost finished with the Well of Ascension. So far I liked the first one more, but the second one is still good.


Is it me or is Spook just plain awesome. His whole attitude is probably one of my favorite parts of the books. Especially how he regards Clubs and Breeze.

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  • 1 month later...

Waiting for ToM, rereading Harry Potter series. Light reading. Funny how ingrained the movies become. The books are different but I had forgotten how much. I've only read the series once but have seen the films numerous times. The story is the same but the details...not so much. Oh, BUMP!

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  • 3 weeks later...

On to book four of the Harry Potter series, The Goblet of Fire. Noticing a lot of differences now, and I worry about the upcoming HBO Series based on the G.R.R. Martin books. How much will be cut or changed to fit production on the screen? It reminds me of the tv series based on The Sword of Truth books. I know there are a lot of haters on here but the books were sooo much better than the Legend of the Seeker show. In the Harry Potter case I'm not sure the differences really hurt but what if they screw too much with Game of Thrones? Is this series a reprodction of the written story or will it be loosely based on it instead? Just don't want to see the story ruined by producers and directors.

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Just recently finished Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson. Taking a break from the series, since the books require a lot of my time. I usually dont get to read leisurely all that much, and reading a 1200 page book can take a while.


Now starting up The Windup Girl. I'll probably read another standalone novel before diving back into House of Chains. Somewhere in between Ill read Towers of Midnight. :D

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I am currently rereading both A Feast for Crows, book four in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (now where have I seen that before ^.^) and The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, Day 1 of the Kingkiller Chronicle. Both are ahmazing and both books look like hell because I have read them so much. If I want something more fast paced and quicker to read, I read The Name of the Wind because IMO it's easier to read than George's stuff. But I'm starting to get better at reading AFfC because I skip a lot of the POVs on the rereads. Like Brienne, goodness I hate her. Also in my opinion AFfC is the weakest of all the books, except for at the end. The end is def my favorite part of the whole book, which sucks because it's such a cliff hanger.


*le sigh* I just hope George finished A Dance with Dragons soon


Up next I will reread the whole WoT series before ToM comes out.


@redarm George was with HBO almost every step of the way in the making of Game of Thrones. If he's happy with it, and if you've ever read his "Not a Blog" you'd know he'd tell us if he wasn't, then I know I'm going to be happy with it. I mean it's HBO for goodness sakes. They can show all the sex and killing and amazingness. Also these books are way way way times infinity better than The Sword of Truth series, so really Legend of the Seeker had nothing to go on. So I think most of George's fans will be happy with the end result, though there will be those people who hate it. I don't think people understand that some parts of the story has to change when adapting them to movies or shows becuase it just doesn't work the same way as in books. I'm excited.

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Just finishing up The Way of Kings and bit it's a good one. Reminds me at times if way back when I read a little know book called The Eye of the World, know it?

Okay the books aren't really at all similar but the prologue and just something else does it to me. Maybe the fact that it's a genuinely great book and you know re reading is going to reward you.


Also Hawkwood snd the Kings, been reading it for a bit now other books keepngettin in the way.

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Have to wait for Way of Kings. The wife has started her x-mas shopping and has probably already packed it away to be wrapped. If I were to read it before then she'd murder me. So, on to Harry Potter book 5, The Order of the Phoenix. This reread of the HP series has been interesting. First, because of my familiarity with the movies at this point and the differences that I never noticed or remembered from ny first read to first viewing of the films. And second, because I find myself genuinely excited about turning the pages now. Didn't expect that. Just figured I'd do the reread to kill some time. Didn't expect to be so into it.

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Just finished Terry pratchetts I shall wear midnight. It is a young adult book and it just felt like it lacked something because if that or I just don't like them books.

Currently reading Douglas Adams Dirk Gently Holistic Dective Agency. Bit if a slow stater and the main, or who appears Yo be the main character, character is slightly annoying and it took a while for Dirk Yo appear. Since he has it has picks up a bit. The electric monk is worth the read I believe.

I have also just purchased gardens of the moon. Something about the malazan series always put be off but I'd said I'd risk it for the biscuit.

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i'm reading two books at once.


i'm half way through "Feast for Crows" by GRRM , but bubba just started it and has highjacked the book from me. i'll get it back once he's done with it mostlikely and will finish it in time to go staright to ToM :biggrin:


so, while i'm waitng on the book, i picked up a teen author who writes books that are like crack to me :blush: *hides*


"The Lost Hero" by Rick Riodan i started it last night and i'm already almost 200 pages into it. i love his books and his characters (yes i've read all three kids series)


i tried to find Way of Kings :dry: Walmart no longer sold it :sad: so i shall have to take a trip to Barnes & Noble :happy:


i plan on picking up a few other books as well ...

