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So i was wakin about my house and my nephew told me that there's a movie in the talkin stages.


I'd like to hear any sloid info and your ideas


W.b as its drivin me mad tryin to find info


I almost hope they don't do any movies.  I liked the Lord of the Rings movies but they had to cut out a lot of stuff that added depth and background to the storyline.  How much more will they do that to any movies of the Wheel of Time?  I would hate to see RJ's vision get butchered by some fat, unbarbered, and unwashed director.


well I don't know about the miniseries, that would be better than a big-screen movie and much better than any of that anime crap.  We have alot of threads on this forums about perspective movie actors and I've participated too.  However, I would not want to see a movie made because you would have to butcher RJ's writing to make a movie the ultra-short attention span United States movie watching public would go see.  So, I hope it isn't true


I haven't heard anything beyond what you've heard... that it was being considered. It will probably fall through just like Boondock Saints II.


As much as I wanted these books to be movies, previously, I now realize that it would be a tremendous mistake.  These books are way too much into the minds of the characters to make into a movie.  How do you video channeling?  It would be grossly dramatic if it were made into something visual.  And there's too much thinking done by characters to be put into the movies.


I also think that for many of us the books are a very personal experience - we have more than likely all (in our minds) imagined who we would be if we lived in that world, and certainly all have a very strong opinion of how each character looks, sounds, acts etc.


Much as I would LOVE to see a film made of my favourite books, no matter who directs them, who casts for them, who is the screen and script writer, I will be dissatisfied, probably even angry.


In my opinion, far better I continue to use my imagination.


The only good that could come from a movie is an increese in the fan base. And even that is a two edged sword: we would get some really good people, who ask thought prevoking questions, and several that seem to know all the answers (so that Luckers and RAW can take a break). But we would also get several generaly unplesent people (I'm trying to be politicly correct, here), so that one almost fears to read the threads for fear of being insulted (not that any of us ever alows ourselves to be insulted :P).


The movie itself would have to be a let down, simply because RJ's world is so extreemly convoluted that you can't capture it all in any film. Someone really good should try and do it, but they would know, as we would, that it won't be everything that the books are.


I would like to watch a miniseries about the WOT.  I think this would be the best way to tell the most in depth story.  However, my fear is that I would enjoy the show.. get hooked... and then it would get cancelled.


If anything I'd hope for a mini-series done to the quality of the Dune mini-series that was on Sci-fi. That was the best of any book-turned-series I've ever seen.


I agree witht he fact that it would be best to turn WoT into a miniseries.....or better yet an MMORPG to boot.  A movie even if it's as long as any Jackson movies would still have to be edited to "dumb" it down to those who never pick up a book.  A mini series on another hand you'd only have to concentrate on one part at a time like in Dune and so put more detail into it, though again there would still be a lot of editiing but it won't be like turning WitchBlade into a series that hardly even looks like the comic book.


Red Eagle Entertainment was working on a movie version of The Eye of the World. However, they haven't said anything about it for around 18 months and we know RJ was very unhappy with Red Eagle just prior to his passing, so it's likely that those rumours will come to nothing. My guess is that no serious work will be done on an adaption until Memory of Light comes out, so the movie makers know they'll be able to get to the end of the story.


I also think a movie or anything else would be unlikely for another reason.  The whole WOT takes place in about three years but I guess it's easier to fudge ages when the characters are 18+.  Also I highly doubt that all twelve movies will be made because the vast majority of movie-goers will not want to sit through 12 LOTR length movies.  There's also the rating to consider, so, as much as I would like to see a movie made, I hope they don't


Yeah, there are places where either the story would have to be edited to take out nudity or the movies would have to be rated R or above.  In a mini-series it would be better but then you would definitely have to edit out nudity or do a billion of those scenes where you only see peoples' heads.


