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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)

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I still could've sworn I saw something, somewhere that gave me the impression that the Eelfinn fed off your power, especially if you were a channeler, and that it was dangerous to be there too long... same reason I always thought Moiraine wouldn't be able to channel anymore when she comes out... and I don't remember what made me think that.  I just know that I remember thinking it like it was fairly obvious... hmm...


Hmm... I think I took it in part from this:


"Sensations," Moiraine replied with a grimace.  "sensations, emotions, experiences.  They rummage through them; you can feel them doing it, making your skin crawl.  Perhaps they feed on them in some manner.  The Aes Sedai who studied this ter'angreal when it was in Mayene wrote of a strong desire to bathe afterwards.  I certainly intend to."

~The Shadow Rising, Chapter 15 - Into the Doorway


Now, clearly that doesn't mention feeding off people's power, so maybe I either extrapolated that or it references it somewhere else later, but I do seem to recall thinking that would be the case as well.  For some reason I always thought it was made apparent to the readers that Moiraine would not be able to channel when she comes out... but maybe I've been making that up.


Although, it does make you wonder, if they DO feed off sensations, etc. (Moiraine is only speculating), whether or not Moiraine will remember any of her rescuers when they meet her in the Tower of Ghenjei.



Really though, thanks for pulling that quote out and summarizing its meaning.  Although now I am even more curious as to why Cyndane isn't as powerful.


Coz she was burned out and healed by a woman.

I'd say its because she transmigrated into another body, not as strong in the power (see Osangar for example).


I'm going to pull out this quote, since it seems relevant to the discussion that's been going on here:

Matt: Okay, so at the end of that answer he said this...we were asking a specific question about stilling and burning out…he said, “And neither burning out nor stilling affects that except in this lifetime, your current lifetime”. In other words...

Brandon: ...that is consistent...

Matt: ...it doesn’t affect your souls ability, your soul’s connection. So stilling and burning out do not affect the ability to channel, which seems to be integral to the soul as it pertains to a new life. That being said, Aran'gar and Osan'gar, they were transmigrated and we see that they can channel in their new bodies, which makes sense because the ability comes with the soul...

Brandon: ...and because of that if you were male before and reborn (in a female body)...you are channeling the wrong Power.

Matt:  Exactly.  He was transmigrated into a different body, but still channeling the same Power the soul inherits. So, considering Jordan's statement about stilling and burning out not affecting the channeling ability of the new life of a soul, is the same for the new life of a soul transmigrated?

Brandon: I’m going to say that transmigrated...if you were burned out and transmigrated you would still be burned out, is my guess.

Matt: Is that a MAFO question? Or...

Brandon:  That is my guess, and you can MAFO it if you want to send it to me, but that is a “I’m pretty sure” answer.

[Maria clarifies: Yes, you would.  Jim said that “neither burning out or stilling affects that except in this lifetime, your current lifetime.” (DragonCon), but transmigration is not really a different lifetime; more than just the soul moves.  The new person (I’m at a loss for words here) also has the memories of the previous person, and its personality, and such.  So Brandon is correct.]


So if Lanfear was stilled then transmigrated she would still have to be healed (and note that this is different than if she were just naturally reborn - in that case she would not have to be healed).




Really though, thanks for pulling that quote out and summarizing its meaning.  Although now I am even more curious as to why Cyndane isn't as powerful.


Coz she was burned out and healed by a woman.

I'd say its because she transmigrated into another body, not as strong in the power (see Osangar for example).


I wonder about this.


The assumption has been there for a long time that you must be of the opposite gender to fully restore someones strength and the only pieces of evidence are Suian and Leanne being weak, and the woman Damer Flynn Healed. Cant remember anything about his patients power level being mentioned though but is been a while.


