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Fond Memories from when You were an Aspirant

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Seeing so many new novices and algai inspired me to make this thread.  Some of us around here are so old in DM years that people cannot imagine that we were ever novices or algai, so I thought that sharing some of our memories would be a nice way for the newer members to see that we were once just as they were.  :)


Here are some of my memories:


1.)  Feeling all excited and tingly when I got the official welcome e-mail from Taya (the MoN at the time) saying I was a novice of the White Tower.  I was so eager to become an Aes Sedai, just like in the books!

2.)  My mentor, Malone.  She had gotten raised to Aes Sedai right before I joined, so I was her first mentee.  She was always very caring and supportive.

3.)  My bondings!  Some of my bondmates are no longer around and the ones who are here aren't as active as they once were, but I will always treasure our friendships and our time spent together.

4.)  Being part of Eire's army and taunting Far's rival army that formed a few months after ours did.  We actually didn't do much as an army, although it was interesting watching the epic catfight between Far and MJF in the sparring ring at the Warders Guild.

5.)  Making a list of every swear word and conjugation of a swear word I could think of in order to help Kathana and Jason with the DM swear word filter.  That was a fun way to earn raising credit, and I remember how funny I found it that a little novice was e-mailing the big, scary Admins with swear words.  I think I still have that list somewhere.

6.)  Meeting Jeran when he was but a wee White novice (you could declare your Ajah earlier back then) and "growing up" with him in the Ajah.  We always got raised around the same time, and he's a big part of my fond memories in the White Ajah.



I would love to hear memories from the rest of you!  :)


I remember joining the WT.


That was so long ago  :(


Not TOO long :P





Erm... memories.



1.Well, Sabine had to teach me how to RP. Of course, first she had to teach me what RPing was. Then the actual lessons started. We had sessions through email just because I was so thick I couldn't get it  *grins*


2. My dear mentor Zanthia. She was a loving mentor (and yellow too). Of course, six months later I made the grand discovery that she was really a he. But I still loved him dearly. He was great.... And I miss him quite a bit... despite the sexual identity crisis ;D


3. First memory I have from DM is some sort of crazed water balloon war in the Novices quarters. Good times  ^_^


4. My warder Aric. He was the sweetest thing ever and I loved to flaunt him about like there was no tomorrow. The only person who came close to that was Kare'el on the RP side that was my Wolfkin's lover. Both of them were REALLY kind souls and I miss them both.


5. Being the Mistress of Novices in the RP years ago. That was a fun experience... and it's probably the period of my life where my online theme was bottoms (and spanking >.>). Okay.. well... maybe it is now as well... but lets just say I got around WAY more back then ;)


6. Great friends. I won't name names because they know who they are... but they're DM members I've met since I was an ickle novice and that have enriched my life in a way I cannot even come close to expressing. I love you guys :)


7. Going to DragonCon. Big corner stones in my DM related memories. Just as much as the following trip to England where I met more DMers. Putting a face to some of my closest friend was a joy. One I'm going to repeat in a couple of months ^_^


8. The Yellow Ajah. Always my joy and my pride. A little piece of heaven :) Too many memories to list, really but all of them were hilarious. Love you guys!!! :D  (former and current members).


9. Noggy, Nargbert and Monca. Best gang I ever joined  ^_^










Boo, Fr4day, Harkon pie wars and mIRC.


It was about all made of win.

Sabine was my MoN and Taeadra of the White was my Mentor.


I think my fondest memory was back at the moat.  Myself, Niamh and a couple of other folks were playing volleyball.  There was a whole lot of missing going on and Niamh screams, "Hit the ball you Muppet!!!!!"  I have no idea why that was so dang funny, but I Died laughing and still giggle about it to this day.


Other than that, I just remember fighting with one or two about which one of us was going to marry Orlando Bloom and hanging out in the Lecture Hall a lot looking for interesting classes to take.


