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Favorite Character of All WoT Books!


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Guest Barmacral

Min and Mat. Both of them are just plain cool.


Mat without a doubt. didn't start as my favorite but grew to a character that I really like.


I really like Rand but Matt has surpassed him in interest to me.


Early on I liked Lan and Moraine the best, but they has had a lesser role of late.


I have given this much thought, and have gone through cycles of favoring one character over another, but recently i looked at every single main character in the books and thought "of these, which would i most want to be like?" The answer i came up with is Lan, because he is the epitome of a strong determined resolute male. His actions are neither fawning nor arrogant when it comes to dealing with people who could snuff him out like a candle (channelers), and he respects when he is respected. I think that marrying Nynaeve was probably the single most important action in the series for the completion of his character, she is the other half to his whole; fierce, strong willed, at times petulant, and absolutely devoted to him as a man, not as a warder or political piece. She in turn brought out the characteristics i admire in him, like honor and fealty and devotion, and even occasionally temper.


Well, the question is ALL of the WoT books, and I don't have a fave of ALL of them. I didn't really care for Mat at all in the first two, but then he was Healed of the dagger, and really became my favorite. Until he met Faile, I think my favorite was Perrin. But I have always liked Lan, and of course, Rand, but it's hard to watch his mind and body being tortured.


No real order to this but Mat and his current Retinue (Tuon included) Cadsuane. Moiraine. Siuan. Lan. Nynaeve. Min before she got sad and sorta pathetic. Rhuarc. Dobraine. Aviendha. I think that is it.


Mat first.

Gambler, Trickster, Son of Battles.



Its been 70 years since she made her last mistake.



Half Creator half Hariet.



To avenge what cannot be defended. It takes a very special person to be able to live with that.



The only Aes Sedai who is not convinced that her Shawl makes her Smarter Stronger & better that everyone else.


my favorite character was perrin b/c of how he is towards evey thing he is cautois but fights for wat he loves but as it turns out i like mat more simply b/c i cant wait to see how he and his new wifey will get along lol i like how they end there part when tuon realizes she doesnt no mat at all i love it!! anbody els like that besides me or am i a being crazy.


from keith


Mine are Perrin, Logain and Cadsuane.


At the beginning my favorite was Perrin, until Cadsuane came around, when she took over.


On the current reread however, I see I fancy Logain more than either of those.


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