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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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eclipse in my opinion you have thrown yourself right into the open, I admit that I went for loki first as a guess, this is only my second game but the way people jumped about makes me suspicious of all of you. so I stuck with my decision as Loki stood out the most amoungst everyone


We could have taken Loki, but he managed to sweet talk you all to change your vote


Now you choose me, I gaurantee if the finder views me then he will see I am innocent


My vote [glow=green,2,300]Eclipse[/glow]


Loki seems to be the one tossing ideas around, but I'm not so sure if he is mafia now. Unless of course he's trying to confuse us all. I doubt a finder would willingly put themselves in harms way. I'm going to keep my vote with




[glow=red,2,300]Clim[/glow]... did you not see the part of the game where..... NO ONE counterclaimed?  Good on you if you are finder and not counterclaiming.. becuase now you are out in the open while the healer is busy protecting a false claim.  Way to be smart. :P


I vote [glow=red,2,300]Clim [/glow] as well. I agree with what Nae just said. i really think, now, that he do be mafia because of what he just said. If someone counterclaims Loki then I'll take my vote off of Clim but in this whole game i will be sure to keep an eye on  him.  ;)


Cuz if Loki is the Finder then Mafia, a.k.a Clim, would want to take him down. No one counterclaimed so Clim thinks he can take him down via lynch.


I'm not changing my vote till Loki posts what he found,                                    and Tay still looks very suspicious in my eyes, but Clim is not helping his case at all, and the evidence is mounting up against him.



I wish Loki would post what he found out - it certainly would help things along here. No point in building a vote against someone if he's going to pop in and say that thye are innocent. I will sya that it does not look good that he was so active on DM this morning, but did not post here.


Here's what I think happened...


We did not have a night kill, which means two things. 1) The murderer's tried to kill someone and failed.  This happened because they tried to kill someone who was protected, which leads me to the second point. 2) The coin must've worked in our (the innocents) favor, otherwise, even if they missed with their first kill, the would've hit with their second.


Now, being they targeted a protected player, this happened in one of two ways.  1) The protector/healer got lucky (unlikely) or 2) the protector/healer chose to cover Loki because of his finder claim (likely).  Since the murderers know who is a murderer and who is not, there would be no reason to target Loki if he was a murderer.


As to why Loki hasn't posted in this game but has been active on DM today, there are two possible reasons.  1)He's not the finder (which doesn't necessarily mean he's not an innocent, just trying to save his own arse) or 2)He forgot to make his night action in the allotted time, which is dumb in its own right.


I no longer have a bad feeling about Loki, I could be wrong.  Even if he wasn't the finder, but a murderer, it would make sense for him to make a false claim on an innocent as being a murderer, and have us at least burn a lynching on an innocent getting the murder team one kill closer. Until a counter claim is made for Finder, or the healer/protector says who they protected (which they shouldn't do this early in the game, IMO) then Loki shouldn't be lynched.




sorry, i got distreacted by fiddles and gardening and um stuff ..forgot all a this


ok i got an innocent viewing last night (the no kill, wooo, that gives us even more time to work stuff out) , now im of the opinion that im going to leave telling you who i veiwed until at least tomorrow, since if i do then that will make that person prime canididate for a NK, however if you would rather have the confirmation i am ameanable to discussion


clim - um could an mafia even thing they could get away with trying to start a lynch on the finder ..its pretty out rageous im going to hold my my vote for a while because ive recently made some horrendous blunders lately in another game (starting consecutive bandwagons that outed the finder lynched the healer) and im not trusting my luck just yet



I'm good with that choice. Obviously if we are about to lynch an inn, we'll need stopping. Now for a re-read.


Yeah, but Clim is new at this, so I don't think he sees the magnitude of the error he is making, therefore he won't understand why we would think he's a murderer hands down for it.


But you poke enough holes in the 'Clim is a Murderer' theory with that Loki, so I'm sticking with Tay for the time being.




Ok here's why I think it's Loki...who in their right mind would come out and say they are a finder and put a giant bullseye on their forehead for the mafia. I tell you it's because Loki is mafia, he said he's the finder because he wants everyone to think he's innocent. It's reverse psychology and with everyone having the mob mentality it plays right into his hands.


You forget, that there's also a healer.  So if he comes out and says, "I'm the finder!"  The healer can protect him that night. Its why No one was killed over night, the mafia targeted him, but he was protected, which proves to me, that he really is the finder...



And he only revealed just before he was about to be lynched - which exactly what a finder should do. The finder is the MVP on the innocents team.


Tayol (1): eclipse

Eclispe (1): Tayol

Clim (3): Nae, Blig, Loki


With 13 players it takes 7 to lynch


You have until Sunday 9pm to make this lynch.


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