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What was your favorite chapter / scene/quote?

Jason Denzel

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Chapter 33 - A conversation with the Dragon


It's a very short chapter, but it contains the one scene in the novel that felt really authentic to me. Some of the other scenes posted in this thread were fun or exciting, but this one just felt right. *shrug*


Chapter 33 - A conversation with the Dragon


It's a very short chapter, but it contains the one scene in the novel that felt really authentic to me. Some of the other scenes posted in this thread were fun or exciting, but this one just felt right. *shrug*


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.  I personally LOVED that chapter.  It was especially interesting from Rodel's point of you.  Made me gri ;D


First time poster, so go easy on me.


I'm always surprised when I find out that such a large number of readers don't care for Egwene; she's been my girl since book one. So, I have to say, after last book where there was the one (but great) chapter, this book was amazing. As far as her time in novice white, to supposed darkfriend, to bad-ass Princess Leia type heroics - I thought it was the most amazing thing in the series. I think all this is especially amazing considering Mr. Sanderson doesn't necessarily enjoy her character either.


Verin was particularly stellar; I never saw the Black Ajah affiliation coming. And with her choosing to make the best out of a horrible situation shows the true resilience of her character.


I was disappointed with the disposal of Graendal; it seemed like so much set up for such a quick death. She was my favorite Forsaken, and now it looks like I'll have to hope for a return from Lanfear.


But, to me, the most amazing part of the entire book was crazy Elaida being dragged away by the Seanchan. I laughed for a few minutes over that. Even if Egwene disagreed with this "punishment" I thought it was incredibly poetic: For someone who spent so much time trying to control others, she has lost control over everything including her own life and destiny. Wonder if she Foretold that? :D




my favorite scene in the entire book would have to be when egwene is linked with the novices, with the sa'angreal, and another aes sedai tries to take command and gets put in her place with the whole "until this is over my authority must not be questioned" bit, and she's all "yes mother"


Rand and Moridin was interesting.

Rand channeling TP and talking to Cadsuane afterwards was cool.

Rand gaining enlightenment was nice.


Egwene vs. Elaida and Egwene's ascension were nice. Her fight against the Seanchan, or at least Seirin's reaction to it was nice.


... that's about it :P


favorite scenes:


1. Rand channeling the TP (WHAT!!!!! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! It's like luke skywalker using the dark side of the force to beat the emporer!)

2. Mat in the village (Zombies FTW!!!!!)

3. When rand announces he doesn't have feelings anymore (WOW that was so intense!!!)


Luke did tap into the dark side when he beat Vader in front of the Emperor.  ;)



One of my favorite lines in the book:

"Cadsuane," he said softly, "do you believe that I could kill you? Right here, right now, without using a sword or the Power? Do you believe that if I simply willed it, the Pattern would bend around me and stop your heart? By... coincidence?"



Holy crap that line scared me. It also made the Rand-meets-Tuon scene much more intense.


my favorite scene in the entire book would have to be when egwene is linked with the novices, with the sa'angreal, and another aes sedai tries to take command and gets put in her place with the whole "until this is over my authority must not be questioned" bit, and she's all "yes mother"


Agreed, Egwene has come a long way.


If you've read the book, what was our favorite chapter or scene.  


Mine was Chapter 22: The Last That Could Be Done

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o



I just finished the book and don't have one favourite chapter/scene/quote.  Instead, I have a top 10:


1. Chapter 11; p187-188 - Melanie conversation with Avienda re what she did with the column of water; "You have such great talent child"


2. Chapter 17; p265-274 - Egwene dinner with Elaida and the massive beating


3. Chapter 20; p317 - Talmanes to Mat "You won't go soft just b/c you got married, Mat"; "You might go boring thought"; and p320 - Joline to Mat "That medallion makes you impudent"; response "My mouth makes me impudent"


4. Chapter 22; p354 - Rand uses the True Power


5. Chapter 38; p586 - Suian says Egwene has fulfilled her potential


6. Chapter 39 - the Verin chapter


7. Chapter 40; p628 - Bela makes an appearance


8. Chapter 41 - the White Tower raid


9. Chapter 43; p677 - Bryne's proposal to Suian


10. Chapter 50; p759 - Rand destroys Choedan Kal.


I also liked that there was no Elaine Trakand POV.


okay i'm still shuddering from it,  just read the bubble of evil with all the cock roaches  *squirms*  OMG


*peers anxiously around the room*  disgusting creatures really.



not my fav scene,  thats still a toss up between Egwene brow beating sitters/eladia and mat/talmanes "you might turn boring though"


*giggles*  still can't imagine Matt as the "husbandly" type


There were quite a few great scenes in TGS.  My top few would have to be


*Rand touching the TP, and additionally imagining the look on Semi's face when she realized what happened.

