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How did the show hold up for you?


5 episodes in - full spoilers  

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23 minutes ago, ArrylT said:


I am of the understanding that the showrunner & crew of most shows pay attention to serious feedback from fans of the show.   I am pretty sure that WOT will be no exception (and it was hinted at this at the premiere by the way some of them talked to the content creators).   I hope that they read this post.   This is exactly the kind of honest constructive critques that are vital to help shows improve.   I dont have to agree or like everything you mentioned but I do feel you did an amazing job expressing your thoughts and thanks for taking the time to do such a detailed analysis of what you thought.

Only disagreement is with casting.  Just basic physical representations with Moiraine and Lan.  I always imagined Lan and Borderlanders as larger, more daunting and Moiraine more diminutive yet powerful

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3 hours ago, Sabio said:

So even if people hate it they need to publicly say nice things so it keeps being made?  If everyone simply says it's great how will the show know what needs to be fixed to make it better?  If everyone just publicly say they loved it then the people making it will never improve it.



1 star reviews do absolutely nothing to improve the show, and the people who give 1 star reviews are not trying to improve the show. 90% of the ones I've seen are essentially "it's not exactly like the book." They're fine with the show going off the air. So hopefully these people will stop watching the show and not turn up to poop all over on season 2 also which will detract the non-readers from watching.

Now, people who don't like the show or don't love it, who actually do want it to keep being made and get better, could give constructive criticism with a low star rating.

Edited by Deadsy
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4 hours ago, Agitel said:


IThe Egwene-in-the-river scene is a literal depiction of how to embrace saidar.

Totally agree...and excellent foreshadowing with Egwene's first scene!  It makes me ponder how they will depict the fiery, wrenching, overwhelming and sickening ramifications of embracing saidin. The madness from the opening scene was interesting but I do hope they have an analogous metaphor for saidin that the audience can feel as well.

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4 hours ago, Agitel said:


I don't know about the sacred pool. The Egwene-in-the-river scene is a literal depiction of how to embrace saidar.


The conversation between Moiraine and Nynaeve set up a few things. The questions help show the viewer what Moiraine has been looking for and the types of questions she asked. We see Moiraine and Nynaeve having entirely different views of what the conversation is about. And quickly establishes that Nynaeve is so distrustful of Moiraine and why for the audience.

I liked Egwene in the river to show how later she will embrace Saidar.


Hated the talk between Moiraine and Nynaeve.  Too long, boring, and what the hell is the sacred pool?

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I think it’s decent. My suspicion is the episodes will progressively get better. Wife is on the fence on it currently.

Acting 9/10, special nod to Rand, Egwene, Nynaeve, and Thom on that. 

Show writing, 5/10 probably is the weakest point. Pacing issues, questionable changes


Opening theme and sound 9/10


Visuals, 8/10


Didn’t like the camera motion and focus at times. 

Edited by Lurker_Fan
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i watched it again, and this time i was ready for the changes and more able to look at other details. the characters interactions, how they put some worldbuilding in that. Needless to say, I'm liking it much better than the first time.

which perhaps is the best hallmark of a great fantasy saga: it gets better with subsequent rereads. A lot of books don't. Once you know the mystery, it's over, no point reading that again. a good fantasy, once you know the big story, you can focus on details.

yes, it's not perfect, but nothing is. I'm gradually moving into "love it" territory

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1 hour ago, king of nowhere said:

i watched it again, and this time i was ready for the changes and more able to look at other details. the characters interactions, how they put some worldbuilding in that. Needless to say, I'm liking it much better than the first time.

which perhaps is the best hallmark of a great fantasy saga: it gets better with subsequent rereads. A lot of books don't. Once you know the mystery, it's over, no point reading that again. a good fantasy, once you know the big story, you can focus on details.

yes, it's not perfect, but nothing is. I'm gradually moving into "love it" territory

I catched new stuff with each rewatch. It'll be great to start at the beginning after the whole show is completed

Edited by DaddyFinn
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After years of waiting, months of anticipation and weeks of anxiety.  Watching these episodes had me reeling.  Like most, the main source of disappointment was the unnecessary (IMO) changes made to some of our character's:

- Perrin 'fridging' his wife.  I expressed my thoughts on this in forum topic 'RIP Perrin Aybara.' Suffice it to say, I am disgusted by what they did to my favorite book character.

- Egwene a Taver'en.  One of the most epic facts about Egwene is that; while Rand, Matt and Perrin were affecting events on a world-wide scale (at times completely without trying) with the help of the pattern, Egwene affected the same level of influence through sheer will, ingenuity and intelligence.  It is what made her singularly Egwene, and one of the most powerful characters in Randland. 

-Mat a thief and corpse-robber.  Gambler, trickster, playboy.  Lazy, reckless and foul-mouthed.  That's Matt.  Stealing from Emond's Fielders and corpses??  Matt also never breaks a promise.  How do we reconcile that?

- Thom Merrilin.  I know he was in the show because the actor introduced himself as Thom.  It would have been easier to identify him if they hadn't decided to change it from a gleeman's cloak, to a gleeman's coat-lining.  It was the audacity of the gleeman's cloak, and the flourish with which Thom wore it, that made it such a vibrant part of the lore.  It was a bit of a gut-punch to see, given all the other changes made to the character.

- Darkfriends.  I cringed when the darkfriend started on her rant on how their purpose was to save people from the wheel.  This is an epic fantasy saga of the struggle between good and evil, Light and Dark.  There are plenty of grey-area antagonists like the Whitecloaks, Aiel and Seanchan without trying to include Darkfriends.  They crave power, riches and immortality.  Or are just sick in the head and want to watch the world burn.  Most are no better than Trollocs.


