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Hello, I would like to know if other WoT fans agree with this.


The thought of having another author finish the series is cataclysmic.  Either it will be someone attempting to imitate Jordan's style and intuit his intent - which will almost certainly be excrutiating - or it will (more likely) be someone attempting to incorporate elements of Jordan's style into their own interpretation of his notes.


It seems highly likely to me that either scenario will be a jarring and cynically commercial capstone to RJ's monolithic and brilliant personal accomplishment in creating WoT.  No matter how expertly it's written it's just totally unavoidable that the final book - which should have been the crowning glory of a truly awesome quantum/taoist epic that started with the creation of Dragonmount - will be a pale and aberrant doppelganger.


So anyways I say release what notes he got out, unedited.  Just release absolutely everything that he got out, every word, and put it in sequential order so that we can read them ourselves and fill in our own blanks.  If the series eventually does go down in history as an epic to rival LOTR then perhaps there'll be authors who are willing to have a crack at their own interpretation of the notes.


Naturally Tor won't do any of it, but I wouldn't mind knowing if other people are thinking along the same lines.  Or not.


They could even release Jordan's notes with the final book, or sell them seperately, or release them on the net when the final book has been out for a while.  I just really hope they don't hold on to them indefinately to avoid devaluing the marketability of whatever stilted grotesquery they do end up releasing.




MOST Likely it will be Harriet who finishes it, and since she has been RJs editor(not to mention wife) for all these years, it probably won't be too terribly different.


I'll be honest, I'd probably buy the notes (if they weren't ridiculously expensive) but I really want to see how the book is finished. My guess, like the others said, is that Harriet finishes it and she does a fantastic job.


Even if not, I'll buy whatever last book comes out and I'll probably enjoy it. =)


I'm just a big fan of concept stuff and all the things that go into making a story or movie or any of that.. so I'd really like to see how Jordan's notes were written and what he had and all that.. I'm guessing it was huuuuuge and wildly extensive. It would just be cool to see what profiles he had for different characters and all of that. =D


I'd gladly buy copies of the notes, but only after the series is finished.


I really want to see how Harriet wraps up the last book before seeing any spoilers, I'm just old fashioned that way.


I really want to read the last book before I see the notes. But I definitely want to see the notes. Given a choice, I would read the book. I do have confidence that whoever finishes the book, whether Harriet or someone else, will do it well enough to close the series, but we just have to accept the fact that it won't be RJ and that will almost certainly affect the tone of the story.


When I read the title, I thought it was a terrible idea. After reading your reasons, though, it makes sense. Would like to read the book first, though, so the notes don't spoil anything, then release the notes (not just AMOL, but the whole series perhas) so we can understand it in context.


I'd gladly buy copies of the notes, but only after the series is finished.


I really want to see how Harriet wraps up the last book before seeing any spoilers, I'm just old fashioned that way.


That would be my preference as well.  Especially if ithey had transcripts from his recordings as well!!!


I'd like to see the all of RJs original notes for the entire series compiled into some form of encyclopedia. Not like the BWB where they are put in an easier to read format, but HIS actual notes, that HE made. An a CD, or tape of all his recorded notes as well.


The funny thing is that if the notes were published into an encyclopedia, they would be longer than the series.


But having some of the back stories about the wars and new nations being established, all of that would be awesome.


I'm sorry this is off-topic but faerielin;


"What power?

the power of voodoo

who do?

you do

do what?

remind me of the babe"



Did you also know that when she's drawing lipstick arrows on the floor, the little guy comes up and turns it around, he shouts "your mother is a frigging aardvark!"


Thanks for the replies- not exactly what I expected!  Assuming that you guys are statisitcally representative im def. glad to hear that a change of authors won't significantly detract from the book for my fellow WoT fans..


Hopefully once i start reading i'll be too busy with my one-man recreation of the attic scenes from The Neverending Story to notice anything amiss.




Also support the idea of his notes being released after the 12 th book . It would be like with Tolkien's middle earth saga where much of his notes were arranged  and released by his son as a book.


Thanks for the replies- not exactly what I expected!  Assuming that you guys are statisitcally representative im def. glad to hear that a change of authors won't significantly detract from the book for my fellow WoT fans..


Hopefully once i start reading i'll be too busy with my one-man recreation of the attic scenes from The Neverending Story to notice anything amiss.




RJ didn't just leave an incomplete manuscript. He left all kinds of voice notes, and he discussed things, in depth, with Harriet. So she knows exzctly what he wanted and how he wanted it.


I for one look forward to the book. I'm excited. :) And then I want the notes.


I'm guessing a book will be released. I don't think the notes will be published. Just doesn't seem very likely.


Either way, it's going to be a very long time before either is done.


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