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BrandonSandrson Then it gets sent to a secret cabal of beta readers (no, you can't join them. Sorry.) I spot fix problems they find, then a last quick draft

16 minutes ago via TweetDeck


Tweeted by Brandon almost four minutes after the tweet quoted in the above post.


See? I knew there more editors then just Maria, Harriet and Alan.

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Recent Tweets (in order) that I find interesting:


BrandonSandrson Lol. In making comments on Towers of Midnight, Maria referenced Eye of the World...and found an as-of-yet uncaught mistake.


BrandonSandrson Oh, and I think the error Maria caught in EotW was a line saying Lan's homeland had the "hundred lakes" and not the "thousand lakes."


Why would she be referencing it unless there were scenes to take place in Malkier?  We know Lan is riding that way, maybe we'll see some awesome Lan action this book and see Malkier rallying.  (I know this is all somewhat expected, but I always figured it wouldn't happen until the last book)


That scene where Nynaeve goes all bad ass border lander Queen with the Malkieri jewl merchant gives me goosebumps. Nynaeve finally steps away from the whole Rand thing to start takin care of business her way. She makes a statement of independence.


That scene where Nynaeve goes all bad ass border lander Queen with the Malkieri jewl merchant gives me goosebumps. Nynaeve finally steps away from the whole Rand thing to start takin care of business her way. She makes a statement of independence.


I must say that scene was deffinately in my top ten.. flippin amazin :D


Dude, I mean come on..."Will he ride alone?!" Yeah. Friggin sweet.

The room got a little dusty then...... that and the borderlanders feeling the call in TGS prologue.... gives me chills every time.


And just to stay on topic.... 85% = icon_pickles.gif


See? I knew there more editors then just Maria, Harriet and Alan.


Beta-readers are not editors they tend to be trusted friends (which include other writers and in Sanderson's case his agent and Moshe his editor for his other books) whose comments will not be on the content but litrary issues.


Yeah, an editor.

Maria and the other assistnce review the book for factual inconsistencies. Harriet that does and does a line by line edit for literary content. If you have read BS's posts on how he uses his beta-readers you know that with them he is not looking for them to find factual errors or a line by line literary critique but detatched critisism on overal literary structural elements.


See? I knew there more editors then just Maria, Harriet and Alan.


Beta-readers are not editors they tend to be trusted friends (which include other writers and in Sanderson's case his agent and Moshe his editor for his other books) whose comments will not be on the content but litrary issues.


Well they can still say "Hey this is wrong or this needs fixing". I mean none of us are editiors but it certainly doesn't stop anyone else from critiquing the books. Or anything else for that matter. It's still an editing process.


An editor is like a technician. Gets into the nity-gritty. They give their feedback from the inside. A beta reader is what it sounds, someone who reads it, and gives feedback on what it's like from a readers POV. They sound similar, and cross-over in many places, but they are different jobs. Different angles.


If it helps clarify it, an editor, edits, which a writer then approves or disaproves. A beta-reader gives opinion, upon which a writer then edits.


It still sounds like Beta-Readers are under the Quality Control which would include the whole editing process. If these trusted Beta Readers are given the book to read then their opinion does matter to the editing process.


Yes, but they are still not editing. The writer is editing based on their feedback.


I don't get the reason for this debate?


Just that there were more people helping the editing process then just the Trio of Alan, Maria and Harriet.


BrandonSandrson    Document in the hands of beta readers. Time is counting down to our deadline. Hope they read quickly...

about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

Retweeted by you and 2 others


It still sounds like Beta-Readers are under the Quality Control which would include the whole editing process. If these trusted Beta Readers are given the book to read then their opinion does matter to the editing process.


Beta-readers are not part of the  formal process. Their opinions may be considered but they do not have to be acted on. Indeed if they do not return their replies the author can simply go on without them. More importantly the type of advise given is usually of the type that can be quickly incorporated and will not normally effect the publishing timeline.




It's getting so close I can smell it...


.... I think we might have a Hurin in our midst - afterall ToM is sure to have lots of death and violence. :P


In all seriousness I wonder if we can infiltrate Harriet's group of beta readers in time for aMoL??....


.... I think we might have a Hurin in our midst - afterall ToM is sure to have lots of death and violence. :P


In all seriousness I wonder if we can infiltrate Harriet's group of beta readers in time for aMoL??....


haha, I was referring more to that wonderful smell of a new book; but sure, I can smell all the death and violence too  8)


And we have about a year to infiltrate that group.  Better get crackin!


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