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I'm currently reading:

Warrior by Jennifer Fallon

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind

A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin

Red Seas Under Red skies by Scott Lynch

Doctor Who - Ghost Light by Marc Platt

The Battle for Singapore by Peter Thompson

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Mark of Ran by Paul Kearney.

I know it seems a lot, but if you were reading Goodkind you'd want to have a lot of other books on the go as well, to help you deal with the pain.

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On to book four of the Harry Potter series, The Goblet of Fire. Noticing a lot of differences now, and I worry about the upcoming HBO Series based on the G.R.R. Martin books. How much will be cut or changed to fit production on the screen? It reminds me of the tv series based on The Sword of Truth books. I know there are a lot of haters on here but the books were sooo much better than the Legend of the Seeker show. In the Harry Potter case I'm not sure the differences really hurt but what if they screw too much with Game of Thrones? Is this series a reprodction of the written story or will it be loosely based on it instead? Just don't want to see the story ruined by producers and directors.


wait until you get to The Half Blood Prince. if you think there were differences in the movie vs book for GoF, HBP will be painful. very much so :dry:


the good thing abotu a series on HBO versus a movie is that there is much more time to get alot more things on screen. i have alot more faith in HBO getting it right than i ever had in Waner Bros with the Percy Jackson series or the remaining tDH's for HP.

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wait until you get to The Half Blood Prince. if you think there were differences in the movie vs book for GoF, HBP will be painful. very much so :dry:



I know. I am glad I read the books before seeing the movies though. The problem is I read them once, and i've seen the movies countless times do to constant play on tv and my wifes love for watching the DVDs. So I had forgotten the differences and the film versions kind of took over in my head. Now that I am reading them again it's almost like reading them for the first time. So many things I had forgotten and were left out of the movies. Or lot's of things that were just plain different. Each book gets further from it's film as the series goes on. Won't be surprised at all when I get to HBP. OotP is a lot different too.

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I'm currently reading:

Warrior by Jennifer Fallon

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind

A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin

Red Seas Under Red skies by Scott Lynch

Doctor Who - Ghost Light by Marc Platt

The Battle for Singapore by Peter Thompson

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Mark of Ran by Paul Kearney.

I know it seems a lot, but if you were reading Goodkind you'd want to have a lot of other books on the go as well, to help you deal with the pain.



MR Ares is my Hero.

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Just finished King's Salems Lot and I thought it would of been better. Was expecting some Dark Tower references considering a certain character turning up in that series. Okay I'm not finished, still have them prologues to finish not sure if I can be arsed.

Up next another Stephen King book, The Dead Zone, have high hopes again.

Thinking of reading Seasons of War by Daniel Abraham. Anyone read it? Or The Painted Man by Peter Brett ( I believe its also called the warded man).

Two thirds through Douglas Adams book now.

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Currently reading three books.


Memories of Ice (Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson

Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck


Also reading a Norwegian book about soldiers in Afghanistan called "Med Mandat til å Drepe", directly translated it's "With license to kill".


Hoping to finish all of them before I get Towers of Midnight :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently reading The Dragon Reborn and will catch up on the WoT series before reading anything else.


In queue (in order):

- The Way of Kings

- A Song of Ice and Fire (want to watch the TV show). Which order should I read 'em? I heard about the novellas.

- JRR Tolkien's books. Which order should I read them? Should I read the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales and The History of Middle-Earth or The Hobbit first?

- Codex Alera series

- Malazan Book of the Fallen series

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Just finished I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett. It may be getting close to his last one, due to Alzheimers, so bittersweet enjoyment. I'm sure RJ fans can relate, as I was certainly also upset when I heard that he wouldn't be writing any more. Rereading POD for the 4th or 5th time. No reason for choosing that book in particular other than it was on the bookshelf with its cover facing up...

Read The Way of Kings a month or so back and enjoyed it a lot. Looking forward to the next installment. After TOM, of course!

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So finished my reread of Harry Potter. Very enjoyable. Has a satisfying finish to as well. Kind of in limbo now as far as my next reads with christmas coming. I know there will be books coming my way including Way Of Kings and Towers Of Midnight. In the meantime, I don't know what I'll be reading. Maybe some more light stuff. I have a few Brian Jaques books I have not gotten to yet. I could go a little heavier with Mists of Avalon. Been meaning to read that for quite awhile. I think I started it and got sidetracked by something else. Been tempted to give The Hobbit another go. It has been like 20 years since I read it last. Guess I'll just stare at my bookshelf until I get inspired.

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