I have a fond memory of you taking the class I taught when I was Accepted, Mendorah.  :)


Nyn, that sexual identity confusion surrounding your mentor sounds funny!  The way you worded that memory cracked me up.


I have a fond memory of you taking the class I taught when I was Accepted, Mendorah.   :)



Awww...Which one was it?  do you remember?


*grins and checks the PG13 filter*


Let's see, what do I remember?


1- I remember the offsite Age of Legends Boards. No one ever posted on the Gray boards, so there was a take over that was far from hostile, since no one put up a fight. Luthien was an Aspie for the White Ajah (yes, as a Novice!) and she and the Head at the time (Light save me, I'll remember her name in a minute...) said we could come play on their forums. *grins*


2- I remember the Green Tea Party that turned into an all-night bar.


3- I remember meeting Kynwric when he was buried under a pile of Accepted and Novices and feeling WAY too shy to get involved there. *smirks and shakes her head* Seriously, you should've seen his raising to Manshima thread. It was... *smirks* yeah.


4- I remember catching Kynwric flirting with Thea on the Warder's boards and being so mad about it that I flirted by head off with BB for an entire night and flat out ignored him, even though he was posting in the same threads.


5- I remember when Mother's opened on the Warder's forum. Krae hung a "help wanted" sign in the window and that's how I got to be the bartender there. *smiles*


6- I remember The Gang of Four, getting my wrists slapped by Kathana because I was being rather naughty and crossing the PG13 line a few too many times.


7- I remember bonding Kynwric and a chorus of "it's about time"'s popping up.


8- I remember being an Accepted... for about two weeks.  (because that's all that separated my raising thread from Novice to Accepted and from Accepted to Aes Sedai).


9- I remember when the Yellow Ajah and the Green Ajah had a contest going on whose thread would hit 50 pages first. I don't remember who won, but my own post count was a bit contributor to makes the Tea Party thread as long as possible. *laughs*


10- I remember when Nyn (on the RP side) made me wash dishes (IC, no less) because I had the audacity to start a thread in the Warder's Guild forum as an Accepted without an approved plan or permission. *grins*




10 -


10- I remember when Nyn (on the RP side) made me wash dishes (IC, no less) because I had the audacity to start a thread in the Warder's Guild forum as an Accepted without an approved plan or permission. *grins*


*laughs* yeah, I'm an hardass  ;D







I was a novice in 2007 and don't remember much from it. Is that a bad sign?  :-\


We were novices together!! But you beat me to Sedai. >.>


I've always had a secret crush on my Tigtig! *nods and smiles* He's just so nummy! :D


The only thing that always sticks out to me from my novice time is that I didn't get along with my mentor. Who also happened to be the MoNster. Who now is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. Boy oh boy good thing I wasn't the faint of hearted type, for she'd have walsed right over me oterwhise lol. *grins*


I also remember my step-mentors. It took 3 of them, two Heads and a Keeper, just for one little ol' me. *chuckles*


I remember hopping around the boards with Arya, causing mischief wherever we went and annoying the hell out of all the serious folks and Ajahs lol


I remember the cold shoulder I got from the Brown Ajah (or rather no shoulder at all) which led to me telling Raeyn off when she became Head and that being the start of a lasting friendship both with her and some of the Brownies. hehe


I wasn't much active in the Tower for a long time though, since I didn't exactly feel very welcome due to my fallout with Miss MoNster ROFL but that all got swooshed aside, my step-mentors overloaded me with lurve and kept me from getting myself killed LOL I'll always have a very special place in my heart for Nia and Mia for what they did for me back then. *loves*


I remember my near-sister Laurana, who was really young but DAYUMN! she was one of the most mature people I had ever met. We had this HUGE fight on msn about a character from the Dragonlance series and I thought for sure she'd never speak to me again. But nope, next day, she was all happy and friendly and thrilled to see me and never once confused a difference of opinion with a personal dislike. It was one of the rare occasions I could actually go all out in a discussion without fearing some hurt feelings or whatever and still remain friends. Don't get that much, I'll always treasure that. *nods* Miss my Laurabean. :'(


I remember my endless stream of questions and how Muirenn sealed my faith with her answers and branded me Red just in time for my raising. She's around that one, but she's lurking and needs to come home to her Red Family more often... *growls*


OH! almost forgot!! I remember running the quizes for Jeran, the White Head at the time, for several months. And running the Blue newsletter for Nia. Those were big fun!!


