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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)


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Hello everyone


Just something that I have been wondering for a while now but didnt know where to post the question.


Nicola had a foretelling abt the dragon reborn doing 9 impossible things.


What could be these 9 things?


Cleansing saidin and eradicating Shadar Logoth are the only one I can think of.




Is this MB in disguise?  Cause he asked the same thing and that page went on far too long.  I wouldn't take the "9" seriously.  Rand calls himself 9 kinds of idiot and I wouldn't speculate on there really being 9 kinds of idiot.  The person is just saying that she's fortold quite a few things about Rand.

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Has it been explained how Taim was able to locate Rand at Dumai's Wells? The Asha'man just sort of appeared. Did they somehow detect Rand because he was channelling - maybe when he exploded the box. There is little indication that Rand is channelling a lot of saidin and it seems unlikely to me that Asha'man could detect a small amount of channelling from a great distance.


How did the Asha'man know where Rand was and did they jump in to rescue him as soon as he was located?

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What's holding the Blight in Seanchan lands? There is  no WT and yet they don't even believe in Trolocs.

What's holding the Blight anywhere?


It seems to advance and retreat depending on how hungover the DO is feeling that particular day. I guess he doesn't really have any vested interests in Seanchan at the moment, so he has no reason to spread out his efforts.

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What's holding the Blight in Seanchan lands? There is  no WT and yet they don't even believe in Trolocs.

What's holding the Blight anywhere?


It seems to advance and retreat depending on how hungover the DO is feeling that particular day. I guess he doesn't really have any vested interests in Seanchan at the moment, so he has no reason to spread out his efforts.


Come on, the whole continent would be more than useful to start his campaign. He needs space and resources for the armies, plus noAS, that's a big plus! Think how easy it would be to use demani for the DO's purposes. Makes no sense.

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Come on, the whole continent would be more than useful to start his campaign. He needs space and resources for the armies, plus noAS, that's a big plus! Think how easy it would be to use demani for the DO's purposes. Makes no sense.

Covering Seanchan with Blight wouldn't 'give' the DO control over the people and damane, they would all just be killed, and then you have no Seanchan invasion to cause division on the main continent.

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According to the rebel Aes Sedai who went to the site of the cleansing in CoT, the amount of saidin used was enormous compared to the amount of saidar used which was in itself an impossibly large amount. Then how is it that the male CK survived the cleansing while the female one went boom?

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According to the rebel Aes Sedai who went to the site of the cleansing in CoT, the amount of saidin used was enormous compared to the amount of saidar used which was in itself an impossibly large amount. Then how is it that the male CK survived the cleansing while the female one went boom?

It could be because they are talking about the total amount, rather than the intensity at any one point.


It could be down to the fact that Nyn isn't as strong as Rand, didn't have enough stamina to keep control during the process or possibly that she's not skilled enough in the specific elements that were used to create the saidar 'funnel' (unlikely though, as Rand was controlling their circle).


It could also be due to the fact that Rand was in control – perhaps his inexperience at working with saidar caused it.


So plenty of scope for a 'logical' explanation.

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What's holding the Blight in Seanchan lands? There is  no WT and yet they don't even believe in Trolocs.

What's holding the Blight anywhere?


It seems to advance and retreat depending on how hungover the DO is feeling that particular day. I guess he doesn't really have any vested interests in Seanchan at the moment, so he has no reason to spread out his efforts.


The Blight exists in Seanchan but Seanchan Shadowspawn were wiped almost immediately after the breaking. All those exotic animals - lorm, grolm, raken - were imported from other worlds and along with ogier and sredit, used to wipe out trollocs, etc. So the Blight's just been a dead spot in the North of Seanchan for nearly 3000 years. Also Seanchan is much further from Shayol Ghul so, the effect of the Blight is not so severe as in Randland.



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Come on, the whole continent would be more than useful to start his campaign. He needs space and resources for the armies, plus noAS, that's a big plus! Think how easy it would be to use demani for the DO's purposes. Makes no sense.

Covering Seanchan with Blight wouldn't 'give' the DO control over the people and damane, they would all just be killed, and then you have no Seanchan invasion to cause division on the main continent.

And instead DO would have a MASSIVE army with tone of channelers against him? Seems improbable. As far as division goes, I think it is clear that Seanchan are actually helpful in uniting Randland in one way or another (be it uniting people against themselves, or uniting people after conquering them and creating order.) The idea that trollocs can't cross to Seanchan can't be right either, there are Ways, and ground (though it is cold), and there are boats (sure Fades afraid of water but enough driving got them even into SL).

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How did the Asha'man know where Rand was and did they jump in to rescue him as soon as he was located?

