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Twilight Saga: New Moon Mafia Game-Over, Vampire Team Volturi Win and Naeann


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*nods* I don't personally have anything against spam itself, but I DO have a problem with spam being in places where it's not welcome.  A mafia game is one of those places.  Spam at the beginning is okay, because people are still easing into the game, but after people are into game mode spam really should be stopped.  It doesn't contribute any help at all to the game.



If you don't have anything to add that actually contributes to the thread, go post in Fiddles or talk out loud to yourself or spam in the Black Tower or in any number of spam-friendly threads.  Just not this one, since it's not spam friendly.


This is to everyone, not just Ed. :)

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Ed couldn’t handle the pressure. He so wanted out of this situation. He was better tracking then being stuck in a gym full of people. Oh, the smell of Bella and having to see Alice was about to drive him over the edge. He grabbed Cairos and quicker than anyone could have expected went out the window and slit Cairos’s throat at the same time. He barely was able to get in a sip before the wolves split him apart. The renting of vampire flesh could be heard throughout the gym. Then the fire was a sure sign that another vampire had died. Who could it be everyone wondered? Sam and Jacob had been gone from the gym for just a moment. They felt horrible that Cairos had died, but were delighted that Ed was dead. They had killed another leech. Jacob nodded to Sam as they came in, as if to say “Another one down”. The question on everyone’s mind was who exactly had died.


Cairos: Jasper Whitlock- Innocent Townie and lie detector

Ed: James the nomad and Godfather of the mafia is dead


15 players left in game, it will take 8 to lynch. Because of the holiday week day will end next Monday at about 4 PM MST. Remember not voting means mod killing and also any more spam-o-lots I will give you a warning and then mod kill you as well. This is a game not Fiddlesticks.


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*blink blink*


What the heck happened?? The Godfather was nightkilled? I think that is a pretty convincing demonstration that there are two mafia teams at play here, why else would they kill one of their own? Unless they don't know each other. Wow. It's scary to think we're being hunted by two separate parties.


Now where to look? I have no idea.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Unless there is a cult who recruited a solo win/vig. Or a cult with a nightkill, although I have to admit the two mafia team situation is looking more and more probable, still it would be bad playing to not count on all the possibilities.


So Jasper Whitlock, is that Jasper Cullen? I am not to familiar with the names, I refuse to reread those books.


And it is amazing that the godfather is gone, now the finders unless impaired should get an accurate reading, unless there are millers.


And I have a gift to all the newbies:




The mafia wiki, I suggest you bookmark it until you are familiar with roles, and all the other fun stuff.

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Lavinya, there are such things as serial killers and town vigilante roles, that have night kills, so this isn't necessarily proof of two mafias.  I know it's not proof that I'm right, but I'd point to Min's wording: "Godfather of the mafia."  If anything, I would think there's one mafia and a cult (the Volturi).  While I can see the Volturi as a mafia, I can also see them as a Cult...


Basically, there are other possibilities besides two mafia teams, so we shouldn't take it for granted.




Okay, I was kind of surprised at Cairos being the lie detector, and a townie... I was pretty sure he was mafia with Boopsy.


**edit for Pete**

I thought it was Jasper Hale, to be honest, so I don't really know. *lol*


I don't know why a cult would have to recruit a solo win/vig for said solo win/vig to night kill Ed..they're perfectly capable of nking him on their own.  Not like a cult would know that Ed was the Godfather.

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Well, Whitlock was his original surname, when he was still human. They gave him Rosalie's name, Hale, to give the appearance to the humans that he and Rosalie were actually brother and sister. And then, Cullen, well, they're kind of all Cullens. I think that's right LOL.


So...two mafia teams, or a cult? Or a vig? Could be anything at this point. I thought the idea of two mafias was weird at first, but I guess in a game this big it's possible. Still, I'm kind of more inclined to think a vig or a cult, at this point.


But wow, I can't believe we've killed two mafia already LOL! That's crazy, it's still so early. Yay.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

So we lost another Cullen, I didn't want to say that unless I was sure. But anyways that is bad, Jasper has the ability to change people's moods so what would that translate to in mafia?

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Ok, I've just used my day finding ability on Tynaal Consen. As I did I got a PM from Minuet telling me that the accuracy of my finding fluctuates between 100% and 50% depending on a coin toss. And she also told me Tynaal was guilty.



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Given the situation that we have to vote or die, I'll go with yesterday's flow and [glow=red,2,300]vote Alanna[/glow]. Of course, I'm willing to change that if something else happens today that I find more interesting. It's odd to feel like I have to have a vote out there. I'm usually a late voter, unless I'm sure about someone. But, new game, new rules, I guess. LOL



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Hmmmmm. [glow=red,2,300]Unvote [/glow]for now. Although I might be wrong, I think its awfully convenient for you to claim you're Edward Cullen.


Maybe this might make me more suspicious.. But why is edward convenient? If I was guilty I would have chosen someone that has an important ability. All I have is the ability not to be nightkilled and am part of a lovers pair..



Course i'm defensive... I'm innocent and dont wanna die

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Tynaal it does look scummy with a role reveal after one vote by a self admitted partially flawed finder. I am inclined to believe you, I don't see Min leaving out E C but it is a possibility, I usually suggest going with the finder, but until there is a counter claim I am not voting for you. I am going to read through and see who pings my radar.

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Hmmmmm. [glow=red,2,300]Unvote [/glow]for now. Although I might be wrong, I think its awfully convenient for you to claim you're Edward Cullen.


Maybe this might make me more suspicious.. But why is edward convenient? If I was guilty I would have chosen someone that has an important ability. All I have is the ability not to be nightkilled and am part of a lovers pair..



Course i'm defensive... I'm innocent and dont wanna die


Edward Cullen is convenient because everyone knows who he is. Hell, I haven't seen any of the films or read any of the books but I know that Edward Cullen is one of the main characters in Twilight. It seemed very convenient to claim such a well known player so fast. As in "oh crap he viewed me, who should I claim to be... Edward Cullen" i.e. the first player to jump into your head.


It looks suspicious but I'll say again I may be wrong.

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sucks that he was able to take one of us out with him though *sheds a tear for jaspy* i really like that character...  the god father is the hardest role to find besides a serial killer.


for you newbies the link that pete gave is a great resource :)  also just for an fyi type of thing a serial killer is a type of role that is usually alligned as innocent if veiwed but is a solo win role, meaning they win the game if it is only themselves and someone else left.


and i believe a vig is alligned with the town and wins with the town and usually has a set number of nk's available to them.



since we know that Laurent and James were both in the game, it's more than safe to assume we need to watch out for Victoria who was not only James mate but also the 3rd in Jame's pack.



the only reason i keep saying two mafia's is becuase this is a stnd setup and one of those outline in the organized games section includes a setup for 2 mafia teams.




it would also appear that we have 2 or more finders in this game, especially since Rey is not 100% accurate.  but i have to agree that i don't really believe your claim at being Edward Tynaal,  and can only sorta believe that edward and bella are lovers.  however, i'm going to not vote for you right now as you havent really pinged my radar.



tell you honestly, Ed pinged my radar for some reason and it turns out i was right.  so i'm goign with the other person who pinged my radar  [glow=red,2,300]Lavinya[/glow]

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So any sensible person would not choose him since he's so prominent and as you say you're immediately suspicious...

And since i've read the books quite well enough I could have chosen angela or ben as and innocent.. Course its convenient that edward has a lover, but can I help that he's my role?

And Lol tell me then when its good to start being defensive? After everyone has voted (which is when I sleep) and then they might not be able to change their votes.

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