I think that if it were done as an HBO series, it would do very well.  It would solve the nudity/ratings issue, and also give it the length to make it as a series.  THe first books in the series are the most gripping anyway, so it would give HBO time to build a non-WoT fanbase, before the series gets tied up in the relationships that are the focus of the last books.  Of course, having the benefit of hindsight, some of the timeline problems that occurred in WH & PoD could be re-written in order, and their is certainly enough material for their to be several season finale's.  The biggest problem I see with this idea, is that fan's of the show would only have to read the books to know what would happen in the next season, but then again, I've been waiting along with the books since book five came out....


in my experiense with moives and mini serises, they always cut stuff. now that is understandable but in WOT but almost every single thing is impotant RJ didn't put something in there if it doesn't affect the story. i'm personaly against the idea the LOTR movies were awsome but they were only 1000 pages and WOT is up near 9000. I suppose i'm kinda bitter because i love the Eragon books and look what they did to that!

    WOT is so in depth that even the best film makers would fall far short of anything acceptable


I agree with the person above. To see the butchering that can happen when a book is made into a movie, just look at Eragon. The only word I can think of for that was 'ouch'. I have mixed feelings about a movie as well, but I think it could be done right as long as someone who was close to RJ had a part in the production (like JK Rowling with the early HP moives). And there wouldn't be 12 movies anyway, a lot of the crap from the later books could easily be removed without messing anything up, especially from the CoS. Unfortunatley any movie that gets made that's based on a book ususally sucks and really pisses all of the fans off, so chances are even if the movie is good, nobody will be happy.


I agree with the person above. To see the butchering that can happen when a book is made into a movie, just look at Eragon. The only word I can think of for that was 'ouch'. I have mixed feelings about a movie as well, but I think it could be done right as long as someone who was close to RJ had a part in the production (like JK Rowling with the early HP moives). And there wouldn't be 12 movies anyway, a lot of the crap from the later books could easily be removed without messing anything up, especially from the CoS. Unfortunatley any movie that gets made that's based on a book ususally sucks and really pisses all of the fans off, so chances are even if the movie is good, nobody will be happy.


what was crap in the grown of swords


only one thing comes to mind for me and that affects the story so please explain


I disagree with whoever says that an adaptation cannot be done.


Certainly not in the form of twelve movies, but it is possible, as many have already said, to be done in the form of a miniseries. It's debatable how many episodes would be needed, over how many seasons, but I believe it could be done in something around five one hour episodes per book over four seasons. That would give the writers and director enough time and space to add in smaller details which the hardcore fans cherish, but keep on with the main plot. There are also some scenes that take place in the books that wouldn't need as much camera time for the audience to understand its point and significance to the plot.


For those who haven't read the books, an explanation of how the One Power works could be done during a scene where Moraine explains it to Egwene. Five minutes could get a major bump out of the way, and because it is early on, the audience would accept and understand it. Even showing her form a weave there, and later on it wouldn't have to be done over and over again. Rand could simply shoot Balefire from his hand, or call lightning from the sky. The audience knows it's magic, so there is no need to show each weave over and over again. Do you follow?


Obviously whoever was directing and writing the series would need to be influenced by someone, since sadly RJ can't, so that it could get the right flow and not have important parts left out. Also, as was said before, the casting would be tough, but definitely not impossible. As long as they kept the cast to what is described in the books, it shouldn't be too difficult. For example, have a tall guy play Rand, dye his hair red, give him grey contacts, etc. Once we see that guy, whoever it is, with his sleeves rolled up to show the Dragons on his arms, possibly holding Callandor or shooting Balefire or (insert a favourite scene here), it shouldn't be too hard to fill in the gaps and each see at least a bit of what we imagined reading the books. I find that is the way of it for me at least, with Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, In Cold Blood, etc. Obviously not everyone will be happy, but if the majority of us are, that would be OK in my book.


Here's the toughest thing: Keep the director from fiddling with the story and using his/her own personal judgment of how things should look and how different characters should act, and so on. TO give you an example, I was very disturbed that Peter Jackson left out the Hobbits' return to the Shire, only to find it overrun and under the control of Sarumon. That is one of the most important parts of the story as we all get to see how much the Hobbits have changed. Like I said earlier, there would need to be someone(possibly Harriet or someone like that) that could make sure that the story stays as close to the original as possible.


