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So I thought we would try and start some discussion topics on and off. The first question is, Why did you pick the ajah you did for your character and if you haven't picked yet what do you think you will pick? Also if you have more than one character you can write about each of them. *G*

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cema was a transfer green from elsewhere that was inspired by cadsuane, the green ie the battle ajah was her place first site and it was natural to keep it up on dm


sheri had the need for a facade, and also despite not realising it herself does fit in the white, so its the right for her, but her reasons is not because she belive so rather then her feeling its the best hide out for her..she isnt a direct transfer as much as a based off another char

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Eqwina came to the Tower with both her parents being dead in an accident and so was the man that took her in. She soon decided that courting was FAR more important and looked to be headed towards the Green, but in the end her desire to Heal and save others won out and she joined the Yellow Ajah.


**I will write about Kabria later* ;D

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Maegan is an incredibly complex character, and her choice is fairly distinctive. She could have gone brown and she could have gone Blue but Red.. Ah, now there was a cause worth fighting for. Thoroughly disgusted with most Blues 'Any means to get to the end', Maegan opted for the 'the means is the end' and the over all search to cleanse the world of its most deadliest taint. Not because she hated men, but because she wanted to understand the difference between the 'Taint' and a 'Bad man' and in all her experience there was that separation and she wanted to ensure that the women she worked with understood that.


Greens make tough choices in battle, but Reds make the tough choices every day. Its not about saving one political battle after another (Mae hates politics) but by saving it one life at a time. Her goal was to achieve a way to, maybe not cleanse, but damper the effects of the Taint in men and to research how it effects them. She has pages upon pages of research and failed experiment after experiment...


No, choosing Red was not an easy choice, and because of that she is not daunted by the task at hand to seek out better ways to have the same goal. It has nothing to do with the hate of Men, but for the love of them and for the love of the future of the Tower. Should she one day be able to call one Brother.

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Janine is eventually going to embody several of my own worst aspects, including a propensity for violence and a lack of the usual social restraints.  The eventual violent nature of the character meant that, frankly, there is no other Ajah that would fit her.  As her means become more and more unorthodox, even that tie will be strained.


What can I say?  Sometimes I create a character just to see how fun I can make their potential destruction.

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The first question is, Why did you pick the ajah you did for your character and if you haven't picked yet what do you think you will pick?


When Saline is asked her Ajah it tells others the Sisters she identifies herself with, the Cause she's living for, and so much more.


However, the thing about being in the Red Ajah was, people never seemed to expect my character to be friendly. Worse, they became surprisingly hostile even if she was friendly just a moment ago. People expect her to be either a bossy battleaxe spurned by too many men, or she was the psychotic sadist spurred by the hatred of the said men, or otherwise blessed with both desperation and hatred, plus some envy sprayed in between (just think modern-day feminists).


One way or another, males were not happy to see her. Many a young lad she had observed in the Yards would walk past faster than was per normal; she would not have gotten them to leave more quickly if she had etched upon her shawl the dragon’s fang. If Aes Sedai were feared because people were mostly ignorant of little outside of stories, then her chosen Red Ajah would inspire no confidence in those who seemed to mistrust everybody in particular the Sisters.


But then my character thinks about her first test, standing with her Sisters of the blood, of the heart. She had just gained her right to the Shawl, and was petitioning perhaps the loneliest Ajah. Her Sisters were the most optimistic people she knew, and together they united to prevent another Breaking. They also pledged to support each other, to be true in face of all the confusion, the stereotypes. Was this not precisely what she had been warned of? The Red Ajah proposes an alternative to the way we regard men and women alike, and to this end Saline feels it beneficial for everybody to focus on preventing the Breaking. The Red Ajah is an Ajah of giving second chances, for personal transformation and our individual humanities. She has hope, in an oddly idealistic/trusting manner.

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Taya went Green because she was verging on Yellow, and wanted to be out in the midst of battle helping out either way, but the battle instinct won out in the end. She really admired the Greens' motto of being out in the world facing the danger head on - and had distinctly less respect for Ajahs who preferred (in her book) to hide away or spend all their time in endless debate, talking instead of acting. So it was Green for her. :)


She wanted to act.


As for my newy Kharal, well on the outside a lot of the time anyone would mistake her for a White anyway. The difference is though that she really IS emotionless most of the time, while Whites simply know how to manage their emotions expertly. Kharal in her original incarnation at another site did go White, but it was only after a monumental struggle to find out who she really was, and after breaking herself down and rebuiding from scratch, that she was really able to choose with a clear head. I'm not really sure what will go on here, though ;) I still intend her for the White, but plans do change. *g*

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Wilemi - Brown Ajah.  What else could you ever want for someone who is dedicated to research and knowledge, and would like to have ever-continuing experiments on the One Power?


Nenen - Green Ajah.  She is a fighter, and the incident that occured just before she became a Novice swayed her choice in this direction.


Nesyer - Yellow Ajah.  Dedicated to Heal, she is one of the better healers in the Tower.  This is where she puts her lifelong dedication to.  She hates fighting.

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Jaydena is my only character in this division, I think that her reason for going Green are many. As an Accepted she was focused on being Gray Ajah, she was going to go out and solve fights, mediate, and help make decisions about the law of Tar Valon. However her mentor was a Green and through talking with the Greens she came to realize that the Greens have one of the most important purposes in the Tower. She learned how important it was to protect the world from the Shadow, and that someday they would stand better the Dragon and masses of Shadowspawn. It was at that point that she decided that she was far to passionate to be a Gray.

