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I'll give you a dollar if you add me in to your Org  ;D. 



Please note that it would only be a virtual dollar and cannot be used at real stores or in exchange for goods or services.  You could how ever use at virtual stores or for virtual goods or services. 


Also, I hold no responseability to anything that is virtually purchased using the above mentioned "dollar".  Any actions that come about for use of this "dollar" are also at no fault to myself.


If you intend to use the "dollar" for services I hold no claim the level of services you recieve for exchange of the "dollar"


With that said please enjoy the "dollar" and anything that you get from the use of the "dollar".


You will not get The "dollar" if I am not added to your Org. (its only business)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Floating, I think you have floated a little too high, and the lack of oxygen is confusing you. We have no fine establishment. We barely have an establishment at all, let alone a fine one. After all, what sort of fine place would let Empy run around in that awful tutu?? It's actually pretty horrific.


But, you may join us anyway, and let the Empress have mercy on your soul.  ;D




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Thanks for adding me!.  ;D


And it's a good thing I was wrong about this place, I don't know how long I would have lasted otherwise.


*takes off heels and plops self down on a couch*


Comfy!  I think I'll make myself home here!  ;)  Well, here in general, not just the couch.

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Ho there, Seanchan! 

Please read this letter that bears the seal of the Empress herself, may she live forever!

The bearer of this letter has been instructed by me to join the Seanchan Org! His purpose is to whip all of you so called pop culture gurus into shape.  The lack of competition within this Org is appalling and has bread laziness in you all.  Therefore, I present to you an Outlander who boasts more knowledge about Movies, TV, and Pop Culture in general than perhaps the lot of you.  Believe me when I tell you that he can more than back this up! 


Sign him to this Org and welcome him with open arms for he will bring the mighty Seanchan know-it-alls to a new level of greatness.  This, I command.


-Empress of the Nine Moons


So, uh......can I join? Please? I think this Org would be a lot of fun! 


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That letter sure doesn't SOUND like Yveva... but I'd rather sit here drinking my beer than go to all the trouble of figuring out which shiftless layabout forged it, so I'll just go ahead and let you in. Welcome! Empy's the local movie guru, while Sin is one of the major gamers. Since the writers' strike began, television hasn't really made it to our recent discussions. If you decide to challenge anyone to a trivia match to the death, let me know so I can be sure to get a good seat. *nods*

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I was just about to respond to this all crazy like and say we should have pop trivia face offs or even a tournament of some kind.  Then a small kitten jumped into my lap, so of course I had to stop and pet it for five minutes because that's what you do with kitties.


Whilst petting her I first realized it would be hard on a board like this one because a cheater could google the answers.  Then I started eliminating people from my suspect list.  Saying to myself things like "Hey, I don't think Empy would cheat." and "hmmmm, Maj seems to have more honor than that."  So then I started listing off all the members of Seanchan that I know and deciding that none of them would cheat. 


It's at that point I realized that I would almost definately cheat.  Because I'm super competitive to the point where I would break every rule in the book to win.  So I started feeling bad about myself, a little let down by my gutter principles.  I got over that pretty quick because I've always known I was a bad person and I've come to accept that.


Anyway then I thought to myself.  You know, I think I'm giving my fellow org mates too much credit.


And that's the way this post has to end.



Yeah, That JD.

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Cadsuane,  I assure you that this letter is most certainly not a forgery, honest Ogier.  *grins* 


Justen, If we both swear oaths not to cheat.....or maybe timed responses.  Like first one to post a reply gets credit, kinda like game show style, first one to buzz in and all.  That way, google and IMDB would only waste the time of the uninformed.  If one truly knows the answer, they would reply first.


Both, thanks for the welcome, it seems like home here!



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Cadsuane,  I assure you that this letter is most certainly not a forgery, honest Ogier.  *grins* 


Justen, If we both swear oaths not to cheat.....or maybe timed responses.  Like first one to post a reply gets credit, kinda like game show style, first one to buzz in and all.  That way, google and IMDB would only waste the time of the uninformed.  If one truly knows the answer, they would reply first.


Both, thanks for the welcome, it seems like home here!




I don't believe you Mr. Riches.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

*Doesn't beg, doesn't sit down, doesn't even have a sealed letter ( :'()*

*Just stands there*  ::)

*Whistles out of tune*


*Notices the weird looks that she is getting*





Sign me up?  ;)




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  • 1 month later...

If you would like to join the Seanchan Org please post below.  This is strictly so that you can see our private boards. 


You do not need to join the org to participate in discussions.  You do need to join in order to be considered for mafia rankings within the org. 


Seggie, Yveva, Cadsuane and myself all have the ability to add people to organization.


If this is the place to RANT about my shows being cancelled, Spout off about Jimmy's Hot Wife, and MMORPGS then I am good to go, sign me up.

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