Hm, I guess I remember more than I thought.... hehe


Hmm let me think. There aren't many.


- the Warder Girls having a PJ party while I was still an Algai... that was rather a lot of fun.


- my first dunking in the moat


- playing wolfies in the White Ajah with Safire and dragging GBen over to the Wolfkin Org


- some really great discussions in the White Ajah that made me change over to being an Accepted there


- having a super lovely mentor in Lor *snuggles*


- winning Myst's Riddle competition at the Whites


- bonding my first Warder, Horn




That's about it really. The fun really started after I got Raised lol. Prior to that I wasn't hugely active. :P

  • Club Leader

I have exercised an uncharacteristic amount of self-control, and not spammed this thread. Oh, I wanted to! I really did! But, I've been good. But no longer.....


I only have one thing to say - the WT is very lucky that I didn't draw you as a mentor, Myst! Take a moment and imagine it! *rofl*



Guest Cairos

Let me see...


1. My awesome mentor Mendorah and my many bad novice ways.


2. Causing trouble for Jeannaisais and she sent me to the moon.


3. Getting tortured by the Reds when Tess was head.


4. Meeting many new friends and lasting friendships.


i remember hanging about the greens as i knew the head from the rp mostly at first till i got a mentor, and also diving in there because said memtor happened to be green, and that i was all up about trying to find him and get to know him...dont remember his name, talked a few times to him...really nice guy but he left


i remember being torn over wheter to change track, and relived when it was done so i was done with the descision


tay were you an aspie togheter with me or was this before my time


i remember a PJ party but dont remember if it was before or after raising, and at which level if so, it was for the girls though, we redecorated the barracks, and one of the guys got to partisipate as he dressed up as a gal and let us give him make up...the barracks turned all girly in pink and purple and flowers, and actualy there been no redecorating of it since though i tried to start a new pj party not long ago (and we now have a bunch of aspies redoing our work...aparently the shades wrong or something :P)


i remember i used to come up with heaps of fun silly goofy things to let go out over the males, as one of the few gals in there, and at times at least the only intiate girl :P i think i 'picked' a lot more on them as the majority then they ever did on me...gentlemen as they been


i remember feeling more and more like i fitted in as time passed most of all and that it made me rest asured i had taken the right descision, and feeling ready and at home by the time i got raised to full rank *smiles at her fellow warders*


Mendorah, that was the Irish Mythology class that I co-taught with Eire.  It was the only class I taught while I was an Accepted.


Lor, the name of the White Head at the time when Luthien was a novice was Eilonwy.


Hard to say :/


I mean... I joined DM around august 2001... and even that might not be accurate. I just know it's the date I made my ezboard account, which is what we used before these boards.....


Back then we got raised by simply being active for a month  *big grin*   And since I got the job like..... right after I got raised to Sedai... I think it would be safe to say it was a couple of months after I joined.


In a nutshell... I wouldn't be terribly wrong to assume that the answer to your question is..... prolly around.... *wrinkles brow*  7 years?

The funny discovery I made, though, is that when Kathana offered me the job she thought I was completly out of my mind and she was sure I'd drop the job in a couple of months.... but I showed her :P


On Liitha's case, though... LOL... I was referring to her in the RP side. I think she reminded me one day that I was her MoN back then ;D  hence the comment.





Yeah Lii, we were aspies together, we were both Algai at the time and we had the party with Vorkia and some others while the lads tried their best to gatecrash.  :)


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