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White Tower Mafia *Starting*

Guest dragonsworn1991

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Well i was in favor of doing the same thing (i did vote for you first Luddy :D). Until it was pointed out how it would stall the game.

Thats a very possible scenario, we will find out more if we keep lynching as we are at the moment. Inactives in this game are a liability to any Ajah they are in.




Inactives are not just a liability to their Ajah, it's a liability for everyone because they don't contribute to the game at all. They'd have votes and never use them and then we'd be dead in the water.


I have to agree with Luddy on this, why suggest lynching high earners when nearly everyone else is in support of getting rid of inactives first. Someone pointed out to Elgee (can't remember who) that lynching hihg-earners might be a tactic for later when there are less people, but she (Elgee) didn't buy into that.


Updated list, so we know where we all stand:


1. Mystica

2. Lily

3. Ludmian

4. Charis

5. Moose - white ajah - lynched Day 3

6. Crystal

7. Torrie

8. Ellianora

9. Zania

10. Talya

11. Elgee - Amrylin Seat - killed Night 4

12. Jaydena

13. Moggy - green ajah - lynched Day 4

14. Greenshirt

15. Cosmicpanda - white ajah - lynched Day 1

16. Daetirion

17. Meesha

18. Illiara

19. Pale Merlot

20.  Minuet

21. Verbal - red ajah - killed Night 4

22. Mcs

23. Tynaal

24. Vanion on LOA


Colour code:

Red - active

Blue - semi-active

Green - inactive



I will through my vote in this time. There are already 11 votes. Next time I really think we should look at threats not just inactives.




Torrie thats a strange thing to say, everyone who has been active is a threat. It sounds like you must have had a connection to Elgee or Verbal and judging by some of your earlier posts i would hazard a guess at Elgee.


Are one of the next few inactives up are in your Ajah so you don't want to lynch them?


I still think that there are a few people here who are way to inactive, that it drags the game down, get rid of too many more actives and you will not have enough active people to get a lynch, let alone anyone to chat with to gain points...just a thought. :)


I have to agree with Talya. Going after ACTIVES instead of INACTIVES is counter-productive, and goes against everything we've been talking about and voting on these last few days.


I think getting rid of INACTIVES and SEMI-ACTIVES is best - in that order. And more will be revealed as we do so.


Sorry for the double post, I meant to hit the preview button on my last post and hit post by mistake.


What I was going to say, is that Elgee proposed the lynching of actives, now Torrie's doing it while there are still inactives and semi-actives around. Just makes me wonder if she is part of Elgee's group or one of the Ajahs that have lost members.


Again, no and no.





Lily at this point has 174 points (at least according to my sheets, I could be wrong) That makes me very nervous.

I am also willing to bet that she is the Head of her Ajah because of her activity. 3 birds with one stone. She also has one of those boxes that there is no telling what they will do. Its just a matter of time till she opens it.



  • Club Leader

I will say this much, as I'm under discussion. I'd be a complete idiot to be Head of my Ajah, when there are people who want to go after high-point earners, just as any Ajah with an inactive would be stupid to put them as Head, since we're going after them as well. Interesting theory, Torrie, but way off.


I've said before that they gift I got isn't something that will harm anyone. That's not what they are about. Earn one yourself and see.


Now, I'm curious why Torrie has decided to join the way of thinking that wants to see the high point earners dead. I am grateful to whoever killed Elgee and stopped that. (No, it wasn't me, by the way. To be honest, someone beat me to it.) Any one of us can be a high point earner. You just have to jump in there and be active in the game. I don't think anyone should be penalized for keeping the game rolling. Or to put it another way, which has been said before, if you kill off the people who have been keeping things going, you're left with nothing but a mess that can't move forward.


And don't forget, somebody has Verbal's 103 points, and we don't know who. He was one of those I mentioned that earned quite a bit and stayed pretty much under the radar. Nobody seems to be interested to know who those are, so I've dropped that line of thinking, but I will tell you that Torrie is one, too, which makes her change in attitude quite interesting to me.


And, yeah, with the number of times people have suggested they'd like me dead, it would have been smart for me to spend some points on a hedgehog, wouldn't it? Maybe I did that.  ;)





Oh my! I go out for the day and come back to 5 new pages!


I found who else asked that question:


Ok can I just ask, for clarification, where was it stated that if we took out the Ajah head that would kill the entire Ajah. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember reading this anywhere.  :-\


Did Crystal simply forgot what Dragon told her team or is she a MoN/Keeper?


I did simply forget, I have a mind like a sieve! Often I will read things quite quickly, so they don't always stay put.


Minuet walks as softly as she can in the Brown Halls. After the last night where two sisters were killed one of the the Amyrlin she is scared that she could be next. She hears that there is a debate going on about lynching Dae since no one has seen he hasn't spoken in a long while. Min shutters to think about what is happening in the Tower. She once felt safe her and now it feels like a war zone.


I agree about the inactive thing. Which should also go to those who are using their points to purchase items. If you target those who are active at this point, meaning before we get rid of the dead weight, then you are only hurting yourself. My group hasn't collected enough points to do a night kill or recruit yet.


I think with the game seeming to drag on so much in the beginning that some people lost interest in it. That might explain why some people who are still active here at DM have not posted here. At least that is my assumption. It at least is picking up now. I think we might have started with too many players too. With us all saying our part it made it really hard to keep up with at first. I know I would go away for 8 hours and come back to 7-8 pages. It is hard to stay active in a game like that. I know I was frustrated.


I would suggest some paint in this place, but I really don't want anything to happen to all these wonderful books. I mean have you ever see so many books? I am in heaven just looking at them all.


rolls a grenade into the brown ajah


goes to the white ajah to talk about the logic behind it


feels bad so goes too the yellow Ajah


plans her excuse in the blue Ajah


talks about it at lenght in the grey Ajah


gets ready to fight in the green Ajah


passes out with a bottle, without a man in the red Ajah(you have all been there!!!




Thwaps Pale upside the head as he is having a dayterror. Similar to a nightmare, but done with your eyes open.


Pale you silly goose. What was your dayterror about??? Notices bottle of whiskey and totally understands his reason.


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