Couple of thoughts that go both ways on this... How do we know anything at all about a man who has been Healed? We never got a PoV from one who was gentled then Healed, nor have we had any sort of hint on Ishamael, Aginor or Balthamel strength-wise in comparison to their post-reincarnation power levels. Given that male and female channelers are similar, but not parralel or opposite in the rules, I wonder if the reduced strength might be something that happens to women only.


The other side of it is... how do we know Logain, Moridin, Osan'gar and Aran'gar werent weaker? For all we know they could be slightly weaker and only they could tell. I know nothing has been mentioned in their PoVs, but I dont count that as an outrule.



And as for opposite gender healing being necessary: (From RJ's blog 4 October 2005)

- For Alys Kinch, the Healing of stilling must be done by the other gender to be fully effective.  A woman Healing a woman or a man Healing a man results in less than full restoration.  It all ties into that theme I keep harping on.  Men and women have to work together to be their most effective.  And while the weave used by Flinn for Healing is not exactly that used by Nynaeve, either would use the same weave on a man or a woman.

After the white-haired Aes Sedai left, Moiraine gathered her cloak and, muttering to herself, went into the garden. There was something in what Vandene had said that tugged at her mind, but she could not remember what it was. An answer, or a hint to an answer, for a question she had not asked-but she could not bring the question to mind, either.


"And will you find your answers where you are going?" Vandene asked.

"I may already have found one I did not know I sought. I only hope I am not too late. I will need pen and parchment." She drew Vandene toward the house, leaving Adeleas to deal with the Draghkar.

That passage has bothered me ever since I've first read it. Do any of you know what it was Vandene said that Moiraine is referring to? The last part is probably about the Blacks' involvement, but Moiraine's first comment can't be about that.


Does anyone know if Ilyena could channel, or why she got her third name? I don't suppose it's a very relevant kind of question, but I've wanted to know for a while. :-\


Does anyone know if Ilyena could channel, or why she got her third name? I don't suppose it's a very relevant kind of question, but I've wanted to know for a while. :-\


Ilyena could channel.


From Theoryland quote database: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcjspjqg_65hcgdp7gw

Bailey's Crossroads VA 2005 - John Nowacki reporting:


Q:  Was Ilyena Aes Sedai?

RJ:  Yes.


But I'm pretty sure we don't know how she got her third name (and probably won't find out in the main series - seems more like something that could get put in the encyclopedia to me)


Well maybe not that. :P But every female AS of sufficient strength joined the Fateful Concord, so she must've been weaker if she didn't join it. And I think we would've heard in all LTT's rantings by now if Ilyena joined it.


Why did Aran'gar (assuming it was Aran'gar) kill the sisters in the Salidar camp?


First of all, it WAS Aran'gar.


Second of all, all of the AS victims were close friends of Cabriana Mecandes, the AS Semirhage tortured and killed in TFOH (At least I think it was TFOH).  Both noticed her disappearance and were asking questions. 


As for why they were killed, a theory floating around a while ago is that Aran'gar's new body was that of Cabriana, and they recognized her.  A confirmed AS who had, for decades called herself "Cabriana" suddenly introducing herself as "Halima" would raise more than a few alarms.


It was actually CoT that the killings happened IIRC - Halima-Aran'gar only appears in LoC and Semirhage tortures Cabriana in LoC as well.

The AS killed (Anaiaya, Kairen) had been friends of Cabriana - Romanda made the key connection in KoD.

It wasn't as complicated as Halima= Cabriana, in fact, given that they were friends of Cabriana, it's absurd.

Also the physical descriptions don't match.

It was simply that Halima's cover story of being befriended by Cabriana who died in an accident might have been questioned by friends of Cabriana who may have found holes in the story.




That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Any investigation of their deaths would start with "what were they doing before they died? Oh, asking questions about Halima. Okay."


Plus, if that was why she killed them, why leave their bodies where they would be found and cause of death determined as saidin. Getting rid of the bodies so that they seemed to just disappear would not have been difficult for her.