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I kinda actually wrote Estel specifically to go Blue and even as I played her through Novice and Acceptedhood, that decision never wavered.  Probably because she came with a built in cause which probably should have pointed her to the Red Ajah (she would have made an interesting Red Sister :P), but unfortunately, I also built in a prejudice towards the Red Ajah (yay for cliched daddy was a male channeller storylines :P).  To be honest, I'm not entirely sure whether the fact that I wrote her as a Blue or whether it was just the way she developped, Estel had to go Blue simply by process of elimination.


White: Lord help them, Estel as a White?  I'm not entirely sure the woman has a drop of logic in her, plus she's incapable of making a decision without the bias of her own emotions.

Brown: Estel spent more time getting in trouble than studying as a Novice and Accepted and this never really changed when she became Aes Sedai - she simply doesn't have the patience required.

Grey: This is just simply laughable, I can't remember a time when Estel didn't instigate or aggravate a fight.

Yellow: Estel as a Healer?  The woman has a propensity towards physical violence when she gets mad and her empathetic abilities are poor to non-existent.

Green: She may actually have considered this Ajah but is, unfortunately, a huge wimp when it comes to physical pain.  Plus giving her a sword and telling her to kick the crap out of various beings would do little to temper her rage issues.

Red: She should have saved the poor Blue Ajah the trouble and gone Red but considering I wrote in the bio that her mummy made her swear never to become a Red Sister, it put her best choice of Ajahs as the last on her IC list.


In the end, that leaves just the Blue Ajah, which I'm more than happy with.

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Jasmyne is similar to Estel in that it was a process of elimination. I had originally planned her to be Green, but a certain novice changed her mind.


Yellow: She can't heal worth crap. :P And her care for people not herself is small.

White: She's too emotional and frankly, she hates them. :P

Gray: Can't see the other side and is far too stubborn in her opinions.

Blue: She would go crazy finding a cause.

Brown: She hates studying unless it's history and she would hate sitting around reading all the time.

Green: She predicted Deanne would be Green, and could not stand the idea of sharing an Ajah with her.


Therefore, she is Red....to the rest of the world anyways. :P *evil cackle*


And for Meli...she Knows and obsesses over ter'angreal...she daydreams like there's no tomorrow....or even no next five minutes >.>. She has no other option than Brown. :P

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Yellow: She'd be too busy Healing the people she injured.

White: It's Jerinia.

Gray: Negotiate? Her? Though the threat of sending her over should solve most problems, i doubt that's a doctrine the Aes Sedai want to enforce.

Brown: Within three months, the Ajah wouldn't let her near combustable materials anymore...

Green: She's too 'unintentionally destructive' as it is. Heaven forbid she'd start to blow things up on purpose.

Red: Umm... Her dad can channel. And she likes her dad.


So that leaves Blue for her ^^


Aeryn will likely go Yellow, but for IC reasons. What they are will be unveiled during roleplay.



Seriously though, Jerinia in the Green:


- "Hey, i see a Trolloc! Die, Shadowspawn filth!"



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Gawd I love Jerinia  ;D


Larindhra: I needed a MoN character in a hurry, so I roughly based her on 2 of my favourite characters, Pevara (Red Sitter who likes men, hates Darkfriends) and Silviana (MoN in the books), and myself. As I said, I had to make her in a hurry, so I picked Red since the Amyrlin was going to be Red (yes, I'd forgotten about the Retro thing  :P) and it was just easier for me to think up a Red in a hurry (being an Org Red ... lol). I remember that the Bio Checker (Tigara, then?) made me re-write part, because I had her slit a few Darkfriend throats when she was only 16 years old. I couldn't understand what his problem was with that  ;D

Larindhra is closest to me in nature, if I imagine myself as 200 years old.


Recently I've started playing her ICT as a Sitter, and made her a behind the scenes manipulator, which has been great fun.


Zarinen: again I needed a Red HoA in a hurry, so I based her on the Book one, Tsutama (in that she was exiled for 20 years and is just a wee bit crazy). She doesn't come as naturally to me as Larindhra does, but I enjoy her none the less.


Esther: She's based most closely on my pre-DM self, but she's the most difficult for me to play. She is a total prig and loves rules, and thinks she's ugly (she's no beauty, but hardly dog-like). I'm thinking of making her Gray, but definitely not the negotiating kind, more the Beonin kind (who investigates murders and delivers judgements. I gave her a very high score in Water, though, because I want her to have the Talent of Cloud Dancing. Keeping the weather under control could be her Cause ... maybe Blue?

I wanted her to be a very middle of the road, ordinary AS, but she was assigned a very high OP score. It seems a pity to waste that, so maybe I should make her Green ... lol.

I'd actually appreciate some advice on what to do with her.

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I think it worth noting that a Green Jerina would be my favourite Aes Sedai ever, and if I had to I'd force Jehaine into slave labour to spend all his time writing about her.


She tends to have that effect on people, i heard. I think Larindhra's gotten more lenient over time when dealing with her too, but i could be wrong.


btw, you should check out her Arches thread if you haven't already. ;D

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Well, Lavinya...when I first wrote her, I had every intention of her going black. Always always, she was going to be black, and for the most part she sure toed the line lol. I wanted to make either a blue or green, because they just rocked in the books, but at the time almost everyone was in those ajahs here, and I just wanted to be different! But despite my first thoughts, Lavinya chose her ajah in the end. As she grew and developed, she became more and more manipulative, and also due to other personality traits and skills she has, it was the natural thing to go Grey, and surprisingly not also black after all :). It was an easy step from the manipulative, seductive Domani who likes to bait people to the negotiator who likes to bait people. Especially Estel. Estel as a grey would have been hilarious XD

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