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Happy Birthday, Ben-T!!


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For one who was born on this day years past, I have this to say: You were not, in fact born on this day years past, because this day is happening now, and years past, this day wasn't even dreamed of. Perhaps, some IRS person was thinking years past, that today would be a day that that particular IRS agent wasn't looking forward to, for the simple fact that the normal 15th deadline for taxes would be bumped up to the 16th for reasons of the 15th falling on a Sunday, and oh! how they hated the thought of John Q. Taxpayer getting that extra free day!! Ooohhh, how they despised the thought!! If, however, they had known it was going to, in fact, be the birth of one, BenT, then perhaps their evil tune would have been different! Perhaps they would have cried out in joyful song at the very thought of such a momentous occasion!! For surely, all should stop, right now, and thank the Light that a mother, somewhere, had given birth to a child such as this! We should all dance a jig in thanks that we have been blessed with such a person among us!! I, for one, as his mentee shall say, simply, this:


Happy birthday, Ben!



Disclaimer: If any member of the IRS is reading, I want you to know, that I hold the IRS, and all of it's employees in the highest reguards! Furthermore, due to lack of evidence, I assumed that BenT, did in fact have a mother, and was not assembled from spare Warder parts, but I may be wrong.

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