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White Tower Mafia *Starting*

Guest dragonsworn1991

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I too am finding it difficult to find something to add to the discussion every day at this point, as it seems a bit that we are running around like chickens without a head. Which is normal I suppose, but not something I always feel like joining into (depending my mood that). Not voting isn't always a sign of being in someone's ajah though. In my case it usually is because I am undecided and having been accused both of joining a bandwagon and 'not' joining a bandwagon I find myself in limbo a lot. If that makes sense.


Though I do hope I'll be the first to post when the new day starts. I'll see what arguments against my candidate for lynching the people who say not being in their Ajah is the best reason ever will have.

The bolded part made me think of something, and maybe Luddy meant it all along, maybe he never thought of it... *shrugs*


If the first person to post in each Day phase chose a random person to lynch, using "they're not in my Ajah" as the main reason, we could actually learn something.

Think about it.  You don't want to vote for a member of your own Ajah, so if everyone else starts jumping on one person as well, we can look at the people who AREN'T voting, and narrow down our list of who's-who in the game.


For example, say I post first and decide to randomly vote Joe Shmoe.  Everyone jumps on Joe with me, but some people hang back, even though they were all for this kind of lynch earlier.  We can examine everyone who doesn't vote for Joe, and maybe even find out who his Ajah-mates are.


I'm not saying it's the best idea ever, but it was a thought, and it might move the game along if we tried that.


Well, didn't I say something like this on day two: let's examine who did not vote for Panda and try to find Whites among them?


At this point in the game I think it will be best to get rid of inactive players, especially those for whom Dragon searched for a replacement and couldn't find one. Let's save high point earners for later. They make the game more interesting and with all their points earned they will make things happen.


Min, sweetie, I know you may not be able to get on every day right now, but you have certainly contributed to the game so you wouldn't be classed as inactive at all.


I'm a little concerned that you are not putting Vanion as an inactive 2 weeks with no input is a long time to have nothing from someone in a game like this. I would like to see him included in the inactives, because we KNOW he won't be contributing anything and I don't think he contributed much when he was here. In fact it will be more like 2 and a half weeks since he last posted on here. Most Mafia games are over in that time, or very close to being. It may sound harsh, but we have to realistic about it.


Most of the ones that post at the moment I think are pretty active and involved in the game and getting rid of those would damage the flow of the game. I know it's not always easy to make comments on things but at least people post to make sure people know there are around and taking in what is going on. This isn't like a normal mafia where we can discuss who we think is mafia. So sometimes things are said there isn't much more to say than that you agree or disagree.


Luddy, I think you have a point, we should maybe go theose that didn't vote for Pandy but go for the ones that are inactive nd then we can see what we get from that. That will kind of kill two birds with one stone. Though I would have thought that the other members of his ajah would have to be more active to make up for only having 2 left, but it maybe he had to do all the work becasue the others were inactive, and that was why he wanted an alliance because they weren't around much. :-\


That makes perfect sense.  Although I don't want to vote off people based on activity alone, at this point in the game, we have to no matter how much we like it or dislike it.


If we do decide on this course of action, which person do we vote for first?

  • Moderator

Well, I think I had voted Zania wayyyy back for pretty much the same reason we are looking at now, so I'll just go with that again....once day breaks.


Well posting once in my opinion is not enough. They should be posting in here if they want to stay in here. Maybe we should go back through and add up how many posts we have from those that are semi active and move some of them to inactive. Especially if they haven't come on like Min did and said what was going on. As Van I think he posted about a week ago once but it got lost in the mass amount of posts. Not sure about that but ya I did think I saw something.

  • Club Leader

I really don't mind if someone wants to tweak my list. I really wish Pete would post us a list of who we have, or confirm that mine is right.




I also think that Pete can decide on a mod kill of anyone who hasn't been around from the start or who has left the game.

I also think that these day and night cycles are too long. I think we have too much empty time and some of us just don't come here to read all the posts every day because of that. It might help move things along. I mean it seems that the game is dragging on and frankly people are loosing interest in it.

I will make an effort to come here more. I just was devastated with some news just before the holiday weekend and honestly forgotten about the game. Sorry about that. I just suddenly have more going on irl. I still want to continue in the game.


I actually agree with you there Min, I think having less time may actually get people involved a lot more. Hopefully it will make people vote too and the game can move along a bit.


I think Pete should send out PM's to all the players if something is changed. That way we are all on the same page. I would hate for someone to think they have 5 days and find out they missed a day or night cycle. I mean people from their Ajah can tell them, but we can't be sure.


What is the consensus of the rest of you?

Guest dragonsworn1991

Night is over.


I will post points. Later

Guest dragonsworn1991

Day is now beginning. Days will run for two rl days. So saturday at 9pm est day is over and sunday at 9pm est night is over


Lily – 24

Charis – 13

Meesh – 6

Jaydena – 25

Verbal – 20

Elgee – 10

Talya – 26

APTL – 20

Ludmian – 23

Illiara – 14

Torrie – 18

Crystal – 9

Minuet – 14

Mystica – 9

Green shirt - 3


Guest dragonsworn1991

I can try. I can copy the list off my spreadsheet. Yes, that's how I play. I'm anal.....lol And these are my opinions on activity. I don't feel really confident in them, and would not be offended if anyone made changes to my color coding.


1.  Mystica

2.  Lily

3.  Ludmian

4.  Charis

5.  Moose - left game not replaced

6.  Crystal

7.  Torrie

8.  Narina - left game not replaced

9.  Zania

10. Talya

11. Elgee

12. Jaydena

13. Moggy

14. Green Shirt -was at DCon - excused for now

15. Cosmicpanda lynch day 1 - White Ajah

16. Daetirion

17. Meesha

18. Illiara

19. APTL

20. Minuet - lots of stuff going on in RL. Would cut her some slack for a bit

21. Verbal

22. Mcs

23. Tynaal

24. Vanion on LOA, but active before that


Color Legend:

Red = active

Blue = semi-active

Green = inactive


If my list is correct, or when we get a correct list, I'd suggest bumping off lynching the green players, followed by the blue ones. That will give the blue ones a chance to change their status.





That list is the correct one. Except Narina is being replaced

  • Club Leader

Updated list:


1.  Mystica

2.  Lily

3.  Ludmian

4.  Charis

5.  Moose - left game not replaced

6.  Crystal

7.  Torrie

8.  Ellianora

9.  Zania

10. Talya

11. Elgee

12. Jaydena

13. Moggy

14. Green Shirt -was at DCon - excused for now

15. Cosmicpanda lynch day 1 - White Ajah

16. Daetirion

17. Meesha

18. Illiara

19. APTL

20. Minuet

21. Verbal

22. Mcs

23. Tynaal

24. Vanion on LOA, but active before that


Color Legend:

Red = active

Blue = semi-active

Green = inactive



If anyone wants to copy this and change some colors, I'm okay with that. I know there was some discussion about it.


Pale - Ain's not playing. You're working off an old list.




I absolutely agree with the idea of lynching inactive players at this point in the game. This way we will get information and move the game forward without making the game any less interesting or, even worse, coming to the point where we simply don't have enough active players for a lynch. I like the idea of shorter days and nights too.


Can we still vote for Moose? If he has not been replaced, then technically he is still in the game, I believe (it would be unfair to his Ajah members to exclude him without replacement). I vote for [glow=red,2,300]Moose [/glow] for now. I'll change my vote later, if Dragon says he is not part of the game.


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