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Mistborn Mafia..Game Thread!! *Game over. Mafia Win*

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Now I'm afraid to go to sleep . . . I might wake up dead in the morning. *gulp*


I'd curl up with Aubrey under her bed but if she's an Obligator she might stuff marbles down my throat and choke me with them . . .  :-\

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Panda, also, has been far too omnipresent in this game to be an Obligator,imo. His actions are not consistent with those of someone hoping to escape suspicion. Yet, he has done some inexplicable stuff.




Daruya... I must be tired... for some reason the thought of two grown ladies hiding under a bed fighting to avoid one getting marbles down her throat struck me as funny.


I'm tired too. I'm going to bed, right after I try to answer panda's oh so succinct question.  :D

Like your voting. You seemed to be very hot after Aubrey at first. Yet when she was spared, you didn't keep pursuing her. I find that odd.  Then you voted for Min, but changed it to Bursius for no reason I could see att. And when she voted Lia, instead of following you, and got several others to follow her, you prodded Bursius into acting suspicious to distract the rest of us. You failed to show him the mercy you showed Min. This also I find odd.



I'm tired too. I'm going to bed, right after I try to answer panda's oh so succinct question.  :D

Like your voting. You seemed to be very hot after Aubrey at first. Yet when she was spared, you didn't keep pursuing her. I find that odd.


I like succinct questions  :D


I don't always feel it necessary to make everyone aware who my targets are, because it puts their backs up. Aubrey's reluctance to participate still strikes me as suspicious, and I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be an obligator.  You're right though, I did get diverted from her trail. I suppose it was just that she seems incapable of putting thought into the game. I lost patience with her here:


I've shown my colours as mafia? If you have not noticed I don't jump up and say "You You You!!" Nor do I say "I think you are mob!" ... I've been blessedly fairly ignorant as far as who could be who and mostly go with either the mob (as I have no idea, i'm innocent, and its my first game on the forums), Unless I'm trying to keep the vote away from me.


So, not to put too fine a point on it, you could've been more useful.


The point still stands. I would be very willing to consider an Aubrey lynch, or any other lurker, for that matter.


What do you think of how she took her near-lynch on day one? I've been wondering whether or not it was a 'townie' way to go, or not. I don't think it's really possible to say, either way.


Then you voted for Min, but changed it to Bursius for no reason I could see att. And when she voted Lia, instead of following you, and got several others to follow her, you prodded Bursius into acting suspicious to distract the rest of us. You failed to show him the mercy you showed Min. This also I find odd.


Now you're confusing me. I had good reasons for voting Bursius. He said this:


Daruya, role playing is ok with me and with most of the people playing the game. 


I agree with Minuet that panda and aubrey are probably mafia and need to be lynched.


Which one of them are we lynching tonight?  Let's decide and then do it. 


Minuet was on my suspicions list. It's not uncommon for mafia to agree with each other in thread, especially newbies. I wanted to see Min's reaction to me putting pressure on Bursius.


In addition, the post contains shameless bandwagoning (lack of independence of thought) and tunneling (refusing to consider more than one or two people at a time).


Finally, I didn't 'prod' him into acting suspicious. He dug his own grave by refusing to answer my questions.



As to the matter of mercy - the whole case against Min was a slip she made that could have easily been made due to a misunderstanding. Bursius deliberately being unhelpful was far, far worse.


Wow, that is a great deal of deliberation and yet some how we've successfully lynched only Innocents. This doesn't bode well for me, so personally, marbles are about the way to go. If you come in to kill me, i hope you trip on them. :P


Pandy your quote from Aubrey reminded me of what was somewhat fishy about it when I first read it. 


... I've been blessedly fairly ignorant as far as who could be who and mostly go with either the mob


Most times.. newbie mafia haven't yet developed how to frame others as mafia.  They have no suspects because they KNOW who the mafia is and DONT want them to die.  They tend to simply ride the bandwagons and pick someone else's suspicions as their own.  Good cover up.. as when that person comes up innocent they can say... well Bob made such a strong argument I was SURE he was right..we should lynch Bob!


Sorry guys, still paying attention. Had family over yesterday. Ok so Loreina those are exactly the reasons I have suspected Panda, thank you for clarifying that better than I did. Though I am looking at your answers and thinking I see a bit better what you meant Panda, we shall see what happens.