*Egwene holding off the Seanchan with a bunch of Novices and a flute

*Tuon somehow overcoming Rand's will (although she needs to be knocked down a peg or six)


I also liked the idea of the Ajah heads meeting, realizing just how badly their plans have failed.  And they still would just barely begrudgingly admit it.  Kind of a neat scene to be a fly on the wall for though...


Finished the book last night, and had a few comments/favorite parts.


1. Rand telling Nynaeve something along the lines of "thanks for caring when I cannot."  I connected this with the scene from The Eye of the World where Rand pretends to be sleeping since the wisdom wouldn't want him to see her cry.  Not a mirror image of the scene, or anything, but a pretty emotional exchange involving him and Nynaeve.


2. I see others saying that Mat felt a bit off (parity error har har har).  If this is "off" then I don't want to see him on.  These were my favorite Mat chapters from the entire series.  The nostalgia in them had me wishing that this were the start of a new adventure instead of the end of one.


3. Rand balefiring the city to take out... whoever he took out.  I mix the forsaken up.  Graendal I think. I did not see that coming until the access key was lighting up.  In a lot of ways these were my favorite Rand chapters in the whole series.  Veins of gold wasn't my favorite chapter in the book, but it was good.  I welled up a little bit reading the "second chance" stuff, reflecting on my own life and how great it would be to do some of it over again a new way.


4.  Had the prologue ended before the final 2 paragraphs (final line being - "His father had been so proud") I would have put the death of the prophet as #1 favorite scene in the book.  The last 2 paragraphs saying things about him falling into the blackness or whatever felt tacked on.


5. I hate Gawyn, but him kicking 2 blademaster asses at once was pretty awesome, as was the scene when he left the Younglings.


6. Rand and Nynaeve telling Tuon how awesome Mat is.  It made it more clear that the whole Two Rivers club aren't just just good friends, but that they all really love each other.


7. Overall, this book had more emotional scenes in it than anything since TSR or TEOTW.  Super-emotional scenes I recall offhand are from those books only (green man, nynaeve crying wrt Lan in TEOTW, Perrin before the Trolloc battle in the two rivers telling Loial how he already is a hero), and there are several very touching scenes in this one (verin holy shit, rand vs. tam, rand vs. nynaeve, rand with the "second chance" stuff, mat reminiscing, I'll need to read the book again (I've only read one other book in the series more than once, unlike most of you, but this will be the second that I do it for)).  Anyhow, I like the emotional scenes and the quantity of them that were in this installment.


Great fucking book.  Maybe my expectations were too low (I'd have been content with a list of answers to questions and a summary of the end), but wow.




Chapter 22 was great. I always knew Rand will end up on the bad end of the a'dam and I was hoping for him to be able to deal with it by himself.

And then in the next chapter:

"Do you believe that if I simply willed it, the Pattern would bend around me and stop your heart?..."

Heh, I'll miss Dark Rand.


The interaction between Rand and Nynaeve was interesting as well. And Rand's meeting with Moridin.


And I was so disappointed when Rand saw Tam in his room, just when he was going to destroy the Seanchan. I was like "Come on, man. Finally. Beat the shit out of these fools." and then - Tam... damn it!

And then in "Just Another Man" when I was getting exited again - he left. SO disappointing.

Now back to these bullshits about the peace and the Daughter of the Nine Fools... shame!!!


Just finished the book, got a few faves :D


1. Rand channelling the TP and destroying Semi, also the exchange between him and Cadsuane where he said about willing her death was seriously badass


2. Mat in Hinderstap, amazing!


Also loved the ending with Rand laughing, can't wait for ToM !!!


1. Verin. That was intense. As soon as she said "Your dress is green" i was like HOOOOLY SHIT! Even before egwene realised it. And how Brandon lined em up and knocked em down! hehehe

1.2. (yea not even #2 its that close) Veins of Gold. the entire chapter from start to finish. When he drew on the choden kal i wuz like "oh no whats he gonna see next? THE WHITE TOWER NOOO!" Then he desroyed it and it was such a relief! nobody should have that much power all the time!

2.Tam and Rand, then Tam telling off Cadsuane.

3.Semi collaring Rand and him using the TP of all things to escape!

4.Egwene in the WT sitting in the Amerylin Seat with a hole facing dragonmount in the background. That would make a good poster.


i wish perrin had more chapters tho...


I just finished and am still deciding a favourite Chapter i think i need a reread already.


Favourite Scene's

I was very impressed with Rodel Ituralde he was exactly as i always wanted him to be. I want more battle strategy Rodel in the final books,  for a great general his  very few scenes in the books showed exactly what he is supposed to be.  Davram Bashere, Gareth Bryne (Pedron Nial - dead) Agelmar Jagad eat your hearts out i know who should be first among the 5 now.


Admittedly Mat probably is one as well now and i guess Rhuarc or some of the Aiel might qualify but of the 5 Rodel is it.


Favourite Quote:


Rand to Tam,    with the Star Wars Epic line    "You are my Father"


I loved just about everything in the book. So many small, but powerful moments for long time WoT fans.


