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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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eh, mod kill me. one less game to worry about^^


and guys...the vote on dpr *was* a joke...I was goign to change it again to jelly when I saw her post after his saying "my jelly tasted sour so your evil" but then my mum came home and its mothers day


but I'll keep the vote on dpr cuz to be quite honest I don't even know whose alive or died in this game. really haven't been paying attention...

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lmao sorry, was kinda tired when i said that, meant that jelly i ate (like the food) tasted sour therefore jelly (the person) must be mafia!


actually wes i havent viewed you yet, but yes you agreeing with me so much the first day did make me think on it but you lost on the toss to someone else.  oh and i dont remeber saying roleless innocnet because i shouldnt have, i deninatly only get alignment.


as to who i viewed night one, if this were a normal game then i wouldnt do that, however we have had no innocents night killed yet, which can mean a couple of things such as;

the mafia not getting a night kill,

or we have a insanely ricky yet kick ass healer,

or there are multiple healer type/role bocky/bulletproofs,

or the mafia have been inactive and missing the nk deadlines,

or the mafia have been going for me and the healer has been blocking them


ok um sorry i just wanted to go through all that 'out loud' um i think it would be best for me to wait until the next day untill i reveal who else i have veiwed, just to see if the no night kill trend continues .. and i would like to vig, or whoever killed lotd, just to hold fire for the moment, if they arnt so lucky this time it might confuce matters (not to mention the you might hit an innocent side of it, you got lucky the first time and well done, but um dont be pushing the luck and all)




I still reckon eclipse is mafia, he was very happy/quick to change his vote off me to lynch clim with no proof





*Takes off pirate hat and bows to Loki* As you wish.


Back to the task at hand. I named TMD and Tayol as prime suspects. Both have voted, and at a time when most everyone else is holding back to gather information.


[glow=red,2,300]Tayol[/glow] seems to stick out the most.  Eclipse was just trying to secure a lynch and avoid a double night kill. Which everyone knows.





LotD stated that he thought both DPR and Myself were suspicious.  Turned out LotD was Mafia.  I no longer suspect DPR, and I still suspect TMD and Tayol.  Loki, Vem is a little suspicious to me as well, I would spy him if I were you.


But [glow=yellow,2,300]Tayol[/glow] already had a strike against him, and DPR's reasoning was strike two, strike three is that I'm Gonna Git You Sucka!



I'm going to throw a couple of other observations out there. Take 'em for what their worth:


I get the feling that Korin decided to watch for a while. Self admittedly new to the game, it would make sense to not post a lot. I'm still not getting evil vibes here.


I also get the feeling that Vemy is distracted. But I don't get the evil vibe from him either. I do think that the evil team would be playing a different style if he were on it. Hope that one does not com eback to haunt....


Which leaves TMD, Tayol, Dae, Nae,  and Demi on my list. I've already voted for Tay, but I'm waiting to see what else shakes loose.


Im more thinking [glow=red,2,300]TMD[/glow] since he waited quite a while before voting me untill right at the end which puts him over tayol in my mind


sorry i just reallised thats not very clear at all, tho whole waiting thing make it look like he was unsure and didnt want to look guilty, untill he thought he could get away with it and lynch the finder



OK. I can get behind that.


[glow=red,2,300]Unvote Tay[/glow], vote [glow=red,2,300]TMD[/glow]



Jelly that little arguement almost looked like you were trying to sway votes away from Tayol.  I'm also for [glow=red,2,300]TMD[/glow].  Makes sense to me.



In Vemy's defence.. he was way out of it last night on Msn so it likely showed thru on posts he did too.  Vem hun.. you really shouldnt post to games when you are in that shape.  o.0


Personally I think both of them are guilty, so which ever one gets the majority, that's the one I'm changing my vote to.  [glow=green,2,300]Unvote[/glow] and vote for [glow=yellow,2,300]TMD[/glow].



*Takes off pirate hat and bows to Loki* As you wish.


Back to the task at hand. I named TMD and Tayol as prime suspects. Both have voted, and at a time when most everyone else is holding back to gather information.


Tayol seems to stick out the most.  Eclipse was just trying to secure a lynch and avoid a double night kill. Which everyone knows.


so because I stick with my vote from the last round of votes I stick out the most?, if I was mafia wouldnt you think I would vote with the group and get the majority for a lynch? there aim is to take out the innocents afterall


you all assume im mafia, yet why hasnt the finder viewed me and verified this? my vote stays where it is


because 'the finder' is waiting untill there are more innocents and to see if there is another no NK tonight, before exposing any innocents he has viewed, whoever that maybe. and all is such i strong word. im thinking noone acting as supicious as you could posibbly hope to get away with being mafia, so i would like to give you the same benifit of the doubt as i would vemy or thorum.


so because I stick with my vote from the last round of votes I stick out the most?, if I was mafia wouldn't you think I would vote with the group and get the majority for a lynch? there aim is to take out the innocents afterall


No, because you voted against the finder on day 1 AND you voted against someone who is obviously NOT mafia on day 2, you ARE suspicious.


1) loki was not confirmed as Finder on day 1, he revealed himself as finder


2) how are have you proven yourself not mafia?


1) loki was not confirmed as Finder on day 1, he revealed himself as finder


Doesn't matter, you don't vote to lynch an uncontested Finder, period the end. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you won't be suspicious.


2) how are have you proven yourself not mafia?




Does that look like the face of a killer?



1) loki was not confirmed as Finder on day 1, he revealed himself as finder


Doesn't matter, you don't vote to lynch an uncontested Finder, period the end. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you won't be suspicious.


2) how are have you proven yourself not mafia?




Does that look like the face of a killer?



Yes.... yes it does.


Eclipse didn't give a very good reason. But Tayol is still possible too. I'm still confuzzled. :'(


[glow=red,2,300]ALERT - ACHTUNG - MUY CUIDADO[/glow]


It is clearly stated in all mafia rulebooks that puppies, pictures of puppies, or any puppy reference at all, is prohibited. This is a game based on logic, calculation, and cold blooded murder. You simply cannot muster any of that with puppies around.


*Blows the whistle. Has the puppy removed from the court - to my house!*


Play on.




Tayol.. you are not in the lead in votes so hush before we switch it over to you.  You are seriously looking more and more guilty by STILL not getting the whole Loki was uncontested thing. 


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