On a positive note, I like the actors portrayals.  Specifically, Rand and Tam.  The Whitecloak Questioner (someone identified him as Valda) was suitably creepy.  Please excuse me book-nerding here, but he calls himself a 'Questioner', but it is a derogatory name for the Inquisitors.  Oh, well.  I read a review that says it gets better.  


Guess I'm in the 'didn't like it' category.

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14 hours ago, Dozer said:

Only disagreement is with casting.  Just basic physical representations with Moiraine and Lan.  I always imagined Lan and Borderlanders as larger, more daunting and Moiraine more diminutive yet powerful

That is exactly how they were portrayed in the books.  Cue someone coming in and bring up acting ability more important than appearance - as if there weren't hundreds of qualified actors that match physical descriptions and can act their asses off...

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10 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

i watched it again, and this time i was ready for the changes and more able to look at other details. the characters interactions, how they put some worldbuilding in that. Needless to say, I'm liking it much better than the first time.

which perhaps is the best hallmark of a great fantasy saga: it gets better with subsequent rereads. A lot of books don't. Once you know the mystery, it's over, no point reading that again. a good fantasy, once you know the big story, you can focus on details.

yes, it's not perfect, but nothing is. I'm gradually moving into "love it" territory

Dangerous way to run a show: "It gets better each time you watch it".  A very fine line.  If I don't like it enough the first time, there won't be a second.

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1 hour ago, Gothic Flame said:

And you think giving a 5 star review would demand improvements? That's not how it works. 


I guess it hasn’t occured to you that some people really like the show. 



1 hour ago, DojoToad said:

That is exactly how they were portrayed in the books.  Cue someone coming in and bring up acting ability more important than appearance - as if there weren't hundreds of qualified actors that match physical descriptions and can act their asses off...


It’s extremely naive to think this is the case. 

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1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

You should become a casting agent if it's that easy to get people who match descriptions exactly and also can act the role. Maybe the casting agent of the show knows their job better than any of us.

They absolutely do. I never said anything about exact matches. 

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13 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

i watched it again, and this time i was ready for the changes and more able to look at other details. the characters interactions, how they put some worldbuilding in that. Needless to say, I'm liking it much better than the first time.

which perhaps is the best hallmark of a great fantasy saga: it gets better with subsequent rereads. A lot of books don't. Once you know the mystery, it's over, no point reading that again. a good fantasy, once you know the big story, you can focus on details.

yes, it's not perfect, but nothing is. I'm gradually moving into "love it" territory


That is basically how I feel about the show so far.    It becomes more enjoyable with more watches.    There are, imo, some really subtle but great things we can miss with just 1 watch - especially if you're watching with others or have distractions.   



Example:  How subtle Marcus as Perrin acts at times - his acting in Episode 2 is just so wow when I focus in on it more.  Every time Lailas name is mentioned by Mat the expressions are ?


I know for some Shadar Logoth feels rushed but for me the 15 min does not feel rushed.  I really liked the whistling showing up for Mat


While I would have loved to see the story / song of Manetheren showcased in Episode 1 - it was really well done in Ep2  and the timing was perfect after the characters needed a reason to relate to Moiraine.  Loved that Mat could just read the mood. 



I sort of screwed up with the spoiler formatting sorry.   I am going to watch a few Content Creater breakdowns soon to see what else I've missed even though I've watched it several times now. 

Edited by ArrylT
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I am contemplating watching the first episodes again (and I already liked them). I have never ever done that with a series and I am surprised at how invested I am in this.


Could it be that it does bring me back to my younger self, curled up in a chair, reading WoT books and ignoring my studybooks?


I am not even thinking ahead yet to think of how many seasons we get, I am happy already.

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19 minutes ago, Daenelia said:

I am contemplating watching the first episodes again (and I already liked them). I have never ever done that with a series and I am surprised at how invested I am in this.


Could it be that it does bring me back to my younger self, curled up in a chair, reading WoT books and ignoring my studybooks?


I am not even thinking ahead yet to think of how many seasons we get, I am happy already.

I've watched them all three times and they got better and better each time. Little nuggets here and there and I just like the episodes so much it's a joy to revisit them.

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6 hours ago, DojoToad said:

Dangerous way to run a show: "It gets better each time you watch it".  A very fine line.  If I don't like it enough the first time, there won't be a second.


I agree with the general sentiment, but I know the first time I watched the show I wasn't really only watching the show. I was also dissecting both everything that was the same and that was different with the books. 

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9 hours ago, Agitel said:


I agree with the general sentiment, but I know the first time I watched the show I wasn't really only watching the show. I was also dissecting both everything that was the same and that was different with the books. 

This is why I need to re-watch.  First 2 episode I watched with others and after the firs episode ended we were all so upset about how each one of us had a moment from the books that wasn't included.  "Where is RJ's version of swearing!"  "Where was Tam's fevered ramblings to Rand as they escape to Emmon's Field."  "Why didn't Tam pawn at least one trolloc!  He's a blade master!" and on and on.  But I left before we could discuss the 2nd episode and watched the 3rd at home on my own and realized I really liked those 2 episode so I'm going back to see how much I like the tv show on it's own without comparing it to the books to the point of no enjoyment.  Cause really, if I like the books more, I get to go and read them, any time.  No one can ruin them for me.

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I do wish we had gotten something closer to the books with Tam's healing so we could have more convo between Rand, Moiraine, and Lan, but I feel they really wanted Rand to be suspicious of Moiraine. My only real problem there is Rand and Tam didn't even thank her for healing him. Rand just immediately implied she brought the trollocs.

Based on interviews with Daniel Henney I'm confident we will get some more Lan and Rand bonding in season 2.

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