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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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LOL I was actually feeling that way about him too, Lily. We are so on the same page today :P Unless you're mafia, of course.

  • Club Leader

Okay, guys. I'll stop being silly. Here's what I've been trying to do.....


Too often, when I've been town, I'm nightkilled on Night One. While I guess that's flattering, this game, I can't let that happen. I didn't want to just blurt out my role, because that's kind of crude, but nothing I've been doing has worked. I seriously was trying to get you all to vote for me, so I could reveal, and have a decent reason to do so. I tried to pick a fight with Meesh, and all that did was get HER voted on. I've been amused by the random stuff, and then by the fact that I can't get votes when I'm TRYING to get votes. So, here's the reveal....... I'm the cop and I'm scared that if I don't reveal I'll be nightkilled, which is apparently a popular thing to do. So, if the healer helps me out, this game, we won't play "Kill the Lily." My death would be horrible for the town. Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this. Hopefully, it won't backfire and end up with us both being revealed...


This has been a hard choice, and I hope I made the right one.....


I did this plenty early, so there's plenty of time for a counter claim. Which, unless the mafia are really bold, there won't be. But you all deserve that time to see the truth.



  • Club Leader

LOL I was actually feeling that way about him too, Lily. We are so on the same page today :P Unless you're mafia, of course.


Alanna, I like your gut feelings, generally speaking.  ;) Unless you're mafia this time.....lol.






I really think Pete is innocent, but if you guys really want to lynch him i guess that i will vote for him.

[glow=red,2,300]Pete[/glow] Sorry... :)






Vote Count:


Dragon (7): Al Jenn, Meesh, Elli, Wombat, Meercatman, Pale, Wolfie

Meesh (4): Dragon, Reyoru, Lily, Alanna

Lily (1): Crusher

Alanna (1): Locke


Not voting: Jelly, Chrono


With 15 alive, that's 8 votes to lynch.


Pete's at L-1, I guess.


And, at Lily:

Okay, it's not like we have much choice but to believe you at this point, but honestly, the fear of being NKed Night 1 isn't a good enough reason to reveal on Day 1 unless under pressure--and trying to put yourself under that pressure so that you can reveal just doesn't make sense.


Just because you've been NKed on Night 1 in the past doesn't mean you would've been this time.  I can see where you're coming from but I honestly don't think it was really worth it. 


Hopefully time will prove me wrong and you right, though.


Hmm... well, certainly it's weird to reveal so early, but your reasoning makes sense to me. You've definitely been killed early on in almost all the games I've played with you ;) And it's not like the healer has anyone else to protect right now. So I'm cool with it.

  • Club Leader

Yeah. Not one of my better thought out plans, I admit. Which is why I abandoned it. And, it isn't that I worried about being personally killed. It's that it's happened more often than not, and I don't want the town to lose its' cop. Whether or not anyone agrees is a moot point now. I made the choice I thought was best, and it's a done deal.





Guest dragonsworn1991

I'm not scum I am suspicous of meesh. I havnt got a read on many people but if I go today no biggie. I am vanilla so it isn't a major loss


Well Lily, you were acting suspiciously, but I'm new to this game and figured you would lead a mob against anyone who accused you. I'm glad you're a good person, unless you're lying... then that wouldn't be nice. Well guess I'll get back to work these toys aren't going to make themselves and children are counting on us!


Okay, guys. I'll stop being silly. Here's what I've been trying to do.....


Too often, when I've been town, I'm nightkilled on Night One. While I guess that's flattering, this game, I can't let that happen. I didn't want to just blurt out my role, because that's kind of crude, but nothing I've been doing has worked. I seriously was trying to get you all to vote for me, so I could reveal, and have a decent reason to do so. I tried to pick a fight with Meesh, and all that did was get HER voted on. I've been amused by the random stuff, and then by the fact that I can't get votes when I'm TRYING to get votes. So, here's the reveal....... I'm the cop and I'm scared that if I don't reveal I'll be nightkilled, which is apparently a popular thing to do. So, if the healer helps me out, this game, we won't play "Kill the Lily." My death would be horrible for the town. Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this. Hopefully, it won't backfire and end up with us both being revealed...


This has been a hard choice, and I hope I made the right one.....


I did this plenty early, so there's plenty of time for a counter claim. Which, unless the mafia are really bold, there won't be. But you all deserve that time to see the truth.





Hmmmm, awkward.  OK OK your proved your point maybe the EMMM might need a little fine tuning.  *scratching bald head*  [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow]


Well, we have to lynch SOMEONE.  Pete's as good as anyone on Day 1, since we have virtually no info on him thus far except that he's claiming townie (not like he's gonna say anything else, though).


Still, if Pete's nonchalance is sincere, and he really doesn't mind terribly being lynched but is truly Townie, who do we lynch then?


No random modkills either, please.  That favors the mafia far too much.



Vote Count:


Dragon (7): Al Jenn, Meesh, Elli, Meercatman, Pale, Wolfie

Meesh (4): Dragon, Reyoru, Lily, Alanna

Alanna (1): Locke


Not voting: Jelly, Chrono, Wombat, Crusher


With 15 alive, that's 8 votes to lynch.

  • Club Leader

Meesh, you make some good points. I've pretty much reached the same conclusions myself.


Pete, I love you, and I don't think you're mafia, but we can't risk a random kill. And time's too short for you to be saved, I think.


[glow=red,2,300]Dragon[/glow]  :'(




Lily, did you unvote?  I don't remember seeing it when I was updating the vote count, but I could've missed it--I've been utterly dense all day today. :)


Oh, and pssht, I just realized what your last post said.  *facepalm* Forgot to delete the 7 and put 6...  Come to think of it...maybe I should take a nap. :-\


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