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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Just saw Expendables. I kinda expected something better from Sly. Most of the cast had trouble delivering their lines. Still entertaining.


@Troilen - Unstoppable was okay but directors should learn that action movies do not require flying police cars.

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I watched Perfect Blue.

I see how Requiem for a Dream and Black swan borrowed from this but I think they did it well so it doesnt bother me. I hated the movie at the start, but about halfway things got messed up as and by the end i really really enjoyed it. 8.9/10

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I just watched The March of the Penguins and James and the Giant Peach


I thought The MArch was good but either too long or too short. I just ended for me and didnt feel closed off. But it was still great



James was great! I had forgotten so much of it and I really liked it. Being a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan I laughed when I saw the Pirate skeleton that was attacking then had Jack the Pumpkin king's head. It was great


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I admit I had low expectations for this film. It didn't do well at the box office and I kind of knew what to expect from the previews. But I was surprised by how much I liked it. I only wish Night had directed it so I could say he had redeemed himself. I recommend this to anyone that liked Sixth Sense and thrillers.


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps


This movie is really Oliver Stone commenting on the collapse of the financial markets in 2008 disguised as a sequel. And I guess that is ok because it makes the movie more relevant. I did not like the use of split screen montages... it felt like I was watching a CSI episode. The movie has like 3 potential endings... and any would have been better than the real fairy tale one. Maybe it was because I looked away too many times while it was on or something, but the plot was all over the place. Gecko's role is more of a long cameo as he is maybe 20 minutes of the movie. Shea was ok. I guess I am saying overall this movie wasn't very good and I would only recommend it to people that work on wall street or like stocks... or bad movies.

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Kind of have mixed feelings about it. The storyline is ok, but quite predictable, least to me it was. Seemed really short to me, lack of content, they tried to lengthen it by making a lot of the action sequences longer and more drawn out than they needed to be so it wouldn't be a 70min movie.

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Temple Grandin


It won tons of awards for acting and mini series, so it popped up on my radar. I finally got around to watching it last week. At first I wasn't digging the story... but after about 30 minutes I was drawn in. Yes... good acting and a pretty good story line. However at times I felt I was watching Ben Stiller doing Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder at times.




Eh... about what I expected. High school toilet humor with a few scenes that were actually funny. I would only suggest this to people that think movies like Grown Ups or Old Dogs were also funny.

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Eh... about what I expected. High school toilet humor with a few scenes that were actually funny. I would only suggest this to people that think movies like Grown Ups or Old Dogs were also funny.



It was much worse than I expected. I was really surprised with the "few scenes that were actually funny" because they were actually funny. However, I wouldn't suggest this movie to anyone.




I watched It's Kind of a Funny Story last night. I had no idea what to expect because I'd never heard of it before (my friends decided to watch it). The title is spot on; it was kind of a funny movie. It starred Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts (Julia's niece), and some rando named Keir Gilchrist (main character). It's about this 16-year old boy (Gilchrist) who decides to check himself into a Suicide Watch program at a local hospital. He basically is somewhat suicidal but is quickly changes his tune (too quickly in my opinion) when he learns the teen program is temporarily transferred to the adult program. So he meets all these adults who are suicidal and they help him learn that life is worth living (or whatever). This is one of the few movies that I've enjoyed Galifianakis in (usually his humor isn't my cup of tea) and I think that he does better in dramatic roles than comedic roles. Oh, and there's teen romance drama too (gag). It was kinda alright. 5.8/10

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Basically an updated version of The Running Man. In the future people are more twisted than they are now and like to take control of people, especially an unattractive fat guy that doesn't like to wear a shirt and has to ride a cart around and needs a breathing apparatus. So I expected the First Person shooter aspect. I did not expect the Sims aspect where people take over people in a Sims like enviroment (ala the fat guy controling a girl who he likes to direct to have sex with guys). It is sad because I can envision how this movie might have been made correctly. The direction, editing and script were awful. Therefore this movie was pretty terrible.


The Next Three Days


Paul Haggis knows how to put together a movie. From the previews you get the idea this is a high action prison break. I was surprised to find this movie had little of that and focused more on the planning part. Russell Crowe was excellent as always. I had moderate expectations from this film and felt the movie exceeded them. I would give this a movie a recommend.


Never Let Me Go


Take the idea behind The Island, take out all the action and sci-fi compenants. Add British accents, good dialogue and better actors (sorry SJ) and you have this movie nailed. Basically it takes the core idea from The Island (that of organ harvesting) and ONLY deals with the human aspect of it from the point of view of the donors. This movie nudged into my top 10 of 2010 but I would only recommend it to true movie buffs that enjoy dialogue and plot over loud noises and explosions. If you are a cryer, get the tissues and keep em handy till the end.

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Knight and Day


I have had this at home since before Christmas. Last night there was not a thing on TV and our DVR was almost empty. Also my streaming netflix on the Xbox was not working. With all alternative paths/excuses exhausted, we turned to this movie. This is your usual "I am a spy/hit-man/cop meets innocent maiden who gets tangled in his affairs". Throw in a little light comedy and you already have seen this movie at least 20 times before. Except Tom Cruise throws off the creepy vibe. I mean, I know he does in real life now... but in the movie it really comes out. Anyway I felt this movie had the bones of a pretty good recycled action flick... but really fell flat. I would not recommend this to people I like.