Did anyone else notice how Tam, after nearly being killed by a man wielding Saidin(even now, something no one in the series is really confortable with) never batted an eye. He didn't care that Rand could channel, or that he nearly killed him, all Tam cared about was what the hell had they done to his son. I found that so touching.....a true father.


Anywho, some of my favorites....


Cadsuane spanking Semi: I found this scene particularly awsome because it kind of felt like a joke on all of us. I noticed that many of us WoT fans always jabbed the Forsaken for being bickering kids...but Semi always got a lot of respect. She was the badass one. The one that you did NOT want to mess with. And we all wondered how Cads was going to break Semi. What kind of torture was she going to have to use?! And then it happened, and it was so obvious!


Rand grabbing the TS: Obviously this was just a great scene for the surprise factor. But also, I thought it was a great scene to set up Rand's final descent leading ultimately to his redemption. I've seen some people complain that Cads was out of character when she meekly submitted to him when he showed her the Domination Band. And that Min seemed out of character when she started "plotting" with the other women behind Rand's back. I don't think they understand just how "dark" Rand had become. He was ready to kill Cads in that scene, and he forced Min into turning to the others when he went completely emotionally dead inside.


Verin: What can be said. One of the best scenes in the entire series. "The dress I am wearing is green" will be one of the greatest lines of the series


A lot of Egwene's scenes: A lot of people have said that they finally got on board with Egwene in this book, and I have to agree. And it's not just her awsome dinner scene, or the defense of the Tower....it's that Egwene finally seemed to get her head on straight as to exactly what an Amyrlin should be, and why she is Amyrlin, and Elaida is not.


There are so...so many more. I can't list them all.


I don't know why but this particular scene made me laugh a lot. There are a lot of hilarious scenes in this book, but this one liner...I don't know what to make of it.


Takes place during the Seanchan attack (which was one of my favorite scenes of course), viewpoint is Adelorna Sedai running into Egwene.


Egwene tells Adelorna that the Seanchan most likely have Traveling.

(Adelorna) "Mother's Milk in a Cup!"

"Indeed" Egwene said, eyes like ice.

(end of Chapter "The Tower Shakes")



Overall, I liked the WT Egwene/Siuan/Gawyn, etc crew the most, and the whole Darth Rand arc was an ok second place.

Did anyone else notice how Tam, after nearly being killed by a man wielding Saidin(even now, something no one in the series is really confortable with) never batted an eye. He didn't care that Rand could channel, or that he nearly killed him, all Tam cared about was what the hell had they done to his son. I found that so touching.....a true father.

I agree here, Tam is what all others should be as well.

That's the reason for me to not like Mat. A friend is a friend, man. Crazy, channeling one power, or whatever. You don't just run away from him because he may go insane. You spend your entire life with him and now you are abandon him, just like that...


Many scenes gave me chills in this book. 


Loved a visit by Verin.  It cleared up like 10 questions of the series.


Loved when Eg went all badass, linking novices, kicking ass and taking names.


I teared up during the prologue.  With the ordinary borderlands feeling the storm and heading north with thier families. I thought I read somewhere that RJ himself wrote that.  Is that true?


I liked Tam dressing down Cads. even being held witht he Power.


My favorite scene I think was in Chapter 40, from Adelorna Bastine's POV, right as the Captain-General of the Green Ajah is collared by the Seanchan.  Her collar suddenly pops free and her captors are fried to a crisp.


"Adelorna turned hesitantly.  A woman in white stood atop the rubble a short distance away, a massive halo of power surrounding her, her arm outstretched toward the fleeing soldiers, her eyes intense.  The woman stood like vengeance itself, the power of saidar like a storm around her.  The very air seemed alight, and her brown hair blew from the wind of the open gap in the wall beside them.  Egwene al'Vere."


That paragraph sent chills down my spine and the subsequent scenes with Egwene blew my mind.


My favorite scene I think was in Chapter 40, from Adelorna Bastine's POV, right as the Captain-General of the Green Ajah is collared by the Seanchan.  Her collar suddenly pops free and her captors are fried to a crisp.


"Adelorna turned hesitantly.  A woman in white stood atop the rubble a short distance away, a massive halo of power surrounding her, her arm outstretched toward the fleeing soldiers, her eyes intense.  The woman stood like vengeance itself, the power of saidar like a storm around her.  The very air seemed alight, and her brown hair blew from the wind of the open gap in the wall beside them.  Egwene al'Vere."


That paragraph sent chills down my spine and the subsequent scenes with Egwene blew my mind.


I really like how up to that point Egwene had pretty much proven to all of the Ajahs (save the Red and Green) that she was one of them.  Several of the Ajahs, including white, yellow, and brown, I believe, even told her they would be proud to have her raised to their ajah.  She was disappointed that she hadn't proven to the Green that she was one of them.  At that moment in the book, it didn't even need to be said.  She is definitely of all of the ajahs and none, but mostly of the Battle Ajah: the Green.


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