Nobody (except Logain) in the Salidar camp would suspect a woman of being capable of killing with saidin, which is precisely why she left the bodies out as misdirection.

Anaiaya and Kairen weren't asking questions - she pre-empted that by doing them first.

Halima was also trying to kill Logain for precisely the reason that he was the one person in the camp who could have realised she could use saidin.

It took Narishma's testimony that a woman could use saidin to lead Romanda to the right conclusions.



The theory was that Lanfear not Bathamel was given Cabriana's body but I think brandon said somewhere that Cyndane wasn't in Cabriana's body.  The dark one just had fun at Balthamel's expense but it did aid the DO too.


Probably one of the smartest moves the DO could make after the founding of the Black Tower. What better way to "let chaos rule" than use a "woman" who can channel saidin to kill a couple of AS. They would of course suspect some Asha'man and widen the gap between the two (argueably) greatest powers in the world.

I wonder if she joined the Fateful Concord. Probably not though.

LOL that's why LTT killed her

Only reason for Lews Therin's killing I take was insanity; he seemed to not have any control over himself at the time.

Though manslaughter seems more accurate than actual killing.



I wonder if she joined the Fateful Concord. Probably not though.

LOL that's why LTT killed her

Only reason for Lews Therin's killing I take was insanity; he seemed to not have any control over himself at the time.

Though manslaughter seems more accurate than actual killing.



I think that was meant to be a joke...


I wonder if she joined the Fateful Concord. Probably not though.

LOL that's why LTT killed her

Only reason for Lews Therin's killing I take was insanity; he seemed to not have any control over himself at the time.

Though manslaughter seems more accurate than actual killing.



I think that was meant to be a joke...


mb doesn't really do jokes.


After the white-haired Aes Sedai left, Moiraine gathered her cloak and, muttering to herself, went into the garden. There was something in what Vandene had said that tugged at her mind, but she could not remember what it was. An answer, or a hint to an answer, for a question she had not asked-but she could not bring the question to mind, either.


"And will you find your answers where you are going?" Vandene asked.

"I may already have found one I did not know I sought. I only hope I am not too late. I will need pen and parchment." She drew Vandene toward the house, leaving Adeleas to deal with the Draghkar.

That passage has bothered me ever since I've first read it. Do any of you know what it was Vandene said that Moiraine is referring to? The last part is probably about the Blacks' involvement, but Moiraine's first comment can't be about that.

Please, would someone answer me? Pretty please?


After the white-haired Aes Sedai left, Moiraine gathered her cloak and, muttering to herself, went into the garden. There was something in what Vandene had said that tugged at her mind, but she could not remember what it was. An answer, or a hint to an answer, for a question she had not asked-but she could not bring the question to mind, either.


"And will you find your answers where you are going?" Vandene asked.

"I may already have found one I did not know I sought. I only hope I am not too late. I will need pen and parchment." She drew Vandene toward the house, leaving Adeleas to deal with the Draghkar.

That passage has bothered me ever since I've first read it. Do any of you know what it was Vandene said that Moiraine is referring to? The last part is probably about the Blacks' involvement, but Moiraine's first comment can't be about that.


This is still a mystery. A lot of people think this is where Moiraine learned balefire. If not that, then it could be a secret related to TG, and the reason Moiraine has to be rescued for Rand to have any chance. Hopefully we find out in ToM.


We know that souls get reborn as the wheel turns, do they always get reborn into the same age, or can they be reborn into a different age. Obviously the Dragon will always be reborn in the last age, but is it always the same for other souls?


From Brigitte's experiences, they can get born both across ages and also many times in the same age.

Note: Heroes of the Horn may have different patterns from normal people.



I wonder if she joined the Fateful Concord. Probably not though.

LOL that's why LTT killed her

Only reason for Lews Therin's killing I take was insanity; he seemed to not have any control over himself at the time.

Though manslaughter seems more accurate than actual killing.



I think that was meant to be a joke...

yes it was :P
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