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Recently watched Robin Hood (new version)


Not too bad. I had heard a lot of negative things about this movie, and maybe it was missing some things, but I enjoyed it, maybe because I had heard so much bad stuff I enjoyed it because I expected it to be abolutely awful which it wasn't.


Grown Ups


Another movie I had heard terrible things about. I am not sure why, I actually quite liked this movie, it was funny, but not constantly, and had some good family movie qualities, but not constantly. I think it was a pretty good blend, yeah some parts were so so, but overall I liked it.

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Easy A


Take the typical teen movie, add superb writing and dialogue, full characters and great acting. I enjoyed this movie much more than I thought I would. It won't creep into my top 10 of 2010 but is definitely in my top 20.


Law Abiding Citizen


Wow. I was expecting some lawyer movie sprinkled with Butler going a little crazy and then making thinks right. What I got was a Michael Bayish, everyone dies movie (except Bay would use more CG and less dialogue). If you are one of those people that can't remember this movie coming out or the title barely tickles your spider senses... you were right to pass on it. I am not saying it was bad... just nothing I would suggest someone go out of their way to check out.

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Cowboy Bebop


SO it's the first anime I've watched in a damn while, and I thorougly enjoyed it. Reminded me of all the things I like about the genre, only I couldn't help pine for more Neon Genesis style goings on.


It definately has style, I love the characters, the design and aesthetic and feel were top notch. I'm a big fan.

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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus..


Typical Gilliam, liked it but for the most part didnt have a clue what was going on (to be fair, it was 5am when i watched it).. However on the whole i enjoyed the movie. Hopefully will benefit greatly from a re-screen.


Lily Cole looked beautiful, solid (final.. :sad: **sniff**) performance from Ledger, and really good support cast. (Particularly the stand-ins). One final shout for Tom Waits who shamelessly steals pretty much every scene he's in.


Wouldnt be fair to rate until viewed again i feel. :wink:

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I am a big fan of the whole concept of heaven at war and badass angels. I liked the Prophecy when it came out. Christopher Walken calling us monkeys was great. Legion is basically The Prophecy smashed together with Demon's Knight with updated CGI and one dimensional characters. There were some scenes that I greatly enjoyed like when Gabriel and Michael fight near the end. Other than that this movie falls flat on its face. I like the guy that plays Michael and actually was looking forward to his new movie Priest coming out later this year until I realized it had the same director.

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I just re-watched Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones


I don't know if it's because I've matured or because I was in a weird mood (I'm leaning toward the former), but this movie wasn't nearly as good as I remember. This time around I noticed just how bad the acting is and just how bad the dialogue is. I still the the music is one of William's best and the effects can be super badass (yoda-Dooku lightsaber battle, seismic charges, proton torpedoes, Jango Fett), but Portman's acting really grated on my nerves.


The coolest part, though, was that I could see the overarching Sith plot. I could see the genius of Darth Sidious in "Master Sifu Dias" ordering the clones, in forcing Amidala to flee back to Naboo leaving the idiot Jar Jar in control of Naboo's Senate vote (and how easily it was for Palpatine to convince Jar Jar to vote him supreme powers

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Just watch Tangled and I have to admit I liked it. Her eyes were drawn WAY too big but the story over all is a great story and well done. But yeah I mean in some shots we had to rewind and pause at how bug eyed she was. OH! and I think there is a sketch of mulan hidden on the mountan face at the opening of the film.

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Tron: Legacy


First off I must say I am a big fan of the original. When I popped it in a few months ago to show my wife I gotta say I was little disappointed in what I saw. But on to the new sequel. This movie has many problems but graphics is not one of them. I read somewhere that the movie took 64 days to shoot and 68 weeks to finish. This really shows... in both the great graphics and horrible acting. I will not say this often... but in this case they should have cut a little plot, some of the bad dialogue and added more action sequences. I still would have though the movie shallow but at least I would have enjoyed the ride. I think the basic story was good... but then they added this Ixo thing. I must have blinked when they explained it... but I have no idea what or who they are except they will change humanity...somehow... Anyway the movie was just ok. I know people raved about it but these are the same people that love movies like Transformers and GI Joe. I am not saying this movie is as bad as those two.

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Hobo With A Shotgun It was... interesting. Bad acting and cinematography, but still entertaining. Contains LOTS of fake blood and tries to be too extreme, though that's to be expected. I still prefer Boondock Saints for my vigilante movie.

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How did you see that Silver... it hasnt even been released yet...


Dorian Gray


About what I expected, maybe a little better based on the reviews I read when it came out. If you are thinking to yourself... how did I miss this one... it is ok.. it was made in the UK so it didn't hit most people's radars in the states. Colin Firth was marvelous, the kid playing Dorian Gray was passible and the story was engaging enough for me to watch without turning on my computer to multi-task. I would not suggest going out of your way to see it though.

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Due Date


You would think with this cast you would have comedic gold. But the writers really let them down. It is like they took Tommy Boy and rewrote it for these two. I am not a Tommy Boy fan so rewatching it again did nothing for me.


Jonah Hex


Due Date looks like an Oscar winning movie compared to this pile. You would think with Josh Brolin and John Malkovich a great movie would emerge. Even with Megan Fox it may be all ok. But no... it felt like I was watching a cross between Wild Wild West and Bloodrayne. I even checked halfway through to ensure that Ewe Boll was not responsible for this disaster. I think this may be topping my worst movies of 2010 list.

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