RJ explained that one as no great mystery. Taim is a curious dude, and when he realized Rand wasn't in Cairhien anymore he suspected foul play. Finding the AS was a simple matter for trackers who can Travel (you don't need familiarity over relatively small distances), and then it was just a matter of waiting for an opportune time.


Regarding the Blight, didn't we discuss that already a few pages back? I swear it feels like Deja vu reading these posts.

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As far as division goes, I think it is clear that Seanchan are actually helpful in uniting Randland in one way or another (be it uniting people against themselves, or uniting people after conquering them and creating order.)

Not really. Whilst they are good at creating order in the lands they hold, and indeed are uniting those lands together, all they've achieved is a bigger overall division. It's like saying that the creation of the Soviet Union was good for global unity. Sure, it stopped The Ukraine and Georgia from ever going to war (not that I'm saying that they would have done, but you get my point), but it created a far bigger division between the USSR and the USA. (Mosc and Merc, presumably, but that's a whole different debate). If Seanchan had been wiped out by the DO, Rand would have taken each country one by one, been able to spend more time on the Shaido, and probably have marched off to SG two books ago.


The idea that trollocs can't cross to Seanchan can't be right either, there are Ways, and ground (though it is cold), and there are boats (sure Fades afraid of water but enough driving got them even into SL).

Well yes. Although I'm not certain that the Ways exist in Seanchan, and I can't really imagine a boat crewed by shadowspawn, but the land would certainly be viable. So it's clear that the DO had no interest in conquering Seanchan then, yes?

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The idea that trollocs can't cross to Seanchan can't be right either, there are Ways, and ground (though it is cold), and there are boats (sure Fades afraid of water but enough driving got them even into SL).

Well yes. Although I'm not certain that the Ways exist in Seanchan, and I can't really imagine a boat crewed by shadowspawn, but the land would certainly be viable. So it's clear that the DO had no interest in conquering Seanchan then, yes?

Yeah, definitely no Ways (else Loyal would have known about the Seanchan), and I too don't believe in Shadowspawn manning a ship. That leaves walking there, but be serious. Do you think anything could walk across Antarctica by foot? And mind you, we aren't talking today, with all our fancy winter wear. Even not thinking of the temperature, what would you eat? I don't see it happening.

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This is a debate, not a simple answer. Stop that now  :P


Also, to diverge a bit, an i know it's today with all the modern gear, but i remember a story a short few years back about a guy caught for illegal immigration into Alaska. He had walked from Russia during winter across the Bearing sea. How awesome can you get xD

(Will post a link when i find a news article)


I can see trollocs as being tough enough to cross those conditions in their usual attire, they'd probably just eat the weak. But we don't really know if their is an ice cap that stretches that far south, it's speculation built on speculation.

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Hello everyone


Just something that I have been wondering for a while now but didnt know where to post the question.


Nicola had a foretelling abt the dragon reborn doing 9 impossible things.


What could be these 9 things?


Cleansing saidin and eradicating Shadar Logoth are the only one I can think of.




Is this MB in disguise?  Cause he asked the same thing and that page went on far too long.  I wouldn't take the "9" seriously.  Rand calls himself 9 kinds of idiot and I wouldn't speculate on there really being 9 kinds of idiot.  The person is just saying that she's fortold quite a few things about Rand.


sorry i am not MB in disguise...lol.

and i didnt know if that question has already been asked before

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After Rand killed Elza what happened to her warder (Faeril)?

No textual reference I can remember.

He must be held under restraint to prevent him running amok and they'll probably interrogate him and discover that he's a DF.

Assuming nobody wants to take over the bond, he'll die or be put to death anyhow.


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Someone's dream won't tell you where they are.

They may think they 'need' to locate Perrin, but TAR might just shoot them somewhere else.

Also, they might not think it is important enought to use need in TAR because it is dangerous (snake pits and all).

If they did look though, who knows, maybe they'll catch him in the wolf dream.


Sorry if that wasn't an answer. I think the first few lines covered it though. ;D

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Someone's dream won't tell you where they are.

They may think they 'need' to locate Perrin, but TAR might just shoot them somewhere else.

Also, they might not think it is important enought to use need in TAR because it is dangerous (snake pits and all).

If they did look though, who knows, maybe they'll catch him in the wolf dream.


Sorry if that wasn't an answer. I think the first few lines covered it though. ;D


No problem. I think if Perrin's group had a Dreamer Wise one, they could meet in The world of dreams with other Wise one dreamers of Rand's company, and discuss their location... Pbly the reason for them not using it, I guess this could answer my question, is Perrin's entourage had no Dreamer wise ones (or since they are in a part of the world they don't know very well they are not sure where they are, but this is weak since they could just ask someone)...

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