So, you're initial reason for voting Bursius was revenge then? You are suspicious of people who name no suspects but when they do, you vote them in for the lynch?  The question in my mind is were you protecting only yourself? Or was another Obligator named with you?


Aubrey, it's mostly the lynching of innocents at the beginning of the game. *shrugs* That's just the way it is. We far outnumber the mafia.







So, you're initial reason for voting Bursius was revenge then? You are suspicious of people who name no suspects but when they do, you vote them in for the lynch?


No, not at all. Did you read my post? I find word-twisting extremely suspicious.


I read every post very carefully. I twisted no words. There isn't anything there except his accusation, his support of the rp, and his newbie mistake of lynching at night. *shrugs*  Are you saying you voted for him because he supported the rp?  Or was it because he agreed with someone?  That would be a suspicious thing, yes. But why not just say so? Why make us guess at what you mean?  I am suspicious of the fact that you explain nothing. You just quote people and then act like that ought to be enough. That is a well-known Mafia tactic.



Oh, for heaven's sake.


Minuet was on my suspicions list. It's not uncommon for mafia to agree with each other in thread, especially newbies. I wanted to see Min's reaction to me putting pressure on Bursius.


In addition, the post contains shameless bandwagoning (lack of independence of thought) and tunneling (refusing to consider more than one or two people at a time).


This is quite different to "I voted him for revenge."


Gah! I read that post three times, and I still missed that part! I was focused on the Bursius part, not the Min part. *kicks self* I guess I'll shut up now and give someone else a shot at theorizing, since I'm not so good at it. ::)


*waits impatiently for night to end*


You know, Aubrey might be on to something with staging marbles in her room.  Then again, with a Mistborn Assassin on the loose, I'm not sure even that would help.  *looks worried*


I still need to find time to go back and re-read everything.  Not that I'm all that sure it'll help but maybe after we finish dinner (smoked chicken, roasted corn on the cob and watermelon) and play a game with the kids, I'll have time to review the last few days of conversation.  Here's hoping, anyway.


Marbles are glass, not metal. And unless they 'push' themselves off the floor, it will at least make noise if not trip them. *grins*


Ok Mod announcement...


Night will be ending early. I have a date tonight and i'll be out when night officially ends. SO night will be on for about an other 45 minutes. I'll make an other post then. :)


Updated Player List

1) Aubrey

2) Jade

3) Illiara

4) Bur  (lynched day three. Innocent Skaa)

5) Kelly

6) Minuet

7) Narina  (lynched day two.  Innocent Skaa)



10)Jeran (killed night one. Obligator and Tineye)



13)Alailyn (Modkilled: Not able to play due to RL)




Day one voting in chronological order:

        Panda votes Bursius

        Bursius votes Panda

        Aubrey votes Panda

        Minuet votes Panda

        Jeran votes Aubrey

        Minuet unvotes and votes Aubrey

        Narina votes Minuet

        Narina unvotes and votes Aubrey

        Naeann votes Panda as a joke, unvotes and votes Lorei

        Illiara votes Kelly

        Maeva votes Aubrey

        Daruya votes Naeann

        Minuet votes Aubrey again

        Jade votes Aubrey

        Panda unvotes and votes Aubrey

        Naeann unvotes and votes Aubrey

        Illiara unvotes and votes Aubrey

        Liathiana votes Aubrey

        Lorei votes Alailyn

        Kelly votes Aubrey


Day one voting by pattern:

Panda votes Bursius- much later votes Aubrey

Bursius votes Panda  (Bursius known innocent)

Aubrey votes Panda

Minuet votes Panda- changes to Aubrey- later votes Aubrey again

Jeran votes Aubrey    (Jeran known Obligator)

Narina votes Minuet-changes to Aubrey  (Narina known innocent)

Naeann votes Panda as a joke then changes to Lorei- later votes Aubrey

Illiara votes Kelly- changes to Aubrey

Maeva votes Aubrey

Daruya votes Naeann       

Jade votes Aubrey       

Liathiana votes Aubrey

Lorei votes Alailyn

Kelly votes Aubrey 


The vote on Aubrey: First of all, an Obligator started it. Now, Mafia have been known to do this sort of thing to throw off suspicion of collusion later. What interests me is that he never changed his vote. If Aubrey were an Obligator, he would have done that, or another Obligator would have tried to implicate some innocent and turn the vote away from Aubrey. Some question arose over Min knowing about Kelly's absence etc., but if that was a Mafia attempt to throw dust in our eyes, it was a rather feeble one. Illiara was the only one who bought it, and she changed her vote fairly quickly. This leads me to think that Aubrey may not be Mafia.