With the special effects nowadays it wouldn't be hard at all to emulate channeling, and with make up and costume design, it wouldn't be a problem bringing Trollocs and Fades to life.


I really think this could be done, and done well. Then again it could be done, and done poorly.


Also, with the Eragon books and movie, it was so awful because the book was written by a fifteen year old, at least that's what I've heard. The audience isn't going to be large, and it would consist of mainly people under the age of eighteen who won't really care about how well it was written or directed or presented. The need to do it well isn't there because the audience isn't going to question basically anything.


With WoT having an audience anywhere from 10 to 60+, it would have to be done well or fail miserably. Didn't really matter with Eragon.


Anyway, that's my take on it.





For those who haven't read the books, an explanation of how the One Power works could be done during a scene where Moraine explains it to Egwene. Five minutes could get a major bump out of the way, and because it is early on, the audience would accept and understand it. Even showing her form a weave there, and later on it wouldn't have to be done over and over again. Rand could simply shoot Balefire from his hand, or call lightning from the sky. The audience knows it's magic, so there is no need to show each weave over and over again. Do you follow?


YoungKing, your posting made me feel a little bit better about the idea of having WoT movies, but I will only accept it if you make them!


anyway, the reason I have that quote up there is to say that to me, that some of the most interesting parts of channeling to me, is the intricacy of the weaving, not the final product.  That's what would kind of bother me.


Also, I have such a picture of how Rand and Egwene, and Nynaeve, and everyone would look, that any other portrayal bothers me.  It's like..to have your own idea of how they look makes it more personal to read the stories.  It's like your own world. I hope that doesn't sound cheesy. XD


Think about this: all 3 LotR books could fit into less than one of the WoT books and yet each has been made into movies almost 4 hrs long (w/all those extra scenes on the DVDs) and yet many are still not happy with how much was cut out.  Granted RJ puts alot more description into his narrative than Tolkien but it still would be a massive massive undertaking that would take dozens of hours to properly display.  A multi-year mini-series or HBO series (ala aSoIaF) would possibly do it justice but I simply dont ever see it happening.  If it does, I guarantee alot of us would be gravely disappointed in its protrayal of our series.


I agree with the person above. To see the butchering that can happen when a book is made into a movie, just look at Eragon. The only word I can think of for that was 'ouch'. I have mixed feelings about a movie as well, but I think it could be done right as long as someone who was close to RJ had a part in the production (like JK Rowling with the early HP moives). And there wouldn't be 12 movies anyway, a lot of the crap from the later books could easily be removed without messing anything up, especially from the CoS. Unfortunatley any movie that gets made that's based on a book ususally sucks and really pisses all of the fans off, so chances are even if the movie is good, nobody will be happy.


what was crap in the grown of swords


only one thing comes to mind for me and that affects the story so please explain


sorry, I meant Crossroads of Twilight  ::)


Well a lot of the volume of WoT is description of such things as clothes and each persons looks.  In a miniseries the clothes and peoples looks are just there.    That detail in the books added considerable volume but in the miniseries it would just be a very small part of the special effects.


As far as the magic system goes - that could be shown briefly with the Moraine / Ewgene scene and then a little more showing the 3 at the WT with some Novice training.  They can show a couple weaves slowly put together to create something and then say something like "and this is how you do it normal speed"  WHOOSH!




There are always going to be things some people like and others don't.  But I was more than pleasently suprised with LotR and with the Original DUNE (except the very end).


(Sorry, I did not like the Dune miniseries) but that's life.    If it turns out crappy, we can all boycot it and go back and read the books again.    (As if I really needed an excuse to do that).    But on the chance that they would actually do it right - that would be GREAT!


The reason Eragon the movie sucked was because the book was a cheap ripoff of earlier works (mainly the original Star Wars trilogy) written by a barely literate 15 year old.


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