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Yeah, the warning was my sister will be here and be nice, blah blah. They wanted to use chains I said she would prefer handcuffs and the rest is history. Which was good since she avoided the chains.


Mashi the Red's will love you. Don't forget to come visit us Greens too tough.

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That's a interesting story....It boils down to advance warnings from Min, that lead to a handcuffing, that carried over to another thread, and then another....and now here too.  :D


Yep, Friday, Nightmare on Elm St, Halloween, Excorsist, Omen, the list goes on and on.  :D


Hmmm.... Sam, I don't think we are cuffed in this thread, or we weren't, anyway.


Mashi, one piece of advice. Don't do what I did. You put cuffs on a guy in one thread and he follows you around from thread to thread cuffing you everywhere you go. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've been to the bathroom?  :o


But, if the guy looks like Sam, it's not such a hardship. *bats eyelashes at Sam*


And naturally, they left out parts of the story. I walked into the dorms, and here comes this guy with chains heading for me. Now, everyone knows that it's much easier to whip out a pair of handcuffs than tie someone up with cumbersome chains. I simply couldn't resist. Who could?  ;) Well, I underestimated Sam's agility, and before I knew it, the other cuff was on my own wrist. Since then, the keys have been kind of everywhere, and now reside in Sam's stomach. He claims to have another set in his room, but so far, I've declined to go find out. He thinks it's because he's so cute I want to stay cuffed to him (Okay, I admit to encouraging that line of thought...  ;D) but the truth is I'm smart enough to know that no girl is safe in Sam's room.  ;)


I'll bet you can't wait to get board access now!  ;D Just be prepared. Don't come to the dorms without the proper toys. You will need them, girlfriend! I have a couple of whips in undisclosed locations on my person, as well, but shhhh! The guys don't know about them yet.





Come to think of it you two do seem to be everywhere with your cuffs!  :D


Mashi are you a fan of vampires if you like blood? As you can probably tell from my avi I'm quite the vampire myself  :D Not too good with gore though... I guess I don't make a very good vampire  :-[


Oh my, where is my board access?!


Well, well, well... I cannot say that I am too upset that you are cuffed seeing how much you enjoy it ;) although I do hope you find a ladies room soon. Never underestimate their agility! *nods* I must say, I think you were wise in avoiding his rooms, unless you can bring out the whips before Sam can bring out the charm ;)

The proper toys? *devilish grin* Check!


Min: the reds will love me eh? I noticed the Ajahs here are a bit different, I can't wait to nose around once I have access. Until then... *twiddles thumbs*


Tipps: I do indeed enjoy vampires, I've got fangs myself  ;D and I'm sure you make a fine vamp! *snuggles*


Come to think of it you two do seem to be everywhere with your cuffs!  :D


Mashi are you a fan of vampires if you like blood? As you can probably tell from my avi I'm quite the vampire myself  :D Not too good with gore though... I guess I don't make a very good vampire  :-[


Gore is basically tainted and wasted blood. Any good vampire would therefor be very disapproving of gore. *nods solemnly*


Oh my what lovely fangs you have, Mashi  ;D


Hmmm .. that makes me think of a thread to start at the Reds ... *stops hijacking this random thread and goes to make a new one*


LMAO honestly! Way to go, ladies. Now she *points to Elgee* has me working again! And I'm old. Like ancient. I shouldn't be working. I should be sitting and slurping up new novices and algai.


*grabs Mashi's chin and examins the fangs* nice! But there will be no spilling of any blood in the Reds, young woman. You'll lick it up nice and proper and not waste a single drop. *nods*


I'm so not into horror movies, unless they're vampire/ghost/msytical type ones. Don't do gore, like Elgee says, way too messy. Not even gonna go anywhere near saw. *shudders* That movie is just sick :P


No Saw isn't nice but I actually found Hostel much worst. From what I had heard of Saw I thought it was going to be unbearable, but the first one was actually quite tame  :-\ I had the worst sleepless night after TCM the re-make... the original isn't nice but kindof funny too  :D


Has anyone seen Drag Me To Hell yet?... it's hilarious!


*licks the last drop of blood from lips* Yes, Mystica Sedai.

The first three saw movies are pretty tame, the last two are not for the faint of heart though. I saw Hostel, mmm yummy. I thought Hostel was a bit more demented than Saw simply because the killing had no justifiable purpose. Haven't seen Drag me to Hell, but I heard it was funny too :P


There are 2 hings from Hostel... which I will not mention, because I do not want to get hit by a low flying PG-13 sign  :D... these 2 things have scarred my eyes forever!


As for Saw I've only seen the first 2, but neither were half as bad as people made them out to be.


Hmmm.... Sam, I don't think we are cuffed in this thread, or we weren't, anyway. It follows us around. 


He thinks it's because he's so cute I want to stay cuffed to him (Okay, I admit to encouraging that line of thought...  ;D) but the truth is I'm smart enough to know that no girl is safe in Sam's room.  ;)  I don't know what you are talking about. 


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Hmmm.... Sam, I don't think we are cuffed in this thread, or we weren't, anyway. It follows us around. 


He thinks it's because he's so cute I want to stay cuffed to him (Okay, I admit to encouraging that line of thought...  ;D) but the truth is I'm smart enough to know that no girl is safe in Sam's room.  ;)  I don't know what you are talking about. 



*snuggles and laughs* Silly...




*walks in, glaring at Lor all the while*


*talks, still eying Lor*  Well, Mashira, I see you've been properly harassed by quite a few well established members. Do not mind them, though. You're with me >.>




And don't believe what they say about me! I'm a mean old lady *grins* But don't worry, I'll brainwash guide you properly. All my prior mintees loved me so much they just went puff. Cause.... magic! ;D  And who doesn't love magic, really. It's such a beautiful illusion. It opens your mind to new wonderful things.


I took my time in posting because I wanted to see how you fence for yourself. Yep... >.>  It was all a test really. I knew this thread was here ALL the while.... and Mystica defintely didn't point me out to it. Nope.


But anyway, welcome to the White Tower. Don't eat anything anyone here gives you because..... well... just don't eat it. LOL   And I hope you get access to the WT usergroup soon  ;)







I did NOT! *zaps the yellow with her cattle prod* Liar.... BLACK! I'm telling Mummy!


Mashi, I take it back. Your mentor is a mean old witch. *nods*


Mashi you are certainly in for some fun. Don't worry I am a witch myself. My flying monkeys can locate you if Nyn makes you go puff. *puts locater beacon on Mashi* So, you have nothing to fear.


There are 2 hings from Hostel... which I will not mention, because I do not want to get hit by a low flying PG-13 sign  :D... these 2 things have scarred my eyes forever!


As for Saw I've only seen the first 2, but neither were half as bad as people made them out to be.


I've seen all of the Saw movies, and I have the first 4 on DVD. I think they're ingenious, but I worry that some real-life nutcase will decide to emulate Jigsaw. A few years ago, some guy went on a rampage and he had that bloody puppet tattooed on him. Talk about creepy!!! :o


Yeah this is a problem I have with horror films, I hate to think that someone could actually do those things to anouther person... I'm better off with paranormal, or fantasy type horror films.


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