Day Two voting in chronological order:

Panda votes Aubrey

Illiara votes Panda

Minuet votes Aubrey

Naeann votes Aubrey

Aubrey votes Panda

Narina votes Naeann

Illiara votes Narina

Naeann votes Narina

Panda votes Illiara

Min votes Narina

Daruya votes Naeann

Lorei votes Narina

Aubrey votes Narina

Maeva votes Narina

Kelly votes Narina

Panda votes Narina

Bursius votes panda


Day Two voting by pattern:

Panda votes Aubrey- votes Illiara- votes Narina

Illiara votes Panda- votes Narina

Minuet votes Aubrey- votes Narina

Naeann votes Aubrey- votes Narina

Aubrey votes Panda- votes Narina

Narina votes Naeann

Daruya votes Naeann

Lorei votes Narina

Maeva votes Narina

Kelly votes Narina

Bursius votes panda


So I was wrong about Panda giving up on Aubrey. He did pursue an Aubrey vote, but it was derailed by Illiara and Naeann. Once they started the Narina vote, the bandwagon went rolling right along.


Day three voting in chronological order:

Panda votes Bursius

Min votes Lia

Kelly votes Lia

Bursius votes Lia

Lorei votes Bursius

Naeann votes Bursius

Min votes Bursius

Aubrey votes Bursius

Illiara votes Bursius

Maeva votes Bursius

Jayd votes Bursius

Daruya votes Bursius

Lorei votes Min

Kelly votes Bursius

Lorei votes Bursius


Day three voting by pattern:

Panda votes Bursius

Min votes Lia- votes Bursius

Kelly votes Lia- votes Bursius

Bursius votes Lia

Lorei votes Bursius- votes Min- votes Bursius

Naeann votes Bursius

Aubrey votes Bursius

Illiara votes Bursius

Maeva votes Bursius

Jayd votes Bursius

Daruya votes Bursius

Lia didn't vote.


Nothing here. Bursius made himself so suspicious looking that, for lack of a better target, almost all of us voted for him.


These may be more useful after we get the results of the night actions, if there are any.



Disclaimer!!! The use of players names in no way means anything...just some fun writing. *nods*


Night Three....


You are all very suspicious of each other. Some of you are quite vocal...others quiet. You all try to get some sleep. Morning comes and you all stumble from your rooms. Others faster than others. Most of you head to the kitchen to eat but Daruya goes to the privvy. A few minutes laters you hear a scream and you all go running. It is Daruya and she is standing there screaming and pointing. You then see the dead body of Liathiana. She has a hole in her chest where her heart should have been...and blood all over her. Shouts begin and demands to know what has happened. Aubrey faints and Naeann helps her by waveing her hand over her face to give her air. Pandy shakes his head and mutters. Loreina starts talking to herself.....you all head down to the kitchen very sobered....because....


Liathiana The Crew Leader and Innocent Skaa is Dead.

Day has begun and will end Wednesday The 3rd of June at 9PM EST



We have an inquisitor that is just a little stronger... booo..



*faints again*


Another of us gone, and the Crew Leader at that. She didn't post much, but she was one of us. *mourns* 


Updated Player List

1) Aubrey

2) Jade

3) Illiara

4) Bur  (lynched day three. Innocent Skaa)

5) Kelly

6) Minuet

7) Narina  (lynched day two.  Innocent Skaa)



10)Jeran (killed night one. Obligator and Tineye)


12)Liathiana (killed night three.Crew Leader-directs the TinEye to Spy a player. )

13)Alailyn (Modkilled: Not able to play due to RL)




With ten players, we'll need at least six votes to lynch.



I think I need to sit down . . . I don't feel so good.


*Visibly shaken and her face alternating between a greenish tint and deathly pale, Daruya makes her way to a chair.  She sits down and clutches the washbasin someone (she didn't see who) shoved at her, before emptying her stomach noisily in the basin*


We have an inquisitor that is just a little stronger... booo..



*faints again*





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