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Is it Andor custom for any potential Daughter Heir to go to Tar Valon for study, even those not in the House currently holding the throne?  Didn't Morgase go to Tar Valon before Tigraine took off?


It is not custom for anyone who could potentially gain the throne to go to Tar Valon, just the Daughter Heir (the queen's daughter).  Morgase went with the hopes of becoming Aes Sedai.

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Is it Andor custom for any potential Daughter Heir to go to Tar Valon for study, even those not in the House currently holding the throne?  Didn't Morgase go to Tar Valon before Tigraine took off?


It is not custom for anyone who could potentially gain the throne to go to Tar Valon, just the Daughter Heir (the queen's daughter).  Morgase went with the hopes of becoming Aes Sedai.

They presented her ring when she took the throne.  She was never raised accepted.

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Is it Andor custom for any potential Daughter Heir to go to Tar Valon for study, even those not in the House currently holding the throne?  Didn't Morgase go to Tar Valon before Tigraine took off?


No, the custom is only for the Daughter Heir. Andor and the Tower are tight, however, and its stated that many daughters in Andoran Houses do approach the Tower, much as Morgase did.


Margause's OP ability was so marginal, she was left unguarded by both the Seanchan, and the Shaido WO.

She's a very erratic wilder with almost zero strength.


She's not actually a wilder, you know. She was Tower trained.

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Im pretty sure in morgases case she was encouraged to go to the white tower as it was apparent that she would gain the throne, there is a quote from elaida saying she atached herself to morgase as soon as she was about to succeed. i think also that some andoran houses have the traditon of sending their daughters to the white tower, Trakand could be one of those

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Im pretty sure in morgases case she was encouraged to go to the white tower as it was apparent that she would gain the throne, there is a quote from elaida saying she atached herself to morgase as soon as she was about to succeed. i think also that some andoran houses have the traditon of sending their daughters to the white tower, Trakand could be one of those


Nope. Morgase went before Tigraine disapeared. She left to secure Trakand's claim after her mother's death. Elaida attached herself to Morgase (the High Seat) after it became clear she would win the Succession.

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Margause's OP ability was so marginal, she was left unguarded by both the Seanchan, and the Shaido WO.

She's a very erratic wilder with almost zero strength.


She's not actually a wilder, you know. She was Tower trained.


True - sorry!

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No, wards against travelling have never been even mentioned in the books.

but there are places that you cant travel to (for example Rhuidean which you can travel to now) so it must have been warded


And Sharaman said RJ stated it, not that it was said in the books. RJ did state that there were ways to ward against traveling.

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To'raken = Dragon ?


No.  I think BS said we will not see a dragon in this series. 

I think a to'raken is some kind of modern day dino, that the seanchan grabbed from a mirror world.

I would like to ask how the seanchan got to such a mirror world, captured an wild animal and returned?

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Is it Andor custom for any potential Daughter Heir to go to Tar Valon for study, even those not in the House currently holding the throne?  Didn't Morgase go to Tar Valon before Tigraine took off?


I JUST read the history of this in the Encyclopedia.  I can't cite specifics at the moment even though the book is laying right by my feet at the moment... :)  Basically, there was a truce of sorts between the Queen of Andor and the Amrylin Seat and part of the deal was that Andor would send its first born daughter to train with AS.

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To'raken = Dragon ?


No.  I think BS said we will not see a dragon in this series.  

I think a to'raken is some kind of modern day dino, that the seanchan grabbed from a mirror world.

I would like to ask how the seanchan got to such a mirror world, captured an wild animal and returned?


They used portal stones. And you'd use channelers probably, since you'd need channelers to be able to use the portal stones anyway and channelers would probably be the most effective means of capturing these things without killing them - just wrap them up in Air.

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They used portal stones. And you'd use channelers probably, since you'd need channelers to be able to use the portal stones anyway and channelers would probably be the most effective means of capturing these things without killing them - just wrap them up in Air.

No, I'm pretty sure the Seanchan exotics are just that, Seanchan. The grolm were seen in the mirror world because they somehow got from Seanchan to the mainland in that world. It would be pretty hard to find mirror worlds strong enough to be accessed yet have that many major evolutionary differences. Unless the BWB says otherwise, since I have yet to read that.

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They used portal stones. And you'd use channelers probably, since you'd need channelers to be able to use the portal stones anyway and channelers would probably be the most effective means of capturing these things without killing them - just wrap them up in Air.

No, I'm pretty sure the Seanchan exotics are just that, Seanchan. The grolm were seen in the mirror world because they somehow got from Seanchan to the mainland in that world. It would be pretty hard to find mirror worlds strong enough to be accessed yet have that many major evolutionary differences. Unless the BWB says otherwise, since I have yet to read that.


The BWB says that they were brought via Portal Stone within the first thousand years after the Breaking, and that this is likely how all the Shadowspawn on the Seanchan continent were killed off - they used the creatures from Mirror worlds as weapons against them. It also says that the knowledge of how to use the Portal Stones was later lost (before Luthair arrived).


(Also, I know that the BWB isn't always canon, but as the Seanchan exotics have an entire chapter dedicated to them and we have some Jordan quotes about them too, I'd say on this point it's probably a safe bet).

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A question about AS never lying: Isn't it weird that they can name themselves with different names to other people ? Isn't that lying?




Moiraine: "I'm Britney Spears" => lie but she can say it. Or have I been not careful enough in my reading?


Other thing, do we know of AS lying by handwriting? Considering their oaths, it is much possible.

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If you pay attention they never say 'my name is Britney', or 'I am Britney', but rather 'you may call me Britney'. And you may... it wouldn't be accurate, you can still do it, and so the Aes Sedai hasn't lied.


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